228 new cases of COVID-19

TWO-hundred and twenty-eight new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on Thursday, historically the highest number of cases recorded in The Bahamas in one day.

In a note included in the release of Thursday’s figures, the Ministry of Health noted that nearly 500 new cases were reported between August 1 and August 5.

The week before – July 25 to July 29 – there were nearly 560 new cases confirmed.

Officials further noted that due to the Emancipation Day holiday on Monday, it was likely that people may delay getting tested for COVID-19.

As a result, in the coming days, numbers will probably be higher than usual.

“The Ministry of Health reports today (Thursday) that there were 228 cases,” the note read. “This number is an historical one as it is the highest number ever reported in The Bahamas in one day.

“The numbers seen today demonstrate that the virus that causes COVID-19 is ever-present and continues to be transmitted in the country. It should be noted that a total of 499 cases were reported between August 1st to August 5th, 2021. For the same time last week, July 25th to July 29, 2021, 558 confirmed cases were reported.”

It continued: “On August 2, 2021, The Bahamas celebrated Emancipation Day as a public holiday. It is noteworthy to mention that when we experience a holiday, members of the public may delay getting tested for COVID-19. Most laboratory facilities would be closed. The Ministry has observed that this often results in an uptick in the number of confirmed cases reported days following a holiday. The Ministry continues its monitoring to ensure timely responses to this evolving pandemic.”

New Providence accounted for the largest number of cases with 164, while Grand Bahama recorded 11.

In Abaco there were 15 new cases, 20 in Eleuthera, 12 in Exuma, three in Bimini and Cat Cay, and three in Andros.

There are now 122 people in hospital – 109 are listed as moderately ill and 13 are in the Intensive Care Unit.

Two deaths are under investigation.

Officials said the country can get through this pandemic together by remembering to keep private social gatherings restricted to 5 or fewer persons, provided they are vaccinated; staying home if you don’t feel well; wearing a mask outside of your home; regularly wash your hands; remaining socially distant; and avoiding large gatherings at restaurants, workplaces, churches, celebrations and family reunions.


ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

if only the competent authority has acted from the first week in July and not waited until the end of the month some of this could have been avoided. Better yet if they were acting on data they would have never let tourists in here without tests. Europe had already begun reporting deaths in fully vaccinated people meaning it was coming. They let the situation get out of complete control before Renward Wells even acknowledged something was happening.

CoolCatBD 3 years, 7 months ago

"Deaths in fully vaccinated people" how old were these people?

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

I think you mean how many of these deaths of the jabbed were possibly premature because of the jabs?

CoolCatBD 3 years, 7 months ago

Was to reading the news out Israel, it does not give the age ranges (80 to 90, 30 to 40) for example.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

Oh I didnt mean to imply locally, though Ive "heard" that there were some local cases. I'm led to believe it could be true based on Dr Brennen's statement "noone who was fully vaccinated and more than 2 weeks out from 2nd vaccine has died". (what??)

My reference to fully vaccination deaths is based on reporting out of UK and Israel. over 65 I believe. We should really be watching what happens over there. we're behind them about 3-6 months.

we should never have allowed anyone to cross our border without being tested.

bahamianson 3 years, 7 months ago

None of it could have been avoided because people are whom they are. You are always going to have 50 percent of people always disagreeing with authority and 50 percent.whom agree. People, don't be blind. Obviously, the science does not know.what is.going on because it constantly has to correct itself, yet we say, foĺlow the science. Well, we are following a blind , cluless person. Leaders have constantly changed protocols to adjust, yet we criticize our own leader. None of us as Prime Minister would have gotton this right, just look around the world over the padt year and a half. The science said , do not wear a mask then it said wear a mask. Biden said no need to wear a mask due to being vaccinated, now he is saying wear a mask. No one knows what to do. This is our reality.

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

No, it's not "our reality" but rather your reality if it's you who chooses to believe the world is evil-free. Most of us are not content to live in fear and turn the remainder of our life over to the evil doers who are motivated by political power of the tyrannical kind for great financial gain and hideous population control. What ever happened to elected officials who are suppose to serve the interests of the people rather than prey on them?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

ALL of it could have been avoided. It was crystal clear from July 2020 that there was a correlation between border crossings and rising COVID infections.

Imagine if in the 2nd week in March Dr Minnis religiously watching the data daily says, wait a minute this is trending just like July 2020! We have increased tourist travel and our COVID cases rising exponentially! No holiday in sight! Where's the data on those samples we sent off, what protocols do we have for tourists, can we get tighter controls? Can we get a better system for monitoring? Wait those guys set up audio visual equipment, why did we contract them to build our technology? and after the failed food task force site too???

See there's lots that could have been done. This was not a bahamians behaving bad issue. And to the extent you still believe them when they say it, get ready for the 10th wave.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

Here's what you do in the face of uncertainty. You make a decision, you observe the outcomes very carefully and you adjust where necessary.

