More than 15,000 vaccine doses administered

A bottle of the AstraZeneca vaccine is displayed in London. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

A bottle of the AstraZeneca vaccine is displayed in London. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)


Tribune Chief Reporter


MORE than 15,000 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in New Providence, Grand Bahama and Eleuthera.

This comes as the Office of the Prime Minister announced people 50 years of age and older and restaurant and retail workers may begin making appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, effective immediately.

Persons with disabilities and their caregivers on New Providence may also begin making appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, starting today.

Those appointments are being accommodated at Stapledon School, Dolphin Drive.

The Stapledon School vaccination site is reserved for persons with disabilities only, OPM said.

For residents who do not have access to the internet, walk-up appointments are available at the Church of God of Prophecy, East Street.

Only people eligible to receive the vaccine at this time should make an appointment.

A valid work ID indicating proof of occupation and/or proof of age is required at the vaccination centre.

Last week, officials announced that teachers and school staff, hospitality workers, students and athletes studying or competing abroad and home-bound physically disabled people, are now eligible to take the vaccine.

In the case of students and athletes, student ID and proof of competition will be required.

The vaccination sites now include Kendal G L Isaacs National Gymnasium, Loyola Hall, Church of God of Prophecy, Baha Mar and Atlantis in New Providence.

In Grand Bahama the vaccination site is at the Susan J Wallace Community Centre.

Information on the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out on Abaco will be released shortly.

Appointments can be made at https://vax.gov.bs.

Infectious disease expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes said last week the benefits of taking the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine still far outweighs the risks associated with the jab.

Her comment during a Ministry of Health press conference came after the United Kingdom announced that it will offer AstraZeneca alternatives to adults under 30 after European regulators identified a possible link to rare blood clots.

The Ministry of Health has said there have been no reports to officials of allergic reactions, blood clots, post-vaccination hospitalisations or deaths in the country. Health officials say reporting Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination or Immunisation (ESAVI) after

receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is essential.

“These reports assist the Ministry of Health to investigate and determine if the stated symptoms are definitively related to vaccination and provide any necessary support to the person who is experiencing the symptoms,” the Ministry of Health said yesterday.

Events after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine must be reported to the Ministry of Health immediately by calling the telephone number 818-2975, officials said.

As of April 4, there were 69 reports of reactions to the vaccine on New Providence, Grand Bahama and Eleuthera. The reactions are headache - 21 percent; injection site itching and rash, diarrhea and dizziness - 20 percent; fever - 15 percent; chills - 13 percent; muscle pain - 9 percent; pain at the injection site - 8 percent; fatigue - 8 percent; nausea - 6 percent and chest pain - 1 percent.


FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago

Again, our Government is still distributing an uncertain vaccine to all ages. I doubt PM Minnis took a vaccine (AstraZeneca).

FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago

I think this is the system to the mark of the beast that will allow an easy transition to receive it. The vaccine system will remain until the antichrist goes public. The mark will be distributed during the time of his rule. He's in hiding awaiting for the system to be completed until it is time and the world will have a choice to obey his orders or face imprisonment, death and famine.Young and old to receive it and that is what the vaccine system is doing. It's not the mark but the system for it. I think the first targets will be the vaccinated ppl to choose whether they want it or face charges even death in the last days.

FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago

False imprisonment has already began in our country, jobs requiring to receive it or not be able to work, maybe food stores will be up next, then harsher penalties to be release to the public. All of this is a layout of the upcoming punishments for refusal of the mark. A digitalize society that will be able to group who belongs to work, sell ,travel, buy food and services in society. A set of governing rules for humanity to obey their evil guidelines and a false doctrine in the making.

FreeUs242 3 years, 11 months ago

They will continue to target the the medical world to get ppl sign up for receiving vaccines until it is replaced with a newer system. It can be tomorrow, 15-80 years from now, this is the new normal for the elites who's pushing hard for controlling all on earth. Our government is all in to obey the global orders.

John 3 years, 11 months ago

Reports are that women are showing more reactions to the vaccines than men. And the US has promised it will not make it necessary to have a Covid-19 passport or visa to travel or work. But some privately operated events and businesses can require proof of being vaccinated. The Chinese are now admitting that their vaccine only has an efficacy rate of 50 percent. They are now considering increasing the dosage or giving the vaccine along with another one. At some point will all these different vaccines create a problem of their own? And what happens when you are required to take second doses later in the year. Will it matter which vaccine you took first.

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago

Did our gov out of kindness enforce that this insurance company collect $60.00 nonrefundable from our 4 million tourists and traveling public? Why isn't vaccine recipients insured or the Vax company made liable.? Politicians throughout Bahamian history from rum running, seeming now undisputed medical money piracy, commission of inquiry is coming again to see whose grand child has shares in companies set up to become billionaires, and future devils of this new normal. We need a new Woods Rodgers DNA to expell these medical and insurance crooks that pirate and pray on our vital tourists and sucks our population like vampires. All the while crying crocodile tears for their love of their pockets by blindly threatening to lock up, restrict and lockdown while they smile on their way to the bank.

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago


Mark of the beast is being tested. Those who deny it and the real purpose of this Covid need to check their heads.

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago

https://sputniknews.com/uk/202104131082… How gov leaders allow their friends, family, lovers and sweethearts to rake in billions from Covid. In Britain they are being exposed. We need to do a comprehensive reality check here in the Bahamas for our new normal billionaires also. Call the police, prosecute then hang them. Lockdowns, 400 days now of curfews, restrictions, 300,000 of our population driven to poverty, with 190 questionable deaths and the elite come out billionaires. Something smells in British and the Bahamas gov.

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago

The USA government warned The Bahamas last week that besides The Chinese encroachment here some underhanded stealthy contracts worth unknown were being executed. You do the post pandemic math. They know who have shares where and who are the beneficiary. They just need to let us know. Covid has been monetized out to private and even tax payer money is enriching the elite.

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago

https://sputniknews.com/us/202104131082… Only in The Bahamas is the phrase "out of abundance of caution" only used to lockdown and restrict but never used to cautiously hold back a potentially life threatening Vaccine. Only in The Bahamas. We are very unique.

JokeyJack 3 years, 11 months ago

Only in the Bahamas? I dont understand. The vaccine is being pushed all over the world except Tanzania and Brazil.

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago

Only in Bahamas we use abundance of caution to lockdown. If you read properly. I never disputed where the Vax is being used.

carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago

https://www.rt.com/usa/520919-anthony-f… USA bans AZ. Just imagine when USA says those with it not allowed.

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