Vaccine expected to be available in spring - at a cost



PAN American Health Organisation officials say The Bahamas can have access to COVID-19 vaccines between March and April of 2021, however, delivery will be challenging and costly.

Speaking during their weekly virtual COVID-19 update, PAHO assistant director Dr Jarbas Barbosa said while the production of the vaccine seems to have been quick, PAHO is of the view it will be effective against the virus.

“We feel that the vaccine will be effective against COVID-19,” Dr. Barbosa said. “Of course, we will need to monitor this. This is indeed a very rapidly developing process of vaccine and this is because we are not facing a regular disease. We are facing the most challenging public health disaster emerging in one century.

“The vaccination will be available in The Bahamas between the first week of March and the last week of April, but deployment of the vaccine is entirely up to each country’s government.”

Dr Barbosa said when the vaccines are ready for presentation, they will have to be approved by the World Health Organisation just as other vaccines that have been used for decades. The process will be the same, he said, but more expedited and reviewed very carefully.

“While the region continues to face challenges in responding to the virus, the past week has brought some good news regarding the development of potential COVID-19 vaccines,” Dr Barbosa said. “This is encouraging, and we’re eager to review the accompanying data. However, we must be clear: only a vaccine that has proven safe and effective will be approved by regulators, endorsed by the WHO and ultimately, made available through COVAX.

“It is clear that as this virus continues to actively spread in our region, countries must remain vigilant. Every country must continue to monitor their epidemic situation, and should new infections arise, they must adapt their responses quickly to prevent further outbreaks.”

Looking at costs of the vaccine, the PAHO official said at first it will be costly.

“We know that delivering a vaccine will be challenging and costly,” he explained. “In fact, the latest projections from the COVAX facility for Latin America and the Caribbean estimate that vaccinating 20 percent of the population will cost more than $2bn.

“And while these figures are high, vaccines are both a smart and necessary investment. That is why PAHO has been working with member states to ensure that every country that is interested will have access to the COVAX facility. We have also partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Union and other financial institutions and donors to secure the funding needed for lower income countries in our region to join.”

He said self-financing countries in the Americas participating in the COVAX Facility will have the option to purchase the vaccines through PAHO’s Revolving Fund.

“This will accelerate their access because they have been using this mechanism for many years and have already adapted their laws and regulations accordingly,” he continued.

“As of today, 28 self-financing countries have signed agreements with the COVAX facility, and an additional 10 countries are eligible for support under the COVAX Advance Market Commitment.”

Health Minister Renward Wells revealed in September the government will have to pay an initial $2m down payment to secure 80,000 vaccinations

In regards to the rapid, world-wide spread of the virus, Dr Barbosa said the vaccine is being produced even before it has been given the nod of approval by drug authorities of the world.

“Because time is of the essence, many vaccine manufacturers have begun producing COVID-19 vaccines even before they receive regulatory approval,” he said. “However, it is important to keep in mind that they can only be used once clinical trials are complete, data on the safety and efficacy has been published, and licensing received from regulatory authorities.

“Last week, PAHO and UNICEF kicked off the purchasing process for COVID-19 vaccines by inviting vaccine manufacturers around the world to apply to become a supplier for the 186 countries that have joined the COVAX facility. By the end of 2021 the facility aims to deploy at least 2 billion doses of quality COVID-19 vaccines quickly and equitably.”

This, he said, is a remarkable figure, but it will not be sufficient to vaccinate everyone, at least not at first.

Over the last week, the Region of the Americas reported nearly 1.5 million cases and 19,000 deaths due to COVID-19.


stillwaters 4 years, 4 months ago

How can countries buy this vaccine when the developers can't say how long the immunity lasts. Suppose it only lasts two or three months?

Bobsyeruncle 4 years, 4 months ago

If it only lasts 2 or 3 months, then it's not a vaccine. Vaccine's are not like drugs. Vaccines 'teach' your body's immune system to produce the correct type of antibodies any time that specific virus enters your body. It's your body's natural immune system that provides protection against the virus, not the vaccine. Now, if the virus mutates then it could be a different story..

DWW 4 years, 4 months ago

then why do you need another tetanus every 10 years or less? why do you need a booster shots?

