Schools showdown: Teachers plan mass absence

BUT president Belinda Wilson.

BUT president Belinda Wilson.


Tribune Senior Reporter


 A PLANNED sit-out of public school teachers could disrupt the resumption of national exams today as educators look to protest the readiness of their institutions for COVID-19.

Teachers will call in today and say they will not be attending work, according to Bahamas Union of Teachers president Belinda Wilson.

“For many months the Bahamas Union of Teachers has urged the Ministry of Education to present a reopening plan and sit with the Bahamas Union of Teachers so that we can have input,” she told The Tribune yesterday.

“We had two meetings on August 24 and 26 with an accumulation of 13 hours discussing the plan with the union and giving recommendations, most of which were ignored.

“So a straw poll was taken among teachers on their campuses by the shop stewards and the majority of teachers voted in favour of industrial action. So Monday will be dubbed ‘call in support teacher a COVID-19 day’.

“Teachers throughout The Bahamas will call in (saying) ‘I will not be in attendance today.’ Some teachers in Grand Bahama and the Family Islands will wear union colours and union t-shirts in support and solidarity for the action. Teachers want the Ministry of Education to know that ‘teachers’ lives matter’ and we stand in solidarity.”

Mrs WIlson’s comments came after the Ministry of Education released a statement encouraging teachers not to be persuaded by her “antagonistic pronouncements.” The ministry accused her of trying to deprive children of the chance to learn while insisting schools are safe and that protocols mandated by the Ministry of Health and the Department of Environmental Health for handling COVID-19 infections are being followed.

“The Ministry of Education categorically refutes public assertions by Mrs Belinda Wilson the President of the Bahamas Union of Teachers that there are unsafe conditions in Ministry of Education schools due to the presence of persons with COVID-19 infections in several of those schools,” the ministry said. “These assertions are designed to create public panic among teachers, students and parents in pursuit of the BUT president’s selfish goal of derailing the national examinations, which are to be held from Monday, 14th September – Friday, 2nd October, due to her personal opposition to them.

“…The ministry is deeply aggrieved by the fact that the BUT President would seek to deprive children of this vital opportunity, and while this behaviour is not unexpected, it is particularly regrettable that such action would be taken at a time when we should all be pulling together as a country to advance national development in the midst of the worldwide COVID crisis. The ministry therefore assures the general public, including educators, staff, parents and students sitting the national examinations, that all Ministry of Education facilities and schools, including those being utilized for the national examinations, are safe, and that persons need not fear for their safety.”

“…the Ministry of Education hereby confirms that while there have been reported cases of persons with COVID 19 infections at a few MOE schools, those premises were vacated and were subsequently cleaned and sanitized by Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment Division (EMRAD) certified COVID 19 cleaning teams, in accordance with the Department of Environmental Health requirements, and are safe for all persons to occupy, including, where applicable, for the administration of national examinations, beginning on Monday, 14th September. The public is also reminded that in compliance with Ministry of Health protocols, persons who may have been exposed to a confirmed COVID individual are required to undergo COVID 19 testing, and to submit to quarantine conditions, which then removes such persons from contact with the general public.”

Mrs Wilson, nonetheless, claimed schools restarted on September 7 with campuses unprepared for the reopening. She said some classrooms were not cleaned and that janitorial staff were not given protective equipment or adequate training. She said schools were not given sufficient hand sanitizers, a claim the ministry rejects.

“Most egregious is the fact that the Ministry of Education gave teachers tablets that were incompatible with the Zoom platform so they could not be used,” she claimed. “Many teachers were crammed in classrooms and computer labs many as five of them sharing one computer device without social distancing protocols being followed. Very concerning is that in several schools suspected positive cases of COVID-19 or persons who were exposed to COVID-19 positive persons were at school among their colleagues and peers before they were made aware.”

She said there are COVID-19 concerns at Columbus Primary, DW Davis Junior High, CI Gibson Senior High, Sybil Strachan Primary, Stapledon School and North Long Island High School.

“The increase of COVID-19 cases over the past two weeks is alarming and there is no testing for teachers and or students,” she said. “We have so many teachers who are still uncertain as to where they can get tested.”


ohdrap4 4 years, 6 months ago

Poor teachers.

Re: the incompatible devices

Stupid administrators whose computer literacy is woefully inadequate think a "device" is a device.

Teachers need a laptop.

There will not be sufficient resources for fully online campuses. That is why they will return face to face oct 5 come hell or high water.

tribanon 4 years, 6 months ago

From the stand point of getting an education, it probably doesn't matter whether the students return to what has become a most dyfunctional and essentially failed public education system. The ruling political class have turned most of our public schools into unsafe and unsanitary daycare centres. For decades now too many of the unionized teachers have been unqualified and otherwise wholly unfit to shoulder the awesome responsibility required of an educator.

Government has run our public education system right into the ground in much the same way that it has run our totally dysfunctional and essentially failed public healthcare system right into the ground. And Minnis and his lot have only served to exacerbate the many problems within both our failed public education and heathcare systems. We are now a nation of mainly uneducated and unhealthy beggars, and that does not bode at all well for what has yet to come.

ColumbusPillow 4 years, 6 months ago

It is a national tragedy that CHILDREN ARE DENIED AN EDUCATION.

bogart 4 years, 6 months ago

Sad situation where for decades the Union has been focusing, concentration, and quite rightly on alleged or real, TB in schools, water leaking roofs, mold on premises, repairs construction needed and whole list of such premises medical, structual like matters and quite able to find solutions ....except moreover and topmost priority to find ways to promote, advance an focus the curriculum, skills of teachers, dedication to student education at school desks or under the tree etc for immediate education academics advancement for students. Seems the Education Union and Management might be better effective and appropriate to being in the govt Ministry of Physical Buildings Works, Planning and Repairs Office Buildings.

themessenger 4 years, 6 months ago

Let the paid six month vacation at the taxpayer's expense for civil servants, teachers, other government employees, etc continue. Who cares, after all its only our money.

DWW 4 years, 6 months ago

if we don't need to give the kids an ejumacashun, then we dont really need the teachers or the whole ministry for that matter right?

DDK 4 years, 6 months ago

Pretty much! We certainly don't need a destructive, self-serving teachers union!

TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

Your humble Comrade Tal is now assembling material contributions for my book from PopoulacesOrdinary at large POL to be published at rungin' general election bell...working title: "Why Before General Election Polls Open, Asks House-intended Red Coats Show Their Hands Count Fingers"

Sickened 4 years, 6 months ago

I'm beginning to think that the Teacher's Union is a bigger problem than both the terrible government system as well as the very many poorly educated teachers.

Wisdom4 4 years, 6 months ago

Digital learning cannot be effective without proper resource for teachers' and students. Government need to invest more into our education system. If students should return back to school, Class size needs to be reduce, temper check before entering into the schools and observation room needs to set up in the schools. Give parents the opportunity to choose between digital learning or face to face learning. We need to hire more teachers assist with online learning even if means hiring Bahamians that lives overseas. Next, teachers needs to higher pay many of the resource they purchase comes from their own funding.

DDK 4 years, 6 months ago

This is The Bahamas, Wisdom4, sadly incapable of your excellent suggestions....The politicians and civil servants ain't so bright themselves.......

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