SEVENTY new cases of COVID-19 were recorded on Sunday along with one additional death.
According to data released by health officials yesterday morning, 68 of those cases were in New Providence, while there was one case in the Berry Islands and another in Eleuthera.
As of Sunday, there were 113 cases in hospital with 11 of those in intensive care.
Thirty-nine cases were categorized as recovered on Sunday with 3,339 recovered cases overall.
The country’s death count rose to 123 on Sunday after it was confirmed that a 74-year-old New Providence man, who died on October 16, had died from the disease.
The Ministry of Health said 31,007 cases have been completed thus far.
Monday’s data was not released up to press time.
trueBahamian 4 years, 5 months ago
Thank goodness we're reopening to increase the spread. The government is ensuring we're on track to have everybody infected.
FrustratedBusinessman 4 years, 5 months ago
Is there still a backlog in obtaining current results? How old are these cases that keep coming out? The Ministry was moving to address the backlog if my memory is correct, did they finally address it?
ColumbusPillow 4 years, 5 months ago
Please post the current average wait time for a PCR Covid19 test in Bahamas and the time needed to report a finding. In Canada its a 6 hour queue and 3 to 5 day report delivery. The speedy (onsite) antigen test has not yet been implemented..... regrettably..
whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago
Judging from the MOH report the wait time spread seem to significant for over a 8 day period. I forget the exact break down but I'd say 50% or so in the 4-6 day report delivery, probably 20% 7-8 day and 20% 3-4 less than that and about 10% within a day or two. Antigen tests will deployed shortly but will not count towards official tallies until confirmed by a PCR Test.
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