Tribune Staff Reporter
THE United States has announced tightened entry requirements for travellers entering the country, requiring a negative COVID-19 test taken within one day of departure regardless of vaccination status.This begins next week.
The US previously required travellers to show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of travel. The new measure is in response to the Omicron strain, which was detected in the US this week after being found in other countries.
Despite the US’ plans to implement stricter travel rules, Press Secretary Clint Watson said there is no need to add additional measures locally right now but the situation is being watched.
In a statement yesterday on the White House’s website, it was stated that the new actions “will ensure we are using these tools as effectively as possible to protect the American people against this variant and to continue to battle the Delta variant during the winter months when viruses tend to thrive.”
Testing protocols for international travellers are among the myriad of actions announced by the Biden administration to try to curb the spread of the new variant.
“Early next week, the United States will tighten pre-departure testing protocols by requiring all inbound international travellers to test within one day of departure globally, regardless of nationality or vaccination status. This tighter testing timeline provides an added degree of public health protection as scientists continue to assess the Omicron variant,” according to the White House statement.
The US requirement for mask wearing during travel has also been extended.
“The Administration will continue to require masking during international or other public travel – as well as in transportation hubs such as airports or indoor bus terminals – through March 18 as we continue to battle COVID-19 this winter.
“The Transportation Security Administration will extend its implementing orders to maintain these requirements through March 18. Fines will continue to be doubled from their initial levels for non-compliance with the masking requirements – with a minimum fine of $500 and fines of up to $3,000 for repeat offenders.”
On Sunday, local officials announced The Bahamas has banned entry to non-residents who recently visited Botswana, Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe and South Africa after the Omicron variant was detected in South Africa.
Those who are ordinary residents (citizens, permanent residents, individuals with work permits) may enter the country from those areas, but will be subject to quarantine for 14 days.
However, the Omicron variant has been detected in other countries, including Canada.
When asked if travel restrictions will be imposed on European and North American nations, Mr Watson answered: “I spoke to the Minister of Health and Wellness Dr Michael Darville this morning regarding it.
“. . .Right now there’s not a need for it, but they’re watching it. He spoke to PAHO. PAHO is not recommending it based on what the initial reports are. As you heard Dr Nikkiah Forbes said they’re still waiting on research. Right now, there’s not a need to add additional measures in place but they’re watching it and if there is a need to do so they will do so.”
tribanon 3 years, 3 months ago
Wow, even the poor vaccinated sheep, or should I say guinea pigs, will need to show proof of a negative Communist China Virus test within one day of their departure for the U.S. Looks like the evil powers that be finally had no choice but to admit the fully vaccinated are spreaders too and therefore not that 'special' after all, notwithstanding their eagerness to get repeatedly jabbed with risky experimental mRNA vaccines. LOL
All of these travel testing requirements and travel bans are really about continued population control and ka-ching, ka-ching for manufacturers of test kits and testing equipment and those who conduct and monitor all of the testing.
The Davis led administration even allowed our country to be bullied by the U.S. Biden administration into introducing a travel ban against many of our brothers and sisters in certain African countries.
Has anyone else noticed that new scariants of the Communist China Virus seem to develop in countries all over the world except the U.S.A.? LMAO
Future 3 years, 3 months ago
Omicron Persei 8. Google it
tribanon 3 years, 3 months ago
And what about the passengers onboard those filthy floating hotels that have been polluting our air and territiorial waters for decades? The cruise ships are ideal incubators for all kinds of deadly scariant pathogens.
The entire cruise ship industry should be made subject to a permanent travel ban by the U.S. government, especially when you consider the cruise line enterprises have organized themselves in such a way that they escape U.S. taxation for the most part and also U.S. labour laws that would prevent the cruel and inhumane way they treat their employees who work onboard the ships.
Now is the time for our nation to pivot to a much greater emphasis on much more lucrative air arrival tourists.
whogothere 3 years, 3 months ago
Cucumbers are to cats, what omicron is to the political medical elite...
sheeprunner12 3 years, 3 months ago
Will USA fed Govt pressure 242 to introduce pro vax measures (to enter USA) like Europe, that they cannot even ENFORCE in many of their own States????? ........ Slippery slope for 242 to comply just for tourism sake. We're too dependent on USA to object.
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