68 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday

The Ministry of Health reported on Saturday that there were 68 new cases of COVID-19 and 91 additional recovered cases.

This brought the total number of cases to 5,023 with 2,070 of those active.

Sixty-four of the new cases were in New Providence, two were in Eleuthera, one was in Bimini and one was in Andros.

There have been 106 deaths in total. Fourteen deaths are under investigation.


Proguing 4 years, 5 months ago

Breaking news: WHO discourages lockdowns:

Dr. David Nabarro, the World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19, urged world leaders this week to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method" for blunting a virus surge.

“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” Nabarro told "The Spectator."


ohdrap4 4 years, 5 months ago

WHO recommends that everywhere else in the world. Here they send that Carissa woman to say otherwise.

A junkanoer called the talk show with a 30 day plan to beat COVID. Full lockdown for 21 days and whoever tests positive on day 21 with be quarentined in a govt. facility for 14 days there after. Borders stay closed so he can have his Junkanoo parade.

The Olimpics and Eurovision were canceled. But, yep, guy got to have his junkanoo.

Watch out folks!!!

rodentos 4 years, 5 months ago

yeah and soon they will discourage masks... who will pay for the damage however? Damage from being treated like criminal for not wearing a piece of dirty cotton?

birdiestrachan 4 years, 5 months ago

These constant lockdowns make no sense. COVID 19 does not go away because of lockdowns

The answer is not in lockdowns. There must be a better way in the Bahamas The stress of lockdowns and the blows to the Bahamas economy makes no sense ,

TalRussell 4 years, 5 months ago

My Comrades, how be's get likes feeling confused unexplainable lightheadedness comin' on that you're losing yourself feeling whilst scrolling down the official COVID counter is not goin' so good for you, according to commonsense science? Shakehead once for Yeah, Twice for Not?

DDK 4 years, 5 months ago

To h e double l with these phony stats.

DDK 4 years, 5 months ago

Do Minnis and Co think we are going to take this bs forever???

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

the lockdowns really haven't worked... well.. the first one worked it gave us 4 months to produce a strategy. but then Dr Minnis wrested control of ministry of health from Dr Sands and screwed everything up. They thought they could lockdown forever...The forever part isn't working. Not acknowledging that opening the border to tourists is the greatest threat also isn't working. And if they dumb enough to depend on the airlines and crruise ships to handle our border security...get yuh boat flotilla ready. Tired of Dr Minnis giving these I have a big stick and I using it speeches, followed by failure, followed by the meek as a lamb we in this together speech.

BONEFISH 4 years, 5 months ago

I am not a fan of Dr. Hubert Minnis as prime minister. He did not wrestle control of the Ministry of Health from Dr. Sands. Cabinet ministers are appointed and serve at the discretion of the prime minister in this system, He was in his rights and power to ask for Dr. Sands resignation or he could revoke his appointment.

As for the opening of the borders on July1st,every body should know the reason for that. That is the start of the government's fiscal year. Tourism accounts for the largest share of foreign currency inflows. Taxes associated with tourism is a major part of government's revenues.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

after he wrote the speech that had everybody asking why Dr Sands lie about the number of people on the plane, then he play like he was shocked Dr Sands said 2 people instead of 6. Looking back on it is almost hilarious the way he read that I'm told there were SIX people on the aircraft... Then he wrote the apology letter. then after dr Sands delivered it he said sorry apology not accepted. If you dont find all of that extremely strange....? He couldn't kick Sands out fast enough to start showing up as Minister of Health. When things turn south he pass that off quick quick.Remember he also wrested the marijuana report from Dr Sands ...for safekeeping...this after the oban files got stolen.

