BUT President claims schools hit by COVID-19 cases

BUT president Belinda Wilson.

BUT president Belinda Wilson.


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAHAMAS Union of Teachers President Belinda Wilson claimed Friday that a number of schools have been plagued by COVID-19 cases this week. 

Mrs Wilson told The Tribune that since Monday R M Bailey Senior High School and Anatol Rodgers High School were the latest facilities to be hit from the respiratory virus.

She claimed there had been “a serious situation” where R M Bailey School was shut down despite students taking examinations there.

“Those students who taking examinations were sent over to CH Reeves’ campus and they are suspected to have been exposed, so this is unacceptable because the virus is contagious and the number of cases is growing daily especially in New Providence,” the BUT president said Friday.   

According to Mrs Wilson, several other schools were also affected.

“Carlton Francis (and) Willard Patton Preschool - all of them experienced COVID-19 positive cases this week and last week Albury Sayle Primary and A F Adderley Junior High.”

“The educational system is not about the Ministry of Education or the union’s likes or dislikes but it's about the future of the children of our nation,” she further said.

At least 100 teachers are either in quarantine or have been quarantined from September 7th to October 2nd, The Tribune has been told.

Contacted about Mrs Wilson’s claims Education Minister Jeffrey Lloyd said he did not have any information on the matter. 

Further pressed on cases at various schools such as Anatol Rodgers High School and Carlton E Francis Primary School, Mr Lloyd said he heard about those incidents but was still awaiting confirmation.


SP 4 years, 5 months ago

This was highly predictable to happen for anyone with common sense. As hard as it would be for parents, schools should have never been opened.

Now schools will have to be closed AND we have a higher covid infection rate to boot.

As I said weeks ago, "anybody stupid enough to open schools during a pandemic will have their asses handed to them on a very thin paper plate".

bahamianson 4 years, 5 months ago

Keep the kids home and let the responsible parents make sure they pay attention , and do their homework. Let the parents home school their kids. I worked from 8 am- 4;30 pm , came home and homeschooled my kids until 8:30 pm. We went to 9 and 10 pm some nights. It is what it is. I would do it all again with pleasure. Both my kids graduated with 3.5 or higher, BGCSE's, even 3 Advanced Placement AP's. I made sure they knew every principle in all classes. I wanted them to succeed. I gave up my life for them.Get with it , Parents!!!! Stop complaining. You didn't have to bring kids into the world if you were not going to be responsible for them

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