Tribune Staff Reporters
HEALTH Minister Dr Michael Darville said operators of the Christmas Carnival have not met all of the ministry’s requirements to host the event, despite a representative of the event claiming to have received the greenlight.
Yesterday, the manager of the carnival said health officials have given several guidelines for a possible opening, including requiring proof of COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test from attendees.
Joe Alberts, of Midways by McCafferty, claimed approval was given by the government and the popular attraction is expected to be open to the public from December 10 to January 23. He made similar comments to another media outlets earlier this week.
Company officials began setting up equipment and rides at the site on Clifford Park last week.
However, yesterday Dr Darville said as far as he knows, a team of health officials have not formally approved Midways by McCafferty to operate the event.
“As far as I understand, it’s still ongoing and there are things that are still outstanding. Until those that are brought to the committee, a decision cannot be made,” Dr Darville said.
He did not want to go into specifics of what those requirements are, but they involve “health and safety requirements, sanitation (and) the issue as it relates to testing and the list goes on and on.”
He added: “The Ministry of Health is the one that makes the determination of whether an event is safe and the protocols and requirements of the ministry are met.
“As I speak that has not happened yet and there is a meeting scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday).
“I am under the impression that some of the additional requirements as it relates to how the event will be conducted will be discussed and the outcomes will be directly related to what those discussions will be for the committee.
“There are multiple requirements. I don’t want to go into them individually.
“There is a separate group of requirements for an event of this calibre and our committee has requested those requirements and once they arrive a discussion will take place to determine whether it’s safe or unsafe to have the event.”
When asked if the carnival would open on Friday as the operator has claimed, Dr Darville said, “The rules are the rules. We’ve made it very clear that events associated with the possible spread of COVID-19 come through the Ministry of Health.
“The Ministry of Health is reviewing the necessary requirements and if the event meets the requirements, it will be approved. If they do not meet the requirements, additional requirements will be requested until such (time) that we can meet what is needed to be met.”
Yesterday Mr Albert reacted to the mixed messaging from government officials.
“I guess he’s confused, but he had to give approval too I’m sure and I know on Thursday they’re all coming out here, the health department, to check everything out and see how we’re set up for the COVID situation,” Mr Alberts told this newspaper.
The manager went on to note the guidelines set out by the department.
He stated: “For the health department, their guidelines are to come to the event, anyone that comes to the carnival will have to show proof of their COVID vaccination or have a COVID test done – good three days. They have to get their COVID test done or be fully vaccinated and show proof upon entry.”
Asked how carnival officials will authenticate that the COVID tests are genuine, Mr Alberts answered: “We are meeting with the police department about everything so if they have some man that knows counterfeit ones.”
The vaccination guideline raises questions as the carnival is mostly popular with children, however those under the age of 12 are not given vaccinations in this country.
“I’m going to go see if I could even have a COVID stand out here so anyone that might want to come to the carnival and don’t have their COVID test they could get it right at the gate before they walk in,” Mr Albert said.
Yesterday, former Health Minister Dr Duane Sands weighed in, saying the issue of the carnival’s approval has become a “tempest in a teacup”.
“It suggests there has been no real coordination of the approval process and quite frankly it’s unlikely there was ever any consultation with the Ministry of Health prior to allowing the carnival proprietors to come into town,” Dr Sands said.
“You now have this gratuitous commentary to the Bahamian public about how we’re going to make it so safe for the public and if it’s deemed unsafe then it won’t be approved when, in reality, the god darn thing has been approved already. I doubt that there will be any rescinding of any of the approvals made.”
Regarding children attending, he said: “Obviously kids under 12 are not going to be vaccinated, right? How far are we going with this thing? I think what we ought to be paying attention to is social distancing. The public health types of measures and those that are eligible to wear masks have them wear masks,” he told The Tribune.
He said the event can be fun and safe for young ones.
“When you get to the brass tacks of it all, there is probably very little public health concern with an open-air event such as this given the typical human density. The grounds are fairly spacious. It’s outdoor. With the appropriate protocol of sanitisation stations and handwashing if possible, but more likely sanitisation, this can be a fun safe event primarily for the children. This whole back and forth I think was an unfortunate creation that didn’t have to be.”
The Office of the Prime Minister did not provide comment when contacted yesterday.
John 3 years, 1 month ago
I setting up a carnival right now. To open this week. Not to worry about approvals. None whatsoever! Because kisses go by favor in this country. But O I forgot, I am Bahamian. Kicked in the face again
John 3 years, 1 month ago
If y’all gonna let the carnival 🎡 n and let them operate, stop pussyfooting and stop playing musical chairs. Either they are approved or they are not. Stop making Michael Darville look like a Chuckle Head idiot! Y’all don’t forget what that cause Minnis with his election game ay. Orr, yea Orr! Minnis could’ve still be PM, at least until May 2022. Yea ya c
moncurcool 3 years, 1 month ago
No one but Michale Darville is making Michael Darville look like as you say "A Chuckle Head idiot!" He is a member of Cabinet so he should know about the approval.
Besides, no one from the OPM has come out an said the Carnival did not get approval from the PM.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 1 month ago
We should all know by now that for some things cabinet is be just as shocked as the rest of us
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 1 month ago
"Yesterday Mr Albert reacted to the mixed messaging from government officials.“I guess he’s confused, but he had to give approval too"
automatic rejection. I guess he's confused??? The carnival guy speaking about the one of the most senior officials of a nation he asked permission to enter and operate in??? But, we like it when they call us dumb he'll probably get approval for an extended stay
JokeyJack 3 years, 1 month ago
Do you really think they would have shipped all that stuff and reserved hotel rooms without approval?
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 1 month ago
I believe like the man said the PM told him to come in.
What I took umbrage at was the carnival guy calling one of our top office holders "confused". We can do that. He's a guest, .... at a kiddie carnival, he cant
JokeyJack 3 years, 1 month ago
Bahamians don't mind the carnival getting approval, what we mind is them getting approval while our Junkanoo does not. Any Bahamian who attends carnival while Junkanoo still has not been approved is a traitor in my opinion.
TalRussell 3 years, 1 month ago
Apparently sometin' is goin' on with management atop hill at the Guardian's all talkie radio station over sackin' their intended co-host Anthon Thompson's hiring to co-host alongside Comrade Juan.
Could be a shift why de station's management is now looking brung aboard to express an even more carnival-like talkie personality to sit alongside Juan. cause management is now lookin' closely at engaging the even more popoular talkie host Ortland H. Bodie Jr as de show's permanent co-host and everything else like this and that ― Yes?
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 1 month ago
themessenger 3 years, 1 month ago
Dem muttonfish lips been kissin bungy for sooo long he ga need mout wash and a new tooth brush before he could even crack a smile on anyone talk show.
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