Workers worried over Atlantis letter on testing

The Atlantis resort on Paradise Island.

The Atlantis resort on Paradise Island.



BAHAMAS Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union President Darrin Woods expressed concern yesterday over a letter sent from Atlantis to its staff reminding them that they will have to pay for COVID-19 tests themselves as of September 1.

When COVID-19 restrictions were lifted and the country’s borders opened, the resort told staff a condition of their return to work would be to get weekly tests to make certain the resort was COVID-19 free.

At the time, the resort took responsibility for payment of the tests and later exempted vaccinated staff members from the weekly testing.

Earlier this year, Atlantis wrote to staff advising them that unvaccinated workers would have to pay for their own tests starting in September.

The Tribune obtained a copy of Atlantis’ letter to staff reminding them of this change.

“This is our final reminder that effective September 1, 2021, team members who are not vaccinated will be personally responsible for their rapid antigen test,” the letter noted in part.

“We have secured a discounted rate for unvaccinated team members to receive the test. You can continue to schedule your test via the same link as you do now.

“Once you schedule, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay for the test online. Note – any unvaccinated team member who does not complete weekly or bi-weekly testing will be prohibited from work.”

Yesterday Mr Woods expressed his frustration with the resort’s plan. He believes it is unlawful and said his members cannot afford the cost.

“They told them as of the first of September they have to pay for it,” Mr Woods said. “Of course we don’t agree with it because the law, Section nine of the Health and Safety Act, prohibits the employer from passing that fee on to the employee.

“Also as far as we are concerned the emergency orders do not provide for testing for employees but it does require it for travel. So there is no requirement for employees to pay for their own testing. There is a lot of rumblings going on and as far as we are concerned the employees do not have to pay for their own testing.”

As a response to Atlantis’ letter to its staff of more than 5,000, Sheila Edden- Burrows, secretary general of BHCAWU, sent a memo to Atlantis’ unionised members telling them the union is not in agreement with what the resort is now requesting.

“The union does not agree with the employees paying their COVID test,” the memo read. “Section 9 of the Health and Safety Act states ‘No employer shall levy or permit to be levied on any employee of his any charge in respect of anything done or provided in pursuance of any of the provisions of this Act’. This provision places that requirement at the feet of the employer.

“The emergency orders do not provide for testing for employment, only for travel.

“Therefore no employee is expected to pay for testing for employment,” the memo adds.

Mr Woods said if the government does not make its employees pay for testing, then it should not be any different in the hotel industry.

“The government is the major employer in this country and they don’t require their employees to pay for testing,” Mr Woods said. “When they get to work they have to sanitise, do temperature checks and wear masks. The same should apply so I don’t know what makes the hospitality industry any different. Our members are crying out because they are not prepared to pay to do any testing.”


empathy 3 years, 3 months ago

Smart move by Atlantis…many companies may adopt the Delta Airlines approach:unvaccinated staff pay for tests and also incur an additional medical insurance co$t, which I’m sure the insurance companies, using their actuarial skills, have already calculated into their ‘risk’ assessment. It maybe the most reasonable and fairest way to distribute cost to their employees.

ohdrap4 3 years, 3 months ago

Which happens to be illegal under current law.

Employers find a way to dismiss those who point this out.

Furthermore, line staff in the Bahamas are not given health insurance. So what extra cost ? $15 per week for people on minimum wage? It is ridiculous.

empathy 3 years, 3 months ago

I’m no lawyer, but I am a Bahamian with no where else to decamp to when our economy tanks.

We’re already on an advisory list warning our visitors about Covid (and crime). So when we continue to show significant Covid cases & deaths and our life blood (tourism) is ruined by Bahamians, including “line staff”, passing Covid to our guests…we will all suffer the consequences…

We all need to be a bit more selfless and weigh risks vs benefit for everything we do, not just Covid/vaccines and money.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 3 months ago

"passing COVID to our guests"?????

What kind of warped thinking is that?? This delta variant came from one of them same tourists. It didnt originate here it travelled here.

The reality is we DO need tourist dollars, the reality is also they're our biggest COVID risk. Viruses and variants travel

ohdrap4 3 years, 3 months ago

Well the online rag reported 6 deaths of cab drivers. They get it right out of the airport.

Its ova tho, the israelis invented a nasal spray that reduces transmission by 78 %.

Have I served the country well, yes I have. I have followed all health protocols.

But will not sacrifice to an unproven vaccine as long as the politicians are out there frolicking. I wonder how many of the campaigners will be ill or fall before September 16.

Again, by law, testing is on the employer and not the employee. I hope these hotel unions follow through with legal action.

lobsta 3 years, 3 months ago

These vaccines have gone through real world testing in the literal billions. 99.9% of experts (not Facebook moms) agree that they are safe and effective. The majority of reasonable and well informed people have run out of patience with this insulting and selfish behavior. Get vaccinated!

rosiepi 3 years, 3 months ago

The vaccination is free folks! Why would someone think that any person(s) invested in a business, a community and the health therein would actually compensate stupidity and immorality??

ohdrap4 3 years, 3 months ago

You need to write the attorney general and the MP, or some other entity which made the law requiring employers to pay for the test.

You neo nazis are tiring me. Go to Australia. The neo nazi premier surely has a job for you.

GodSpeed 3 years, 3 months ago

are you going to pay me if I have any adverse effects from the "vaccine"?

SgtVoight 3 years, 3 months ago

Agreed rosiepi…Get the vaccine!! Why should them not wanting to take the vaccine become the employers problem. PCR is $185.00 ($740 per week) and Rapid Antigen is $30.00 ($120 per month) Vaccine is free $0.00...Plenty people looking for employment will take the vaccine to have your job.

ohdrap4 3 years, 3 months ago

Well, I have made up my mind that should the time come when they require that I take the vaccine, I will given them notice immediately.

Rapid antigen tests are available for $15 . $15 a week is not that much.

And yes, the vaccinated could take my job, but ces't la vie.

DonAnthony 3 years, 3 months ago

Simple solution, get Vaccinated! Otherwise pay the fee or quit, but for God’s sake shut up about it. There are many other vaccinated Bahamians who would love your job, and we need to get on with the process of rebuilding our economy.

baclarke 3 years, 3 months ago

What's the logic of forcing ONLY the unvaccinated to take and pay for their covid tests? The vaccinated can also catch and transmit the virus. We are even testing persons who travel into the country, vaccinated and unvaccinated. The logic of employers who do this escapes me....

ConcernedCitizen 3 years, 3 months ago

Seems like Minnis gave Atlantis free will to do whatever they want regardless of our Labour laws. I hope that be revised after this election. Concerned Citizen

ConcernedCitizen 3 years, 3 months ago

Seems like Minnis gave Atlantis free will to do as they please with our Labour laws; I think they need to be reviewed by the next Government after this election.
Concerned Citizen

TigerB 3 years, 3 months ago

It has been happening here at Grand Lucayan resort for the longest. In fact all security officers had been gettin' a rapid test for months now, however come September 1st they will pay for their own. Nothing political about it, get vaccinated or pay the price.. or you cud just leave.

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