331 new cases since Thursday

FIFTY-SIX COVID-19 cases were announced on Sunday, according to the Ministry of Health, bringing the amount of cases recorded between Thursday and yesterday to 331.

Sunday’s cases include 34 from New Providence, nine in Grand Bahama, one in Abaco, four in Eleuthera, one in Exuma and seven listed as “locations pending”. The country has now had 6,466 confirmed cases overall.

Officials said during a data cleaning exercise, a case initially recorded as location pending is now reclassified as a case initially confirmed from Exuma. Therefore, the total number of confirmed cases for Exuma increased by one, and the number of cases for locations pending was decreased by one.

Sunday’s figure is the lowest number reported since mid-October.

On Thursday, 133 new cases were confirmed including 19 in Grand Bahama. One hundred and nine cases were in New Providence, one in Eleuthera, along with two in the Berry Islands and Abaco.

On Friday, 84 additional cases were announced. Sixty-three of those cases were in New Providence, 14 were in Grand Bahama and two in Abaco.

Two deaths were announced on Friday pushing the tally to 132. The victims were both New Providence men, one 62 and the other 66, who both died on October 23.

On Saturday, 58 new cases were announced: 42 of those were in New Providence, 15 were in Grand Bahama and one in Eleuthera.

As of yesterday, 109 people were hospitalised with COVID with eight of them in intensive care.

Up to press time, 34,385 tests had been completed.


tribanon 4 years, 5 months ago

Amazing....so few Covid-19 deaths being reported but the morgues and other private refrigerated facilities everywhere are overflowing with the dead.

observer2 4 years, 5 months ago

high amounts of c19 deaths is very bad for tourism. best if we keep the number of deaths down and the number of c19 cases down as we start to open up on 11/1.

John 4 years, 5 months ago

Has this country reached the peak of its third wave of Corona and will the cases continue to decline? Or was the three day near 50 %. decline in cases just a lull and will they go back up? Another few days will give answers. And strangely, while the Bahamas saw a three day period with the lowest number of nee cases since June, America recorded its highest number of cases over that same period.

John 4 years, 5 months ago

And experts are warning America to prepare for dark days and weeks ahead as the weather gets colder , people begin to spend more time indoors and the cold and flu season begins. They expect surging cases and deaths to be intermingled with flu cases and deaths. What if they are wrong and the US numbers start to fall off too?

proudloudandfnm 4 years, 5 months ago

Looks like GB is starting a third wave...

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

they keep talking about elimination and waves. The virus never went anywhere. Ive said before, without comprehensive testing the only thing we can say about grand bahama is, in the last 2 weeks noone who contracted the virus felt sick enough to go get tested. Thats it. noone gets tested, noone shows as positive. But when that case finally shows up automatically a ring of people around them get tested

What we have is not a virus wave, we have a testing wave

John 4 years, 5 months ago

And your post is baseless! If the number of tests over a period of time remains constant but the number of persons testing positive declines, what does that indicate, at least among the persons being tested? Everyone is hollering ‘test, test, test!’ But a negative test is only active up to the time the test is made. The person can become infected immediately after the test is taken. The more common sense thing was for industrial countries to put more effort into finding an effective and affordable treatment, rather than finding an effective vaccine. The virus mutates rapidly and by the time it’s developed and goes through all the trial phases and safety measures, it will be obsolete. And most of the vaccines being tested has an efficacy rate of less than 60 percent. Meaning at least four of every ten persons that take the vaccine will not be protected. And experts suggest that close to1/3 of the world’s population has been infected with Covid-29z. And as long as reinfections remain low, they expect herd immunity to kick in and the possibility of the virus disappearing. Numbers may start falling as early as December and many countries being corona free by March 2021.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 5 months ago

"If the number of tests over a period of time remains constant...*"

Ahah! And that's the crux of the matter.

I asked months ago for the breakdown of tests by island. When the count was at 0, you don't know if 0, 10 or 200 tests were conducted on grand Bahama. You just knew the total for the country.

Also I didn't state an absolute, I said without comprehensive testing, which they've told us theyre not doing, the only thing we can say is nobody was sick enough in grand Bahama to report to a medical facility. We can't state any "fact" about the infection rate

Check Desmond Bannister.

And I dont know about everyone "screaming test test test". I know what I've suggested and that's a testing "program". The implication being "periodic" tests. For the hotel workers, months ago, I suggested a test at the start of a shift with a weeks stay at the hotel. Leave come back take another test. For other employees I suggested looking into the pooled testing where the group sample is taken and if that shows up positive everyone in the group is then tested.(based off some US university study)

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