Teenager accused over drugs and ammo


Tribune Staff Reporter


A TEENAGER was remanded to prison over allegations he was found with a quantity of illegal drugs and ammunition which officials say he had plans to sell.

Brad Sands, 18, was charged with marijuana possession with the intent to supply after officers seized a quantity of Indian hemp from him on August 31.

He was also charged with ammunition possession with the intent to supply after officers found 44 rounds of .380 ammunition on him that same day.

The prosecution said the youngster also had 12 rounds of .45 ammunition and eight rounds of .223 ammunition.

Sands denied the allegations in a hearing before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt and the matter was adjourned to December 2 for trial.

The defendant was denied bail and remanded into custody until that time.

He has a right to apply to the Supreme Court for bail.

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