Mixed reviews for new lockdown measures

Shopping on Friday ahead of the weekend lockdown. Photos: Terrel W Carey Sr/Tribune staff

Shopping on Friday ahead of the weekend lockdown. Photos: Terrel W Carey Sr/Tribune staff


A busload of food parcels at the Gathering of the Eagles Ministry.


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAHAMIANS preparing for the weekend lockdown in New Providence had mixed reviews about the tough measures on Friday.

With the lockdown looming, Gathering of the Eagles Ministry saw a bus load of food packages coming in to feed people. However when The Tribune arrived, there were no massive crowds nor a long line of people. Only a few were waiting under a tent to shield them from the sun, but there was still a great need among the group.

Larnado Sweeting, 42, has been coming to the centre for two to three months trying to take care of his wife and four children. He does not agree with weekend lockdown.

“If you locking me down, how am I gonna live? If you lock me down all the time and I can’t come out to get my food, who could give me the food? Where am I going to get it from? Who is gonna help if this lockdown stays like this and what I’m going to do? I need help,” he said.

“If they shut down this down now, my children, me, and my wife will suffer.”

According to the ministry’s pastor Tennielle Cooper, the centre served close to 1,000 people since Wednesday.

She explained: “On Monday, it’s senior day, we had close to 300, and today so far. . .because we close at 3 o’clock, we saw about 500 persons thus far.

“A lot of people are frustrated because they don’t have no means to provide. So this food initiative came in quite handy for them. We try to be here for the people so it’s more than just distributing food to them but having a relationship with them so we try to communicate with them to help lift their burden.

“.....We try to assist persons earlier if they come so we’re here and even after the closing time if persons come we have the item we could assist we try our best to assist them.”

Over at Super Value on Wulff Road, no long lines found outside either. Taxi driver Alexander Johnson, 69, said he was “totally prepared” for the lockdown but admitted the uncertainty can be challenging.

“It’s very tough preparing yourself. You never know what tomorrow’s like. So you prepare yourself yesterday for today although you never know if you’ll ever see today yourself and that’s what I’m going on now. Through the mercies and grace of God, that’s what I’m going on.”

Since being out of a job, Atlantis worker Trevor Morley’s wife has become the only breadwinner in the home. The resort's workers have been furloughed due to the pandemic.

“I have some finances on the side that’s started to take care of my mortgage and stuff,” he said. “You have to cut back on your lifestyle. Definitely, the limited finances."

Despite his financial situation, he added the lockdowns seem to “become a way of life” right now and that people have to get used to it.

As of 7pm Friday, a weekend lockdown came into effect for New Providence and Abaco. The 24-hour curfew will end at 5am Tuesday, since Monday is a holiday. There will be a weekend lockdown each Friday until further notice as the Minnis administration hopes to slow the spread of COVID-19.


John 3 years, 11 months ago

Do you know that Florida, despite taking the least amount of safety measures, have now flattened the Corona curve and are having minimal cases now? Do you know that New York/ New Jersey, that took the most precautions in the US, including lockdowns, closing of close contact businesses and activities and closing its borders to residents of other states, is seeing a new surge in cases and is now battling to keep the numbers under control? Like the Bahamas it is going into another partial lockdown and closing down some of its businesses and economy again. Do you know that some other states in the US are seeing surges with unprecedented numbers, while states that previously had surges are now experiencing declines in corona cases and corresponding deaths? And the only region in the world that saw a rise in cases then a decline to form an almost perfect bell curve is Africa? All other regions are seeing increases and surges in numbers. And so what is the point? First of all, it appears that when regions go into full lockdown mode, (with the exception of China that micromanager its corona cases and controls its borders military style), they fare worse when the controls are lifted. Regions that don’t lockdown see surges in cases, and unfortunately, corresponding deaths but the surge wears off just as quickly as it begins. And as for Africa being the only global region that is not seeing a rise in numbers, did they develop herd immunity is it that they have not experienced a second wave yet? And as for a vaccine: it will be great if one is developed, but most likely the Covid-19 pandemic will have ended before that happens. And if one is developed, predictions are that it will only have an effective (efficacy) rate of 40-60%. Meaning at least half the persons taking the vaccine will not be protected.

Topdude 3 years, 11 months ago

What a bunch of foolishness. You make absolutely no sense. Do the research, read the current literature and stop being confused. Lockdowns are the most effective way in controlling this virus. Why is England, Spain, Israel And a number of countries introducing new lockdowns ? Is it to inconvenience their citizens? Or is it to save their lives? Pray tell the Bahamian people the truth. When this pandemic is over, and hopefully soon, we will look back at the wisdom of our Government. God Bless Prime Minister Hubert Minnis.

tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago

@Topdude: Your butt and the butts of your family members should be removed from the government's payroll and/or Minnis's gravy train. I bet you would then be singing a very different song.

