128 COVID-19 cases, three more deaths on Tuesday

ONE hundred and twenty-eight additional COVID-19 cases were reported on Tuesday along with three more deaths, according to the Ministry of Health.

A 51-year-old woman died on October 10, while a 62-year-old man and a 77-year-old man both died

on October 20. The victims are all New Providence residents.

This pushed the COVID-19 death toll to 127. Fourteen deaths are under investigation.

The cases recorded on Tuesday include 104 in New Providence, 10 on Eleuthera, seven on the Berry

Islands, five on Grand Bahama and one on Crooked Island.

There were five cases with locations pending. Although these new cases add up to 132, officials

reported there were 128 additional cases.

However the Ministry of Health said a “data cleaning exercise” was performed on the total confirmed

cases by islands which led to some changes in data.

“It was discovered that some cases were from the island of New Providence and not from the Family

Island previously indicated. Hence four cases have been subtracted from the islands with an asterisk and added to total confirmed cases for New Providence.”

This led to a case being subtracted from Long Island, Bimini, Cat Island and Andros.

Those four cases were added to New Providence’s total, which stood at 4,645 up to Tuesday.

One hundred and nineteen cases are in hospital while 3,633 cases have recovered.

Wednesday’s data was not released up to press time.


ISpeakFacts 4 years, 5 months ago

It was discovered that some cases were from the island of New Providence and not from the Family Island previously indicated. Hence four cases have been subtracted from the islands with an asterisk and added to total confirmed cases for New Providence

WOW...these idiots can't do anything right, it's no wonder why we have nearly 400 cases still pending location!

rodentos 4 years, 5 months ago

stop this fu... abuse


the IFR as published by WHO is exactly the same as for normal flu. So are we going to get a lock down every year due to flu?

proudloudandfnm 4 years, 5 months ago

This is not the flu.

That's an idiotic comparison.

Thank you...

whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago

Sorry proud but IFR are about the same...Ro is higher with COVID but ultimately it deadliness is in the ball park. Initial estimates were way off. And the world sadly panicked. The only difference is there is not an industry devoted to hunting down, reporting, and financially benefiting from flu deaths...

Porcupine 4 years, 5 months ago

Agree with proud. Our health care facilities don't get maxed out every year from the flu. Thank you

whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago

Are health facilities are overwhelmed? Hmmm there are 430 beds at PM, 74 are COVID, vast Of which majority are mild and stable... PMH normally runs At 85% Occupancy....now for the usa, Spain, Italy the health care system collapse quite frequently with flu...

It was 'war time' in LA in 2018 for the flu.. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-…

Tents set up to treat patients 2018


In England 2019


In Spain the health care system collapse almost every year..


https://www.elmundo.es/ciencia/2017/01/… https://www.lasexta.com/noticias/nacion…

In lombardy https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/f…

tribanon 4 years, 5 months ago

It's not just the number of available beds alone that indicate whether a medical facility is overwhelmed. After all, we have umpteen beds available in empty hotels. We've always had a very serious shortage of truly qualified medical doctors and nurses. The deadly Communist China Virus is simply shining an intense spot light on the many healthcare policy failings of corrupt FNM and PLP administrations alike.

whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago

Tribanon I'd agree with you that the bahamas health services are a mess and FNM and PLP are to blame equally. All the more reason not to make matters worse down the line by creating a narrative that this is supposedly 'new'. PMH has always been under prepared to deal with the health needs thats not COVIDs fault but if the media and gov scare people into avoiding health services or restrict access or economically Debilitate people so that can't avoid health services this creates all the hallmarks for a CAT 5 health crisis Down the road...

trueBahamian 4 years, 5 months ago

So...the weekend lockdown isn't working? But, we're reopened for tourism, which allows locals to travel to Miami. Interesting!

MrsQ 4 years, 5 months ago

This is most definitely not the flu. As others have said, the strain on the health system due to COVID is extreme. The flu does not result in healthcare workers having to choose who lives and who dies due to a shortage of ventilators. The flu does not result in others dying from things li they could have potentially survived like heart attacks if only there had been enough medical resources and staff to treat them. And yes, our hospitals are overrun. My husband tested positive for COVID almost 2 weeks ago. We contacted the COVID hotline to see what our options would be if his condition should significantly worsened and we were informed that he would have to manage from home because there were no hospital beds available in the local hospitals.

Another reason why COVID is not the flu is that research has shown that people who have experienced even mild cases of COVID have been left with permanent damage to the heart, brain, lungs, liver, and kidneys:


whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago

You ve been spun a yarn my dear. Ventilators not advised in the treatment of COVID since about April after it became clear that it was killing people.


The FLU does impact medical process and frequently overwhelming health facilities in the USA but Covid restrictive lockdown policies and fear mongering in the media however have made matters by limiting diagnostics for cancer and Cardiac diseases - in some cases folks are simply to fearful to get their check ups which save lives and in other cases surgeries are put off f which makes it to late to prevent death. And lastly to note there is surge in young excess death due to suicides and drug overdoes...Infact excess death is around 40k for the 25 - 40 year age bracket...

As to long COVID, this is tiny minority of infections, these people are not dying nor clogging up the health system whereas lockdown deaths are now quantified to be around 100k in US...but FLU and COLDS do have many of the same long term complications in minority of cases similar to COVID..

Bottomline is that the media mostly seems to really want to ramp up the fear for whatever reason. For months they have been yelling from the roof tops 'armageddon' but when it turns the IFR rates are the same as flu they fall silent on that fact...Long COVID is the same, most of the lingering symptoms are function of FLU and other CORONAVIRUS but without the fever pitch of media we don't think twice about them..


serious lung damage from flu https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-… Heart Damage from FLU https://www.stjohnleavenworth.com/our-s…

Brain fog https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/he…

Hypertension https://www.heart.org/en/news/2018/05/0…

MrsQ 4 years, 5 months ago

So, the fact that the COVID hotline told us that there were no beds available in local hospitals is fake news, then? And I guess the morgue being at quadruple capacity and Samaritan's Purse building a field hospital is part of the grand media conspiracy to ramp up fear for, as you say, "whatever reason?" Doctors and other health workers in the U.S. as well as locally are speaking out about the burnout they are experiencing from not being able to keep up with the overwhelming number of COVID patients in the hospitals, but I guess that's all part of the big scheme, too. And the leaders of countries all over the world have hatched a cunning plot to instill fear despite overwhelming economic damage that results in loss of tax revenue. How does that make any sense? Someone's been spun a yarn, pumpkin, and it ain't me.

whogothere 4 years, 5 months ago

Darling, PMH operates at around 85% all the time of course they said they re full. They re basically always full yet they found space for 73 COVID beds. And Yet M’s Forbes said just last week they could convert additional halls if needed - someone spun u another yarn ;) so you have three yarns now - shortage of ventilators and that that long COVID is somehow different to flu complications or IFRs...I don t no about any conspiracy and all that - I m not one of those folks, but I know the media likes clicks and nothing sells like panic porn. The truth can be a little boring - like COVID is bad but not really really bad. Hey whatever floats your boat!! Live in fear, or expand your mind..

tribanon 4 years, 5 months ago

Did Minnis really tell Wells to hide in the basement bunker of PMH?

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