Employers 'do not have the right' to see medical records without employee's consent

HEALTH Minister Renward Wells.

HEALTH Minister Renward Wells.


Tribune Senior Reporter


HEALTH Minister Renward Wells said employers do not have the legal right to request medical records of employees without their written consent.

During a press conference on Friday he said this matter is among the “emerging concerns from the workplace” in the COVID-19 crisis.

He said employees have advised government officials that “some employers have asked them for proof that they can return to work if they were infected with COVID-19; and some have gone a step further and request employees to provide their medical records for their supervisor’s review.”

He said: “. . . an employer does not have the right to demand to see the results of an employee’s COVID-19 test without the employee’s expressed written consent. However, the employer can request a letter from the Minister of Health that verifies that the employee has been cleared to return to work.

“It is recommended that once the Ministry of Health has cleared a person from quarantine or isolation, no further testing is required for them to attend work. In such cases, an employee is issued a letter advising of their suitability to return to work. Such a letter will have a coat of arms, a file reference number, a valid signature from the physician in the national surveillance unit as the designee of the chief medical officer.”

Mr Wells’ comments came during a press conference on Friday afternoon. Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is expected to have a national address on Sunday that would include a discussion of the most recent recommendations of health professionals.

“More than ever, there is a need to follow the COVID-19 preventative measures. New information also reveals that where possible, COVID-19 preventative measures should be applied in combination with other preventive measures,” Mr Wells said.


tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago

LOL. If it were possible, I would rather my employer have access to my COVID-19 test results than the ministry of health. And the same goes for any of my other medical records where I elected to pay for and receive private medical care outside of the public health system.

HEALTH Minister Renward Wells said employers do not have the legal right to request medical records of employees without their written consent.

Yet the government thinks it has the right to force us to stay in our homes and shut down our businesses. Renward Wells is one big joke!

BahamaRed 4 years, 4 months ago

All fun and games until they requesting your HIV status. No one has the right to access anyone's medical records without their expressed permission. I don't even see why this is an issue...only in The Bananas 🇧🇸

ohdrap4 4 years, 4 months ago

I in fact worked in a place where new hires had to take HIV test, under the guise of eligibility for medical insurance.

It was not required at the time I joined.

JokeyJack 4 years, 4 months ago

He said: “. . . an employer does not have the right to demand to see the results of an employee’s COVID-19 test without the employee’s expressed written consent. However, the employer can request a letter from the Minister of Health that verifies that the employee has been cleared to return to work.

What's the difference ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

If cleared to return to work then obviously Covid test was negative

if not cleared then obviously Covid test was positive (and/or still shedding)

In either case - the employer knows ya business. What a useless statement to make.

Everyone know employees in the Bahamas have no rights. This is simply because there are so many people begging for jobs, employers know that Bahamians will do anything for a piece of a job, they can get them to jump through any hoops. If you wanna know what Bahamians will do for a job - then go to some of the fast food restaurants and eat ya food inside, near to the counter. Listen to what those employees have to swallow from their supervisors and the customers. Customers treat the like dirt many times a day and all the supervisors say is "We have to serve the customer." Really? So we got Independence for what? Just because someone is a customer does not give them the right to be a "jack". Oh wait, sorry, in the Bahamas it does.

Bahamians = No Jobs, No work permits & therefore no land. Kiss boongie to keep job and then give that money to your landlord. (Oh yeah, and don't forget at night you must breed so the massa can have new slaves to replace you when you die).

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