The only part of this the administration did was make a decision. If they were HALFWAY observing they would have noticed from July 6th the PHA uncharacteristically preempted the minister and said we're in trouble, we're at capacity NOW. The PM did nothing.

Most importantly, stop following Its not like people haven't been giving you sound advice that would have put us in a better position. Simple: dont let vaccinated people in without testing

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago

If the science is correct that health vaccinated people are shedding Covid as they breathe we can only imagine what those immuncompromised with comorbidities are going through.

carltonr61 3 years, 7 months ago

If this gov has to told it is more currupt than PLP and they have no internal standards for curruption why should we trust them with managing Covid. They have monitized it. I wonder what US knows. They need another Emergency order to cover up some things.

ohdrap4 3 years, 7 months ago

This "FOLLOW THE SCIENCE" is excrement.

Examples of unethical science experiments abound. The tuskegee experiment being infamous.

Look up a Saul Krugman who injected school children with hepatitis to test vaccines at Willowbrook.

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

And no one is more guilty of promoting unethical virology and mRNA vaccine research than Bill Gates. In recent decades the entire continent of Africa has served as his favourite petri dish for all sorts of unethical vaccine experiments on humans.

Gates recognized early on that he and the scientists funded by his foundation could package their evil experiments as philanthropy and get away with just about anything in the more unregulated African countries with no fear of ever being the subject of major lawsuits. Unfortunately it took his wife (Melinda) an awful long time to realise the full extent of his evil obsession with population control of the worst possble time.

Bill Gates is a modern day Dr. Frankenstein and the evil research funded by his foundation is very closely tied to the likes of Fauci, Daszak, Collins et al.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

i say follow the data. It never lies.

happyfly 3 years, 7 months ago

Google new cases around the world today and pretty much every publication is running a story about 233 new cases. From Australia to Iowa state the magic number of new cases around the world is exactly 233. Would be fascinating to know who and where all this data comes from. The FDA has admitted that most PCR tests cannot differentiate between sars covi 2 and most common flus. And Dr Fauci has publicly stated that PCR tests run at 40 cycles or more will most likely show a false positive- so are we getting transparent test results or are we just trusting the “relevant authorities “ ? Is very interesting that we are getting a surge now, a week before the emergency powers were to be lifted……just saying

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

"FDA has admitted that most PCR tests cannot differentiate between sars covi 2 and most common flus"

That is not what they said. They said they found cheaper more efficient tests to make the differentiation so theyre moving away from the PCR test

we're getting a surge now because we had an exponential increase in people crossing thr border and some of them brought delta with them. Do you realize that we've had 300,000+ people come to this country in 2021? Low number for tourism but it's almost our entire population size

SP 3 years, 7 months ago

"Denmark to continue suspension of AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccines over ‘possible harmful effects"

Denmark announced on Friday that it will continue to suspend its use of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines, citing “possible harmful effects” which are too much of a concern compared to the benefits.

The Danish Health Authority declared in a statement that the “balance between possible benefit and possible harmful effects is still not favorable” with the two vaccines, “even when we include assumptions in our analyses that are in favor of the vaccine.”

It went on to say that based on US and EU data, along with other health authority assessments, the Danish Health Authority can say “with certainty” that both the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines – known officially as Vaxzevria and Janssen respectively – can cause VITT syndrome, or thrombotic thrombocytopenia.

JokeyJack 3 years, 7 months ago

Why can't we get 228 cases of Heineken? I mean, get real dog !!!

baclarke 3 years, 7 months ago

As VITT (blood clotting) cases continue with Astra Z and J&J around the world, our government continues to tell us that the vaccine that they offer is "safe". Other countries at least push to provide alternatives, such as pfizer to their younger (under 50) populations since they ACKNOWLEDGE that there is a higher risk with these particular vaccines to the younger population. For those who are saying that the risk is low with the clotting, remember that "based on the science" we basically know at this point that we will most likely have to take annual vaccinations to keep the efficacy up. Have fun taking a vaccine that can possibly cause VITT for the rest of your life.... If our government gets pfizer or moderna i'll take it. Otherwise, i'll continue to follow protocols and keep my immune system up.

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

They have zero interest in producing long duration vaccines because that flys in the face of their sinister goal of creating a Vaccine Dependent Global Society that they can fully control and forever milk for their own great financial gain. And the evil global oligarchs and deep state actors behind all of this have the elected officials in democratic countries around the world in their pockets.

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

No one is more guilty of promoting unethical virology and mRNA vaccine research than Bill Gates and his foundation. In recent decades the entire continent of Africa has served as his favourite petri dish for all sorts of unethical vaccine experiments on humans.

Gates recognized early on that he and the scientists funded by his foundation could package their evil experiments as philanthropy and get away with just about anything in the more unregulated African countries with no fear of ever being the subject of major lawsuits. Unfortunately it took his wife (Melinda) an awful long time to realise the full extent of his evil obsession with population control of the worst possble time.

