Tribune Chief Reporter
FREE National Movement Chairman Carl Culmer doesn’t believe the party is disconnected from Bahamians.
The FNM’s only challenge, he told The Tribune yesterday, is to improve communicating to Bahamians the opportunities that have been made available by the Minnis administration for their advancement.
Mr Culmer was responding to former Health Minister Dr Duane Sands’ assertion that although the party can win the 2022 general election with Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis as its leader, the FNM has challenges to overcome.
Dr Sands, while a guest on talk show Beyond the Headlines with Clint Watson Tuesday night, said the FNM found itself discordant from the views and opinions of many Bahamians.
“I think we’re out of step, we’re out of sync with so many Bahamians. Bahamians are a forgiving people until they reach the end of the road,” Dr Sands said.
“I refute that,” Mr Culmer told this newspaper yesterday. “I cannot say there is a disconnect. The party is for all and all Bahamians.
“Whether you are rich or poor, opportunities are there. We just need to improve on letting Bahamians know what is out there for them and how they can benefit.
“So, I can’t agree with that statement.”
While he insisted Bahamians did not want handouts, Mr Culmer said the government had gone to great lengths to provide Bahamians with opportunities to help themselves.
“Money must flow in the economy in order to get things going. We must take care of the small man. Small businesses must be a part of the equation to stimulate the country.
“This is what the FNM is doing and trying to get them in the right direction and get them moving.
“Bahamians don’t want handouts. We are industrial people and the FNM is giving them the opportunity to do that.”
On Tuesday night, Dr Sands was coy about his political ambitions, but maintained Dr Minnis could lead the FNM to another election victory.
“I would have made it very clear that there are no options off the table, but the one thing I’m going to say is my ma didn’t raise no fool and the last thing I’m going to do is telegraph what my strategy and plan is at this point. Let us see how things play out,” the Elizabeth MP said.
“Right now, Duane Sands is an active, loyal member of the Free National Movement and is proud to be so. He is a representative to the people of Elizabeth having gone to the polls three times, having lost twice and finally gaining the confidence of the people of Elizabeth. I don’t intend to lose that.”
He also said: “I believe the FNM can win with Hubert Minnis at the helm. We’ll just have to understand exactly what the challenges are and deal with them. Right now the FNM finds itself discordant from the views and opinions of many Bahamians. I think we’re out of step, we’re out of sync with so many Bahamians. Bahamians are a forgiving people until they reach the end of the road. They want to hear you recognise that you hurt me, you recognise you could’ve done something different and you didn’t do it and if you change your ways, man come here, don’t do it again, let me love you up, kiss you up, I’mma give you another chance. I think there is possibly (Bahamians will forgive the FNM). To my colleagues, understand we have to redouble our efforts sincerely.”
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 4 months ago
"FNM’s only challenge, he told The Tribune yesterday, is to improve communicating to Bahamians the opportunities that have been made available by the Minnis administration for their advancement."
weird. this is the EXACT explanation the out of touch Christie administration gave for losing the 2017 election.
moncurcool 4 years, 4 months ago
And it is exactly the statement that out of touch people make.
DDK 4 years, 4 months ago
This man needs to go too. He is of no help to the Free National Movement. Another one who does not LISTEN to THE PEOPLE of his own party. He is also out to lunch, a total waste of time.
birdiestrachan 4 years, 4 months ago
Poor Mr: Culmer he would not know. Him and doc smart just alike
ohdrap4 4 years, 4 months ago
A postcard from the bubble. As Bill Maher would say.
DWW 4 years, 4 months ago
sounds like a sinking ship. From the outside it does not appear that Minnis takes any counsel from anyone else. From the outside it looks like a two man dictatorship, and the onus is on the leaders to dispel that image. there has not been a lick of transparency of the government contracts handed out after Dorian. Local companies bypassed for Nassau cronies. its just more of the same, par for course. should anyone really be surprised the Bahamas does not change its spots.
licks2 4 years, 4 months ago
Bouy. . .it sure do looks like nobody in that party is listening to any "legitimate complaints" from any quarters for true!!
I could understand their need for carrying out COVID19 mitigations without turning to the right ort the left. . .but things are "falling apart" in other government departments and it seem that doc is leaving "everything" to run by itself!!
In case they een listening to anybody for true like it looks like to me, the "big talk" out here in these streets is"if the PLP get rid of brave as leader. . .them FNM finish come next election". Mr. Culmer's "half-hearted" denial of dr sands statement about the FNM losing affections from the people, just show me that either the party or its chairman is losing touch with the people!!
If the PLP gets someone like Alfred Sears as its leader. . .Mr. Sears can very well be the next PM!! I fear that the FNM has gone asleep. . .the wild chickens are ruining the hen house. . .incompetence seem the order of the day in government departments!! Blustering fools are the order of the day and the FNM has gone to sleep!
The machinery of government competency has gone haywire. . .with not one major shuffle. . .while departments like education and aviation have become two pimples on the hip of this nation!! There may be other departments that other persons just hate, these two are my favorite pet peeves . . .especially education. . .lost, lazy and dumb!!
tribanon 4 years, 4 months ago
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IslandWarrior 4 years, 4 months ago
there will come a day soon when they will all be asking "what happened" ...Disconnected? these guys on a different planet 🌏 maybe Pluto!
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