VACCINATION appointments in New Providence will resume on Monday after a “pause” on Saturday, the National COVID-19 Vaccine Consultative Committee said yesterday.
In a statement issued last night, the committee said it is currently “evaluating vaccine supplies for the first and second doses as part of the distribution plan.”
The statement added that there is “no connection between the pause in appointments on Saturday at the Loyola Hall and Church of God of Prophecy vaccination centres on New Providence and any suspected adverse event related to the COVID-19 vaccine.”
This comes after a social media report alleged that a woman experienced a “motor skills shutdown” after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine committee said officials have no report of such an incident and reminded people that reporting any adverse effects from the vaccine to official channels is essential for data collection.
“The Ministry of Health today confirmed that to date it had not received a report of an ESAVI (Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination or Immunisation of Vaccine) as described in the social media report,” the committee said.
“Reporting ESAVI after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is essential. These reports assist the Ministry of Health to investigate and determine if the stated symptoms are definitively related to vaccination and provide the necessary support to the person who is experiencing the symptoms.
“The public is reminded that events after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine should be reported to the Ministry of Health immediately by calling 818-2975. Various sites have also been set up to receive reports of events, including hospital emergency rooms and private medical practices.”
The statement also said vaccinations continued in New Providence yesterday at Loyola Hall, Church of God of Prophecy, Stapledon School, Kendal G L Isaacs National Gymnasium and Baha Mar vaccination centres and will continue today.
On Saturday, the Mobile Unit will continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines to the home-bound with disabilities and resident facilities in New Providence.
Vaccinations continued on Grand Bahama at the Susan J Wallace Community Centre yesterday and will continue today. On Saturday, vaccinations will be administered in the Eight Mile Rock community.
The administration of the COVID-19 vaccine began on Abaco yesterday and will continue on the mainland, the cays and Moore’s Island, through Monday.
On New Providence, the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine will continue the week of Monday April 19 at the Church of God of Prophecy, East Street; the Stapledon School, Dolphin Drive and a new vaccination site. As previously planned, the Atlantis and Baha Mar vaccination sites will not be opened next week.
Plans will be finalised next week for the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine on the Family Islands, the committee said. The administration of the vaccine on the Family Islands will take place the week of April 26.
DDK 3 years, 11 months ago
carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago… International scientists the world over need to studt why only in the Bahamas we have no side effects and even against AZ makers advice vaccinate those under 30 with an experiamtal emergency use only for the very vulnerable among us. Medical criminality.
carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago
With our treasuery with NIB bankrupt and living off borrowed money how is it $60.00per 4million traveler's health tax going into private company. Do the math for our promised New And Emerging Technology reset New class of billionaires normal. We are all fools.
carltonr61 3 years, 11 months ago… Is The Bahamas to follow or will Health Minister dare call Israel folly. Just get rid of $60.00 health ins and all Israel will come to the Bahamas.
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