Tribune Business Reporter
A CABINET minister said he is “not moved” if the owner of Compass Point resort wants to close the resort.
Dionisio D’Aguilar, minister of tourism and aviation, was responding to intensified moves by the owner of the Compass Point Resort, Leigh Rodney and his intention to close the resort in June next year.
Mr Dionisio told Tribune Business he is not sure what Mr Rodney wants to meet with him on as he has never made it clear what his problems are.
Mr D’Aguilar said: “I can’t get what specifically is his gripe with the government? What is it about the hotel licensing he does not like? What about the legislation that he is
unhappy with?
“He wants to have a meeting with me and have the Press present and he wants to record the meeting, obviously he wants to come to the meeting to embarrass the government.”
Mr Rodney has put up a sign on his resort’s doors saying it will shut in June next year if he does not get an audience with the Minister of Tourism.
Mr Rodney, told Tribune Business yesterday: “I think the sign at the entrance says what is needed. You have a Member of Parliament, the Minister of Tourism who does not feel the owner of Compass Point is worthy of having a conversation with either face-to-face or via the phone.”
“For this reason I have decided not to continue doing business where the leaders value the opinions of the people and small business owners with so little consideration.
“Dionisio D’Aguilar will be 100 percent responsible for the closure of Compass Point, causing 60 Bahamians to lose their jobs because he refused to make a phone call.”
Mr D’Aguilar, upon seeing comments directed at him by Mr Rodney, said: “What he’s trying to do is bully and blackmail the government into meeting him under his terms, under the threat that he is going to close the hotel and lay off all of the staff.
“I’m not moved. What does he want to meet with me to discuss? He has not told me what he finds so reprehensible about the government that us causing him to want to shut down his operation and leave. I arranged a meeting between him and the chairman of the Hotel Licensing Board and he showed up with the press, so the chairman refused to meet with him under those conditions.”
Mr Rodney refused to tell Tribune Business what specifically his concerns are.
Clamshell 3 years, 11 months ago
“Mr. Rodney refused to tell Tribune Business what specifically his concerns are.”
Hahaha ... the last sentence in the story speaks volumes: The guy won’t even say what his problem is? Do I recall that this has something to do with the parking lot across the street? Mr. Rodney wants the press and public all up in arms, but cannot explain his issue?
I’m not normally one to defend Dionisio D’Aguilar, but ... oh, please. Dude, get a grip.
FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago
Because you all are corrupt at it's finest.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago
This dumb little white-haired poodle doesn't realize he greatly embarrasses the government everytime he opens his constantly yapping trap.
D'Aguilar has probably caused more irreparable damage and harm to Minnis's political career and the future of the FNM party than even Desmond Bannister or Carl Bethel. And that's saying a whole hell of a lot about all of the self-inflicted carnage caused by D'Aguilar since May 2017.
TalRussell 3 years, 11 months ago
Nor has one of our realm's more substantive cabinet ministers, once mentioned how well our Cuban neighbour, and leading tourism competitor - are exceptionally confronting the Pandemic.
Is the governing authority, too damn proud to turn to the Cubans to helping them pull up their own trousers, slackness?
Truth be spoken, equally so, even the local media houses have blocked out the mentioning of Cuba over COVID's 384 days.
But as aviation minister, he wasn't too busy to take a telephone call from one Dr. Duane, involving a serious enough of a matter that led to his ministerial colleague's, firing?
birdiestrachan 3 years, 11 months ago
He may not be moved. But the persons who will lose their jobs will be moved for sure.
FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago
Government can also create space and open their sectors to the public to help combat unemployment rates as well.
happyfly 3 years, 11 months ago
Anyone who has to rely on the Bahamian Government to do anything at all should understand this man's frustration, The only difference is that this Rodney guy is a foreigner so he actually expects the government to have a little common sense and initiative when it comes to supporting employers. Fool on him. In the meantime, a letter of good standing can take several weeks and lord help you if you have to deal with immigration these days. At least our elected representatives seem to have all of the time and energy on earth to harass us about wearing masks and ruining our vacation plans
SP 3 years, 11 months ago
Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar, is 100% right not to allow himself to be bullied or intimidated into meeting with this Leigh Rodney clown!
Rodney cannot demand meetings with Cabinet ministers in his own home country. What makes him think he can do so here?
It is even more disgusting that our own fellow Bahamians readily side with this biggety, blackmailing, foreigner rather than Mr. D'Aguilar!
This man is a classic example of the type of individual we do not want in our country regardless of his net worth or investment potential. We cannot allow people to enslave us for their money.
All successive administrations are well known for prostituting themselves and encouraging this type of nonsense from wealthy foreigners. This is also a good lesson for the government to stop selling everything out to foreigners!
Mr. Leigh Rodney can either learn to behave like a civilized "guest" in our country or he can carry his backside somewhere else! We survived without him before and will survive without him long after he's gone.
The Bahamas and Bahamians do not welcome, need, or want this type of people as investors, residents, or visitors. Please get OUT of our country!!!
propane66 3 years, 11 months ago
yes i agree with you SP, this Leigh Rodney is an acerbic mouth character, I've dealt with him as a supplier and pulled out, couldn't take his abuse.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago
Obviously D'Aguilar is much too busy cutting backroom deals with the despicably greedy foreign cruise ship companies to be concerned about the licensing grievances of Mr. Rodney.
Sickened 3 years, 11 months ago
Where's the 'thumbs down' button for tribanon's comments. Get a grip on your mental state dude.
ohdrap4 3 years, 11 months ago
Whatever happened to Harald Fuhrman?
concerned799 3 years, 11 months ago
No idea what is going on specifically with Compass Point's issues, but its a truely messed up situation if good hotels are closing and taking away the product which produces a lot for the Bahamas, and we are instead permitting the products that take away our natural heritage for something that produces almost no revenue to the Bahamas (cruise terminal on Lighthouse Beach).
This shouldn't be a set of outcomes that sits well with anyone who actually cares about the Bahamas.
C2B 3 years, 11 months ago
The Government is selling bonds at 9 points; but this situation may embarrass them. LOL LOL LOL
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