Death toll soars by 27 as Grand Bahama cases confirmed


Tribune Chief Reporter


MORE than 3,200 COVID-19 cases were recorded in August as a surge in new infections continues to plague the country.

The country also recorded 67 new deaths this month. There have now been 18,139 COVID-19 cases in addition to 381 virus related deaths.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health confirmed 27 new deaths all involving Grand Bahama residents. Fourteen of these deaths occurred this month.

 In its August 28 dashboard, the ministry said: “The Ministry of Health reports today 27 COVID-19 related deaths from Grand Bahama over a period of five months from April 16 to August 24. During this period some 18 females and nine males succumbed to the COVID-19 virus.

 “This means some 66.67 percent of these reported deaths were females and 33.33 percent were males.”

 On August 1, three people, two 47-year-old men and a 61-year-old woman, died.

 Three days later on August 4, an 82-year-old woman lost her battle with the illness.

 Two women, 59 and 46, died on August 5 and August 6, while an 89-year-old woman died on August 12.

Three deaths were recorded on August 13. These were women ages 44, 67 and 51.

A 72-year-old woman died on August 15, a 52-year-old man died on August 16, a woman, 61 died on August 19 and a 30-year-old man died on August 24.

 Thirteen deaths were recorded in the previous months from April 16 to July 29.

 Health officials could not be reached for comment yesterday.

 However, in the August 28 dashboard, officials reminded Bahamians that vaccines are the way out of this crisis.

 “Remember, vaccination is our greatest defence to minimise deaths. Again, the general public is encouraged to get vaccinated at the earliest opportunity – the life you save may be your own,” the ministry said in its latest dashboard.

 On Saturday Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said more than 13,000 people were vaccinated in The Bahamas last week.

 The jabs were administered in New Providence, Grand Bahama and Abaco, he said, adding that on one of those days 2,975 doses were given. This was the highest number of doses administered in a single day since the vaccine campaign was launched, Dr Minnis said.

 Speaking to supporters Saturday night during a Free National Movement political event, Dr Minnis said data showed that parents were bringing their children for the vaccines in “very good numbers.”

 Further, he said, of the doses administered in New Providence in the past week, 90 percent were first doses.

 On Sunday, government officials said 146,738 COVID-19 vaccines have been administered as of August 28. The latest vaccine tracker says 91,967 people have received one dose of the vaccine while 57,593 people have been fully vaccinated.

 Despite the progress made, the Prime Minister said more deaths will occur as many remain unvaccinated.


whogothere 3 years, 6 months ago

Thats what you call data mining for deaths to produce sensationalist headlines...

John 3 years, 6 months ago

Certainly .fear mongering. Twenty seven deaths over an almost five month period amounts to around 5.2 deaths per month. Sometimes the country has more murders on a single weekend, especially on New Providence, While it may be cause for concern, as any death is one deaths too many, it is not out of control. Of course one must take into consideration the other deaths that were reported during that same period and were confirmed to be the result of corona. The number of 'natural' deaths in this country has increased significantly since the appearance of Covid and that is a consistent in most countries around the world..

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 6 months ago

5.2 unnatural deaths per month may not be a big deal on New providence, but it is a big deal on Grand Bahama

Economist 3 years, 6 months ago

Is this mining or just another case of the incompetence of the Civil Service?

I am aware that The Bahamas is one of the countries who have a reputation for not reporting the Covid information in a timely manner.

TalRussell 3 years, 6 months ago

@ComradeEconomist, some has long been accusing the Red Regime, — First of a Hurricane Dorian coverup — then became evident even early days COVID. — Is it just a share of coincidence that upon reexamination of the annually required parked financial disclosures, how some — 50% of those successfully contesting the 2017 elections — have — unlikes majority amongst Popoulaces and small business operators — has suffered financial hardships — yet, somehow — added wealth has befallen right into they's pockets, bank accounts, and investments, and God forbid, be the case — slide under they governances tables — No wonder the elected has chosen not to remind Abacoians about the wasted millions — dumped into either uninhabitial or never built — 300 Domes. — Yes?

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