Man accused of killing store manager


DAMIAN Forbes outside court yesterday. Photo: Terrel W Carey Sr/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


A MAN was charged with robbing and murdering a store manager yesterday.

Damian Forbes, 33, appeared before Magistrate Forbes accused of the September 17 incident. The prosecution alleged the accused robbed Wade-son Augustin of $50 cash, which belonged to God’s Grace Amos Convenience Store, before fatally shooting the store manager and fleeing the scene.

During his hearing, Forbes was not required to enter a plea and the case was adjourned to December 3 for service of a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).

Due to the nature of the charges, he was denied bail and remanded to prison until that time.

When given an opportunity to speak yesterday, Forbes alleged he was beaten while in police custody. He also asked the magistrate if he could see a doctor to get treatment for his swollen wrists.

Magistrate Forbes said he would make a note of the accused’s claims and arrange for him to receive medical treatment while on remand at Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

He has a right to apply to a judge in the Supreme Court for bail.


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