As to tourism, you think it's bad now, imagine another botched opening with the Bahamas labelled a COVID hotspot 20000 cases and rising. It's quite possible. noone believed in July we'd get to 1000 much less 5. But one more bad decision and here we are

John 4 years, 5 months ago

The weekend lockdowns are not as bad as the full seven or two weeks lockdowns, as research shows that, with the exception of prepared food(dining), consumers will still purchase most of what they would have purchased during the lockdowns. The daily number of cases in the US is now double what it was in June, but one state, Idaho, has seen its cases tumble by 75%. And the reason for the fall in numbers is that state had been more strictly enforcing the wearing of masks, social distancing and the discontinuation of risky activities such as indoor dining, gyms and the like. Here rather than just beating up on those who violate the safety measures, (partying and large gatherings) government may need to take more measures to educate the general population about safety measures. For example, at this stage, many don’t know how to properly wear a mask or how to disinfect or store the reusable bones. Some still think the mask is only supposed to cover the mouth and not the nose. Then in some work places, once there are no customers present, the employees would remove their masks and sit in close proximity having conversations. Likewise in neighborhoods where residents don’t wear masks or social distance because they don’t believe or realize they can get the virus from a neighbor or even a member of the same household. And some gather in groups playing dominoes or video games or watching sports. Then, of course, government buildings, especially bthose that cater to the public, seem to be a different type of hotspot. Some of these buildings are old and are windowless and have ac units that circulate entire floors or even the entire building. The recommendations are to reduce staff and increase airflow that also involve air exchange rather than just recirculating.

whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago

Funny John I'm not see a tumble of the magnitude at all. Think you're looking at some flawed data there. To the contrary their positivity rate has shot up to around 25%. Florida with a relatively relaxed approach has seen larger declines. ?


Any you're missing the point - Masks and social distancing don't work against and airborne disease. In fact they give people a false sense of protection which encourages them to engage in activities which make it more likely to transfer the virus.

Here's a little more on mask effectiveness...


rodentos 4 years, 5 months ago

maybe you realized that most of the air goes just around the fabric... you can't breath through a cloth that won't work. Most of the masks around here are just unsuitable (either too thick so air goes around, or wrong fabric that won't filter anything). These masks are an absolute placebo. What protects you are full face respirators with the proper filter, otherwise it is just stupid. Piece of random cotton cant protect your from a virus. The pores are 100x bigger than the virus size.

Remember: even a surgical mask does not protect the surgeon during surgery! It only protects the patient from being spit by him etc.

I don't know is it so difficult to realize simple things? I do not say you should not use a mask, but god damn... use the right one!

proudloudandfnm 4 years, 5 months ago

Man! Grand Bahama is doing very well thanks to our last lockdown. Muddos!

whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago

Really? You think so.. GB lockdown came in on July 23rd at that time there was 81 cases..? We're seeing what 600+ cases today...nice one lockdown super effective! Yep lets do more of those!! What happened is they had a backlog of tests at private clinics and folded them into the nation system around the same time which created a artificial steep peak at the end of July, cases in GB still grew significantly quadrupling over the next month. What is more likely is that they have hit community herd immunity in Freeport the hotspot in GB. Undiagnosed cases are typically x10-12 more than reported cases as rule of thumb, so with 600 cases Freeport/GB has likely 6-8k in actual infections and with a population of 26k (I recognize gb as a whole has closer to 51k but Freeport is where most cases are) and which lines up with a HIT (herd immunity threshold) of 20-30% of the population. Bimini tells a similar story likely 600-700 (56x10 or 12) which is 25% of population (roughly 2500). Maybe it's just a coincidence but it's interesting. In Sweden it's they've estimated 20-30% population have been infected...and basically the pandemic is over there. In New York antibodies studies where coming in the region of 19%-33% of the population...Anyone's guess but interesting the numbers are lining up that way in areas were there has been a slow down...I'm sure there are many example that don't fit this logic but interesting none the less.

rodentos 4 years, 5 months ago

more people die from shootings, stabbing and car accidents. Are these lives not worth being protected? The answer can only be a permanent lock down!!! lock down forever please!

whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago

Well really homicides are around 120 and vehicular accidents annually are about 60 but fried chicken related deaths - man - that’s like 650 every year!! Ban fried chicken!! Ban the mac and cheese!! Mandatory exercise for all!!!

rodentos 4 years, 5 months ago

lock down! lock down! lock down! lock down!

lock'em all up!!!

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