Food stores given weekend choices


Rupert Roberts



Tribune Business Reporters

Super Value's president last night said the Prime Minister wants "to maintain a certain level of control" over his COVID ease as he revealed food stores were given the choice of which weekend day to open.

Rupert Roberts told Tribune Business he was "actually asked" by the Government which day he preferred to remain open, with the 13-day supermarket chain picking Saturday and closing on Sunday as its option.

The other choice, he added, was to close on Saturday and open on Sunday. Mr Roberts said he plumped for the former, which was announced by the Prime Minister yesterday. Food stores, while able to open on Saturday between 6am and 5pm, will be closed to the public on Sunday for restocking.

This brings the sector into line with all other retailers who, freed from their curb-side restrictions, are now being allowed to operate from Monday through Saturday with in-store sales. "We lockdown on Saturday with the rest of the country," Mr Roberts said, adding of the Sunday restock: "Thousands move the merchandise off of our shelves, dozens put it back on.

"We're grateful we're getting our hours back but it's not enough. We really cannot get our sales in. Consumers in the time they have are not able to shop wisely and healthy. They're rushed when they get in the store."

Despite the easing announced by the Prime Minister, retailers were talking of the hardship imposed by the curb-side and lockdown restrictions right up until his address last night. Margo Farrington, chief marketing officer at Lorene’s, told Tribune Business: “We have orders just holding. We don’t know what is going to happen, if we are going to be allowed to be open, if we are going to end this curbside service.

"We just don’t know so we have to play it cautiously. Right now, it’s just holding. The problem is is that if I don’t get my stock in soon then I won’t have them in time for Christmas. The latest I can get my stock in by is the end of November.

Another clothing retailer, choosing to comment under anonymity, said: “I’m going to have trouble. I already have trouble, if I make it. It is ridiculous. Totally ridiculous. I have already closed three stores permanently. It’s terrible.

"I’m trying curb-side with clothing. It’s ridiculous. If the Prime Minister would just allow us to have at least three people in the stores leading up to Christmas week at any given time it would help a lot.”

Lamenting the other bills are mounting, including utilities, rent, insurance and security costs, he said: “I’m just trying to keep my staff employed at this time. It is not about me making money right now. My staff are hurting and they look to me to help them.”

“I’m digging into the pot. I had sold property just to stay afloat and hold my business together because this is my life. Before COVID-19 I had over 60 staff; now I’m down to just 12 and they’re only part time.

"I also have businesses on Bay Street, all retail. Prior to COVID-19 I had 10 retail stores. I’m down to five now, and the five I closed down I am not bringing them back. I may resurface again when this COVID-19 passes, but right now I just can’t operate the way I used to. I just want to keep the little I have left together.”

John Cathapoulis, general manager of John’s Shoe store, said: “We’re prepared for Christmas. We have inventory that comes in every week. That’s just the type of business we are, so we have stuff coming in. I have a shipment right now in my warehouse.”

Gas station operators, meanwhile, described curb-side sales as "crazyside", with one adding: "The Government can’t kill us any further, we’re already dead.”

Vasco Bastian, owner/operator of Esso at East Street and Soldier Road, told Tribune Business: “Curb-side, what is that? Curb-side isn’t cutting it. People can’t work with curb-side. What is curb-side? Curb-side is ridiculous. Curb-side means crazyside; people aren’t into queueing on any line to get inside a gas station to buy cream or some Gatorade or anything like that.

“It is ridiculous. We would rather have the social distancing, but allow the gas stations and the country to open up so people could survive. Everybody isn’t fortunate like the Prime Minister or the government leaders. People have to work and work every day.”

“Open the country up, let us practice social distancing, let us wear our masks, and let us sanitise our hands," he continued. "We were doing fine. Extend the hours, open the country back up. We need help Mr Prime Minister. We need help.”

“Come on, Mr Prime Minister. If you aren’t going to do it for the adults, do it for the children. Do it for the poor people, do it for the disabled. Do something. I beg you Mr Prime Minister, help us.

“My sales are down by 85 percent now. If people were allowed to come inside the store and purchase stuff, they do a lot of impulse buying. So if you come in for a hot dog, you buy a drink. You come in for a drink, you may end up buying a hot pattie. You come in for a household product and you would end up buying a soft drink. Sales are down in gas stations 80 percent across the board. I don’t care which brand it is, Esso, Rubis or Shell. I know for us it’s 80 percent.”

“We’re dead. Gas stations are dead. There is no more survival. They may as well put a wreath on our retail business. The government can’t kill us any further, we’re already dead.”

Chato Outten, owner/operator of Shell at Old Fort Bay, said: “Curb-side isn’t doing well for us. Business isn’t as good with curb-side, it’s not the preferred method.

Mr Outten said he is losing more than 50 percent of his sales, and added: “You don’t have that opportunity to up-sell or to see something you forgot you needed. So, what would happen is that you would just come for what you want directly, so if you need a loaf of bread that’s all you’re going to get because you’re not allowed to browse around the store."


birdiestrachan 4 years, 4 months ago

The competent authority is in love with power and he uses it Hitler like. then he runs and hides behind the gown tails of the two doctors.

Restaurants in hotels are not restricted. how foolish does he really believe all Bahamians are.

Close down Eleuthera but not Spanish wells. He knows better than to touch Spanish wells.

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