59 new cases of COVID-19, two deaths reported on Tuesday

The Ministry of Health reported on Tuesday that there are 59 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 and two additional deaths.

This brings the total number of cases to 2,276 with 1,408 of those active.

Forty-nine of the new cases were in New Providence, two were in Grand Bahama, three were in Abaco, three were in Acklins, one was in Eleuthera and one was in Long Island.

The Ministry also confirmed that a 50-year-old woman passed away on Tuesday and a 60-year-old man died on August 25th. Both were from New Providence. The death toll now stands at 46.


SP 4 years, 6 months ago

Why are our people still getting sick and dying from Covid19 when it has been proven a regimen of vitamin D and Zink will prevent people from contracting the disease, and in the right amounts cure the virus in a matter of days?


I will continue asking this question until someone from the MOH provides a reasonable answer!

newcitizen 4 years, 6 months ago

What are you talking about? Vitamin D and Zinc are good for you and can help boost your immune system, they DO NOT prevent you from contracting the virus. You are spreading false information.

Clamshell 4 years, 6 months ago

... bravo ... not to mention that the idiot above could not even spell “zinc” — a D- for sure. But, hey, it is 4 letters long, too terribly complex for some folk.

jt 4 years, 6 months ago

Just take a step back. You’re citing Facebook as a reputable source of medical information. Wow.

Baha10 4 years, 6 months ago

The numbers are as bad as they have ever been to the point where we can surpass our combined initial 4 month tally on any given day ... yet we're “Opening Up” ... so much for following “the Science” ... not to mention defeating the whole purpose of the initial 4 month restrictions!

Hoda 4 years, 6 months ago

Lol, everyday you all came here commenting that the country should be opened up, the economy was being destroyed, the lockdown was unconstitutional, the seawater treats covid...covid 19, a respiratory virus, requires a human body shedding virus and passing their droplets to spread it, i believe it was communicated that the point of the lockdown was that the hospitals were ill equipped to deal with a latge number of sick ppl. The numbers are growing or continue, because people are continuing to spread it and persons are contracting it.

whogothere 4 years, 6 months ago

500+ people will die this year of vascular diseases In the Bahamas - which is pretty average given we re the 6th most obese nation on the planet. Vascular diseases also make up the most common co-morbidity. hmmm I wonder how many of these deaths that would have happened will Be recorded as COVID19 deaths? I wonder how many additional vascular deaths will be caused by stress of the lockdown and economic uncertainty. I know of 5 people with perilous health conditions that cannot get help because of inter island restrictions and backlogs in the health system. Every decision Minnis made has compounded the situation....

Hoda 4 years, 6 months ago

Wow, thats unfortunate. Do you mean because their are no commercial flights and they cant get on a charter? Cause the protocols say you can travel for healthcare or emergencies

whogothere 4 years, 6 months ago

No money for charter, no space for non COVID diagnostics such biopsies and blood donations...

Porcupine 4 years, 6 months ago

Nearly 100 "location pending" is not acceptable. Yet, in a land where the little information we have is held by those in perilous positions of power, it is not surprising. Knowledge is power. And, it is in very short supply here.

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