John 3 years, 11 months ago

Then there’s the treatment that Donald Trump and Brave Davis got. If you hit the money.

tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago

At least Trump didn't flee to Switzerland or Germany to get treatment....he stayed in his own country. And if Minnis got infected with Covid-19 and became seriously ill, he would do just as Davis did, i.e. flee The Bahamas with his tail between his legs to get medical treatment in the US.

John 3 years, 11 months ago

That 7:00 pm curfew caught a lot of Bahamians trying to still get home . And the orders from a either dumbass or heartless PM to ‘charge them if it is 7:01’ did not help the situation. Some vehicles stalled out in the rain and left motorists a stranger stranded in their own country. Because no one wanted to risk coming out to assist them. Minnis is heartless when it comes to Bahamians. And his $20 food vouchers from a White woman proves so. Minnis is a brainwashed puppet.

tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago

Minnis is the real racist. Just ask anyone who has known him really well over many years.

Economist 3 years, 11 months ago

John - "Do you know that Florida, despite taking the least amount of safety measures, have now flattened the Corona curve and are having minimal cases now? Do you know that New York/ New Jersey, that took the most precautions in the US, including lockdowns, closing of close contact businesses and activities and closing its borders to residents of other states, is seeing a new surge in cases and is now battling to keep the numbers under control?"

Emmmm.... Florida had 2,908 new cases yesterday....New York had 1,660 new cases and New Jersey had 842 new cases.

Florida had more new cases than both states combined. I don't follow your point.

John 3 years, 11 months ago

And how many cases did Florida have yesterday compared to a few weeks ago. Are Florida numbers down or no? Are New York numbers up in the past few weeks? Don’t play the numbers game dude! The bottom line is Florida is seeing declining numbers whilst New York and New Jersey and other parts of the US are seeing increasing numbers of Corona, new spikes, more surges, nee records being broken, yes or no?

licks2 3 years, 11 months ago

Chile please stop wasting ya breath talking to John. . .he hopelessly lost in his lil John universe. . . common sense een reach there yet!!

Socrates 3 years, 11 months ago

Two comments.. why does lockdown have to be a mystery until 1 or 2 days before? You know cases are high, you know it wont change, you know you going to lockdown.. so just tell the public so they have adequate time to prepare and stores adequate time to rrstock so you dont find empty shelves like in Caracas or Havana.

Next point, you lower numbers post lockdown and they bounce back like all the times before.. what did you accomplish? Is it really a solution?

ScullyUFO 3 years, 11 months ago

The regions which are doing the best have had lockdowns and post-lockdown the inhabitants strictly observe physical distancing, mask wearing, and other measures.

The regions which are doing the worst may or may not have had lockdowns, and the inhabitants do not strictly observe physical distancing, mask wearing, and other measures. The surge in cases is caused more by people's lack of self-discipline, or lack of government strict enforcement, than anything else.

It appears that in some if not most of the world, the need to socialize is stronger than the need to survive.

Until humanity can control itself, we're doomed.

John 3 years, 11 months ago

Not truly correct. Most African states went through a lockdown and all the safety measures. But they flatten the curve and the numbers remain low. Does it mean the second wave hasn’t hit them yet or does it mean otherwise?

John 3 years, 11 months ago

Well at least it doesn’t appear Bahamians will be storming to Florida this year celebrating ‘Thanksgiving’ which has nothing to do with Bahamians, but is in fact a celebration of a people who wiped out almost the entire population of Native Americans to steal their land, even after these same victims taught them how to survive in North America.

John 3 years, 11 months ago

ATTENTION MINNIS...Just released: ‘ The World Health Organisation has backflipped on its original COVID-19 stance after calling for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies.

Dr. David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method” of the coronavirus.

He also claimed that the only thing lockdowns achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved.

“Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,” he said.

bahamianson 3 years, 11 months ago

What the hell does he know? So we have a short memory. These people told the world to keep their borders.open since March. These same experts don't know what the hell is going on. They change their expert advice.every week , and we.qoute them every week.

John 3 years, 11 months ago

David Nabarro is a medical doctor who has made his career in the international civil service, working for either the Secretary-General of the United Nations or the Director-General of the World Health Organization. Most recently from February 2020 he has helped the DGWHO deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Wikipedia

DDK 3 years, 11 months ago

Tomorrow will be day three since Abaconians and Nassuvians have been deprived of access to food, potable water and pharmaceutical supplies. Is the outside world aware of our Country's descent into a police/military controlled dictatorship?? God help us!

DDK 3 years, 11 months ago

Well put John, on the thanksgiving comment. As for Bahamians adopting a foreign holiday, it is just an excuse to become more obese, for the most part 😂

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