Vaccinations to resume

A bottle of the AstraZeneca vaccine is displayed in London. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

A bottle of the AstraZeneca vaccine is displayed in London. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

COVID-19 vaccinations will resume tomorrow on New Providence and Grand Bahama.

The inoculations will take place at the following locations: Loyola Hall, Gladstone Road; Church of God of Prophecy, East Street and the Susan J Wallace Community Centre in Grand Bahama.

Vaccinations are currently open to healthcare workers; persons 60 years of age and older; and the uniformed branches (RBDF, RBPF, customs, immigration, BDOCS officers and COVID ambassadors).

To make an appointment to receive the vaccine, visit https://vax.gov.bs/

Those who do not fall within the above priority groups should not attempt to make an appointment at this time, officials said.

A valid work ID indicating proof of occupation and/or proof of age is required at the vaccination centre.

The National COVID-19 Vaccine Consultative Committee will provide a further update by mid-week.


John 3 years, 11 months ago

if and when you take the vaccines remember a few things:

  1. The vaccine does not make you invincible...you can still get the virus..but the chances of getting severely ill or critically ill or dying from corona are reduced. 2, You can still pass the covid-19 virus on to others. 3 You are till required to follow safety protocols, including wearing of masks, social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing, avoiding of large crowds and unnecessary travel.
  2. If the vaccine you take comes in two parts or doses, the full effectiveness of the vaccine does not kick in until you have had both doses. The efficacy rate of the first dose is said to range between 30 and 50%

  3. No one is certain how long the vaccine will be active (providing protection) in your body. It is a known fact that you will have to take the vaccine annually (though Corona may no longer be around next year). but some believe the vaccine only provides good protection for up to six months after the second dose is administered.

6, These vaccines are only being administered on an emergency basis and the full and long term effects are not fully know. Weigh the options before you take the vaccine. RISKS vs BENEFITS

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago

Strange how our Covid experts tie surge and wave to diabolically mask our annual cold and flu season. Follow Covid but Bahamas Christian Council is not following the profits going to high people as 250,000 of us Bahamians face a horrifying destruction to our minds faith and lives. Why hasn't The BCC questioned our going on two years home jailing after 10 pm? It is insane, inhumane, and rips all dignity away. We must take a vaccine that could still make one Covid spreader is laughable.

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago

The Bahamas Christian Council while advising vaccine be taken did not have the spiritual backbone and goodwill for Bahamians by bargaining for this 10 o'clock nose be taken off our necks. Neither do they question where the pcr and health billions collected from all travellers go, or pockets being lined for having shares in overseas companies. There is a silence of curruption here.

tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago

It's now all about the evil partnership that has developed between the world's elitist billionaire ruling class, greedy corporate monopolies and big corrupt governments. Their common aspiration and globalist agenda is a New World Order. All three of these groupings have an insatiable desire for increased power and wealth which they aim to achieve by doing away with individual civil rights and liberties, with total population control and control over the world's increasingly scarce but essential natural resources being their ultimate primary goal.

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