Six deaths added to COVID toll

ONE hundred and eighty-six cases of COVID-19 and eight more related deaths were recorded between Friday and Saturday, pushing the country’s coronavirus tally to 5,703.

Overall, 680 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed last week, according to data released by the Ministry of Health, while deaths rose to 122.

This comes as Minister of Health Renward Wells said on Friday that the country has averaged 1.5 deaths a day for the past 30 days.

Seventy-five new cases were confirmed on Saturday while 111 were confirmed on Friday. Of Saturday’s cases, there were 61 in New Providence, nine in Grand Bahama, two in Andros and Eleuthera and one in Exuma.

Six new deaths were also recorded on Saturday. They include a 64-year-old woman from New Providence who died on September 28; a 66-year-old New Providence man who died on October 1; a 60-year-old New Providence woman who died on October 10; a 43-year-old male of New Providence who died on October 14; a 48-year-old New Providence man who died on October 15 and a 34-year-old New Providence man whose death was investigated and confirmed to be COVID-19 related.

The ministry also said deaths under investigation decreased by one to 13 on Saturday while non-COVID-19 related deaths remain at 23.

On Friday, health officials announced two confirmed COVID-19 deaths. The deceased are both New Providence women: one is a 74-year-old who died on

October 16 and a 61-year-old who died on October 12.

Data provided last week showed 132 cases were confirmed on Thursday October 15 along with three more deaths; 194 on Wednesday October 14; 28 on Tuesday October 13; 85 on Monday October 12; and 55 on Sunday October 11.

Amid rising cases, health officials have said the country’s bed capacity for coronavirus patients continues to be stretched.

As of last Saturday, there were 2,245 active cases currently under observation while 109 COVID-19 patients were in hospital.

Last Saturday, health officials also began releasing COVID-19 data in a new format with the information given in a more detailed document but without the previous dashboard graphic which accompanied previous releases.

Sunday’s data was not released up to press time.


ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

how they will open for tourism with these numbers and potentially import more infected is beyond me. But I guess they know

ohdrap4 4 years, 5 months ago

As long as there is community spread, it does not matter if they open to tourists.

The tourists may not come anyway.

ISpeakFacts 4 years, 5 months ago

Tourists were never coming, The Lockdown King and Super Wash are both delusional for thinking otherwise! The bahamas is now a police state ran by a tyrant dictator!

Why would tourists ever want to come here and waste thousands of dollars only to be locked in a hotel room for 2 weeks when they could have an actual vacation elsewhere in the U.S or in the Caribbean?

Honestman 4 years, 5 months ago

Looks like we are going to need more tents soon. The trend is concerning and the lack of communication from the Competent Authority suggests the government has no idea how to get the virus back under control.

ISpeakFacts 4 years, 5 months ago

If you notice one that thing all these young victims have in common with each other, its that they are all severely obese! Bahamians really need to get their diet under control! We're nearing 9 months into the pandemic but bahamians still want to spend their cash on KFC and junk food instead of stocking up on fruits and vegetables! You can't expect your immune system to beat this chinese virus when your diet consists of goombay and fried chicken 24/7!

John 4 years, 5 months ago

Dumb and prejudice post

ISpeakFacts 4 years, 5 months ago

You can feel however you want, but not one thing I said was a lie! The bahamas has had a severe obesity problem for decades.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

theyre right @John. The majority of the persons identified as having died from COVID are obese. Dr Sands has been campaigning since 2017 about the danger of obesity but being fat and sexy has become a thing of pride it seems.

John 4 years, 5 months ago

Reports that a US male contracted two different strains of the Corona virus at the same time

John 4 years, 5 months ago

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine rolls off production line amid hopes for emergency approval Send permission to start administering vaccine before all safety tests are completed. They know the virus will disappear before a vaccine is developed

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

You really have to wonder what they were thinking. In July Dr Minnis ordered the quarantine centers closed, the COVID hotline shutdown and announced to the nation that testing was completely unnecessary. What does parliament see?

trueBahamian 4 years, 5 months ago

This was a terrible decision to reopen especially with no plan. Everyone knows that a reopening leads to increase in cases. It's really unbelievable the mistakes made and continued to be made in this pandemic. It's like they want everyone to get infected.

Voltaire 4 years, 5 months ago

The tourists are coming. Americans don't give a s**t about this virus.

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