Bobsyeruncle 4 years, 4 months ago

I'm not exactly sure, but it could be a 'just to be on the safe side' kind of thing. Also, Tetanus is an infection caused by Bacteria and is not a Virus, so that may have something to do with it. I'm not sure the 10 year booster is so common these days, unless you tend to live/work in areas where Tetanus bacteria could be present.

TalRussell 4 years, 4 months ago

I understand that the efficacy of the vaccine's 94% was observed in adults over age 65? Also, will the 94% apply across race and gender demographics?

Clamshell 4 years, 4 months ago

Yes, New York Times reports the tests included a wide range of ages, ethnicities, gender, etc.

TalRussell 4 years, 4 months ago

I read means a wide range of ages around 65?

ohdrap4 4 years, 4 months ago

Is the efficacy in combating covid or snuffing the geezers?

quietone 4 years, 4 months ago

Very unwise to accept taking vaccine these days, as it could well be a vaccine that was made by those well-to-do wealthy people who are seriously planning to reduce the earth's population by about 7 billion people... a very serious situation!

TalRussell 4 years, 4 months ago

My Comrade Quittone, no worry unless pockets are deep and well-connected, cause PopoulacesOrdinaryat large POAL are at way backline before you'll move up get a chance see how well vaccine goin' works on you, come 2022.

proudloudandfnm 4 years, 4 months ago

Stop with the idiotic conspiracies!!!

Get off Facebook. It makes you a moron...

DWW 4 years, 4 months ago

did you know the aliens have been here all along guiding our development? and if you reach behind you just the right way you can grab the big plug and get out of the matrix.

tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago

The super wealthy are gonna be taking an entirely different vaccine, if they bother to take one at all. Remember: There are healthy fine wines for the super rich and unhealthy rot gut wines for the very poor. The wealthy political ruling elite will be the first to tell the vast majority of us plebes that in life we're only entitled to get what we can afford to pay for, and nothing more even if our life depends on it.

Imagine the irony of it all. The sinister and evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) bio-engineered and then unleashed their deadly COVID-19 virus on the world, and now our government has allowed itself to be extorted by the CCP into making a $2,000,000 downpayment for 80,000 doses of a vaccine that is still being developed by the very same sinister and evil CCP. In the meantime the citizenry of US, UK, European and other developed countries will be getting a choice of vaccines not developed by the CCP and rolled out by the CCP controlled WHO/PAHO. This is truly scary!

KapunkleUp 4 years, 4 months ago

As long as the vaccine is not made by the Umbrella Corporation, I am happy.

FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 4 months ago

Nice to see another Resident Evil fan on here lol.

John 4 years, 4 months ago

Imagine the test monkeys lining threefold around the stadium to get their two shots.

happyfly 4 years, 4 months ago

These WHO/Pan Health guys make the mafia look like a bunch of girl guides. Give us $2m to get in line for something we haven't invented yet but is going to cost a lot and we may not have enough to go around. I wonder if they have magical coats to sell our Emporer as well ??

tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago

Couldn't agree with you more. See my comments posted above in response to @quietone.

I sure as hell ain't lettin' no one pump a Communist Chinese developed vaccine in me....I'd rather die from COVID-19!

And to think Minnis has already agreed with the Communist Chinese controlled WHO/PAHO that he will eventually order (force) every Bahamian and non-Bahamian resident in the Bahamas to be injected with the Communist Chinese developed vaccine.

Who the hell has given Minnis the right to make any of us put anything in our body without our consent or to deny us any of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms just because we refuse to have our body invaded against our will by substances created by entities controlled by the very sinister and evil Chinese Communist Party????!!!!!!

tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago

P.S. I don't even eat Chinese food anymore....too afraid!

FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 4 months ago

Anyone who wants to sign up for this vaccine can go right ahead, let me know how you guys feel in a couple of weeks lol.

tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago

Too many of us have heard horror stories about how for decades now Bill Gates and his Communist Chinese friends have been conducting evil vaccine and other experiments on our brothers and sisters in several African countries where government officials are easily bribed and there are few if any laws and regulations to protect the people.

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