Bill Gates is a modern day Dr. Frankenstein and the evil research funded by his foundation is very closely tied to the likes of Fauci, Daszak, Collins et al.

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 7 months ago

Why don't you check out the real reason behind the Bill Gates conspiracy theory? I think you'll find it has something to do with being able to determine whether or not young refugee children/orphans who relocate to a new country have been vaccinated against serious communicable diseases.

My guess is that those of you who wear the tin foil hats won't be able to comprehend the logic or the lives it could potentially save.

tribanon 3 years, 7 months ago

And you're mired way down there in the weeds where you can't see the forest much less the trees. lol

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how ridiculous it sounds to say that vaccination is the key to end the pandemic when there exists countries (Iceland, Seychelles, Gibraltar) that 90%+ vaccinated and have experienced their largest case loads ever in spite of the success of their vaccination success?!

The Vaccine Church will say look at deaths and hospitalisation - they're close zero - vaccines work - they decouple cases with death...If that the case then why are we still counting cases? Why does it matter to policy? Better question yet how do we know it's the vaccine that is responsible?

Take Finland just passing the peak of it's second highest wave. But Covid Deaths per day are the lowest they've ever been. 0 - 1 per day. Wow thats amazing surely they fully vaccinated most of their population? Nah - it's 25-30%...

Japan - historic cases, relatively very little death, vaccination rate mid 20%s..

UK Similar gig - under 50s unvaccinated, make up majority of the delta wave cases (though there is many breakthrough cases, overall fatality outcomes are minimal for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations.

Europe has had below average excess mortality since feb but recorded over 305k covid deaths..

So possible vaccines are not the only factor (in spite of the policy play of most Govs)..could it just be Delta doesn't pack the punch as original strain? Decrease in vulnerable populations? Cause of death policy? Seasonality? Immunity from previous waves?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

Ill go out on a limb and say the data suggests that the vulnerable need to be vaccinated. It would be interesting to find out in those countries with low death rates and low vaccination rates, who got vaccinated and who didnt. Sad that Renward Wells is just playing follow the leader there's so much we could be leading on.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

I agree vulnerable have nothing to lose by being vaccinated. Just seem like that protection is fleeting. In Israel 14 people who were on their third booster still contracted cv19 and 2 died...I m beginning to think the mRNA technology is not effective as thought. Again people that are infected naturally have much stronger immune response and for longer. Perhaps infection and therapeutics is the safest way to confer lasting immunity. Iceland lead epidemiologist said as much and is now back peddling (obviously got a smack from someone...)

Dawes 3 years, 7 months ago

Iceland has had just over 8,000 cases and 30 deaths, since the start of the year they have had 1 death and a couple thousand cases. UK had the same number of cases as its winter peak, and yet its deaths were down almost 90%. The vaccine doesn't stop covid, but it gives you a much better chance at not getting sick and potentially dying, then not taking the vaccine.

whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

You mis my point in the data above - it's possible that these strains are not as strong before because we're seeing minimal death even within unvaccinated populations - England is a perfect example of this - the unvaccinated make up 80-90% of cases (possibly because vaccinated less likely to get tests) but case fatality rates is 0.0002% which is essentially statically zero.

Dawes 3 years, 7 months ago

I had to look this up as it sounded good. However from what i can tell, in the UK 69% of adults have had two doses (88% single) and as of July 28th 60% of the hospitalization are in the unvaccinated. So 40% are either single or double vaccinated. Based on these numbers being vaccinated dramatically reduces your changes of going to hospital.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

"Nutritional scientists say that immunity also diminishes in patients with obesity, in part because fat cells infiltrate organs that make and store immune cells, such as the spleen, bone marrow, and thymus. People lose immune tissue in exchange for fatty tissue, which makes the immune system less effective at fighting infections or responding to a vaccine."

"The problem is not only fewer immune cells, research into the response of obese mice to the influenza virus showed that key immune T-cells do not work as well in obesity. They produce fewer molecules that help destroy virus-infected cells, and the body of memory T-cells left over from infection, which is the key to neutralizing future attacks from the same virus, is smaller than in healthy weight mice. Scientists suggest the same cascade happens to humans."

"In addition to dysfunctional responses to infections, patients with obesity also suffer from chronic inflammation. Fat cells secrete several inflammatory chemical messengers called cytokines, and even more from immune cells called macrophages, which seek to cleanse dead and dying fat cells. These effects may accelerate the uncontrolled cytokine activity that characterizes the severe form of COVID-19 causing severe tissue damage and destroying healthy bystander cells"

and theres more on the action of the diaphragm on the lungs in obese persons making it more difficult to breathe. Imagine COVID on top of that. They also showed data indicsting that a higher BMI made it more likely a person would be hospitalized


whogothere 3 years, 7 months ago

And BINGO was his name...

Ministry of health at some point should admit covid is here to stay and that personal protection is not just about pharmaceuticals but wholistic health has a nation

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