AS we saunter through the COViD-19 global pandemic, with social distancing protocols still in effect, nightly curfews and weekend lockdowns continuing. We saw things get even more interesting, with a complete two week, 24-hour island wide lockdown in Bimini,
Minister of National Security Marvin Dames on the defensive and PLP chairman Fred Mitchell air the nation’s dirty laundry in Jamaica.
Let’s have a closer look inside this strange bag of M & M’s, before “Mattie” hits us with another “prophecy”.
(Another M for you.)
It’s obvious Bimini is having its problems adhering to social distancing protocols, in addition to the national curfews and lockdowns.
To date, health officials have confirmed a total of 13 cases of COVID-19 on Bimini, making Bimini a very active “hotspot”.
Forcing Prime Minister Minnis to make another tough decision, in already tough times.
I’m no ‘Minnisite’ but I do believe in giving credit where credit is due.
All throughout this ordeal Minnis has been consistent, addressing the nation on time, even though he’s a bit long-winded in the process, Minnis tries his best to keep the nation informed and abreast of the ever-changing landscape of the global COViD-19 pandemic, and its impending affects on The Bahamas.
And, might I add, Doc has kept a stiff upper lip throughout, despite numerous faux pas from members of his Cabinet and certain branches of the FNM.
Addressing the media, Minnis was to the point, fair and firm, regarding the situation in Bimini.
“This complete lockdown will take effect beginning, Monday, May 18, at 9pm until Saturday, May 30, at 12:00 midnight.
“This date will be extended to a total of 14 days when Parliament reconvenes.
“I note that similar lockdown periods were applied in other countries to help to control the spread of COVID-19
“This measure is absolutely necessary in order to save and to protect the lives of the residents of Bimini. Epidemiological management of the COVID-19 outbreak in Bimini requires strict adherence to shelter in place to prevent and to control the spread, which will worsen if preventative measures are not taken quickly and adhered to.”
Bimini has been classified as a COVID-19 hotspot by health officials.
This lockdown is being carried out to slow and control the spread of the virus on the island, as the first COVID-19-related death was recorded on Bimini.
Now if ‘Doc’ can be as consistent and fair, in disciplining his Cabinet, as he is in dealing with the COViD-19 pandemic, the nation would be off and running!
Speaking of consistency, Minister of National Security Marvin Dames, was the model of consistency in defending members of his ministry.
In the first instance, Dames was quick to defend Debra Thompson, the lead investigator in the bribery case against former Cabinet minister Shane Gibson, despite her controversial promotion in rank to Superintendent, from Assistant Superintendent.
Dames’s offered these comments in regards to Thompson’s promotion.
“The Commissioner makes a recommendation as to who he would wish to recommend. That’s his force, I would’ve gone on record to speak about the officer in question who would’ve worked under me while I served and I have the utmost, I repeat, the utmost confidence in her integrity and her ability.”
In the second instance, Dames rightfully defended the RBPF against public criticism of their policing during the curfew and lockdowns.
Considering the numerous house parties with no social distancing protocols being practised, all the while being broadcast over social media.
In this case, I must agree with Dames, officers of the RBPF can’t be everywhere at once during an island-wide curfew or lockdown.
Policing takes on a whole new complexion in precarious times like these, so it falls on us the citizenry to help bridge the gap, we are all in this together.
If you see house parties or large groups of people breaking the curfew and not practising social distancing protocols, simply call 311 and report the matter to the control room, and watch how fast the problem is solved.
And now that’s not considered ‘snitching’, it’s more like survival!
Finally there is another dubious area where Dames is also very consistent, crime statistics.
I’m often amazed, that without fail, if the nation has two or more murders in a week, Dames will make his signature announcement to the media like clockwork.
“Despite the recent spate of murders, crime is down in the country.”
How does that equate, four murders this month, but crime is down?
Who’s really helping you with your math logic, Marvin? Miriam from MICAL?
(There’s two more bonus M’s for you by the way).
I’m convinced PLP chairman Fred Mitchell is in love with the ‘politics’ of politics more than anything else.
Obviously missing the political spotlight, Mitchell took to the Jamaican media to air the nation’s ‘dirty laundry’.
Mr Mitchell was particularly candid in relation to the “Swab Scandal” and Dr Duane Sands’ subsequent resignation, and not to be forgotten, the FNM’s preferential treatment in relation to foreign residents.
Oh the irony, Mr Mitchell!
You can’t write it any funnier!
First of all, Mitchell should have never gone there, and secondly, I hope Mr Mitchell is aware that his international media tour has reset the standard in the local political arena.
The voting populace now expects for any PLP politician to resign immediately in the midst of scandals, à la Dr Sands.
And as far as preferential treatment for “foreign or paper Bahamians” (the FNM does leave a lot to be desired in this regard).
I have two words for you “Dread Fred” –
Peter Nygard!
moncurcool 4 years, 7 months ago
Only an individual who does not have the best interest of his country at heart would take to a foreign station and seek to tear down the very country that he wants to elect him to be PM. Mitchell head really jammed. And this is the party that wants people to support them for the government. If that is not enough to make people run the other way i don't know what will.
pileit 4 years, 7 months ago
One look at Mitchell ya could see he dead inside, wit he camel toe mout.....
Truism 4 years, 7 months ago
Only an individual who does not have the best interest of his country at heart would go to a foreign country and seek to tear down the very country that he was elected to lead as PM. Minnis head really jammed. And this is the party that wants people to support them as the government. If that is not enough to make people run the other way I don't know what will.
birdiestrachan 4 years, 7 months ago
PM Minnis went all over the world calling the Bahamas CORRUPT. the columnist conveniently forgets.
he must have had three Jack Daniels to much while he listened to doc. because the few of sound mind and body who listened to him . said he was a waste.
As for No Games. he runs things and there are no men with integrity to stand up to him and say he is wrong. the way he threated those Senior Police Officers caused a dark cloud,
The Justice of God will prevail. Time passes quickly.
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