Tribune Senior Reporter
FREE National Movement Senator Maxine Seymour tabled a letter in the Senate yesterday that purports to show that the Ministry of Finance gave the Progressive Liberal Party temporary approval to import “equipment, apparatus, trailers and supplies” for the Christmas Carnival event.
The letter, which is addressed to PLP Secretary General Barbara Cartwright, comes after the Ministry of Health denied the operator of carnival, Midways by McCafferty Enterprises, approval to have the event, citing COVID-19 related health concerns.
Political insiders have said it is not unusual for political parties to partner with the carnival operator to bring the event to the country. Both the PLP and FNM have apparently used the event as a party fundraiser although this is not generally known to the public.
How the operator brought in and set up its equipment without having final approval from the Ministry of Health to host the event has so far been one of the central mysteries of the controversy.
Joseph Alberts, manager and coordinator of the company, told reporters last week that his company will encourage the government to reconsider its decision, saying it will now “talk to other people in the political platform.”
On the weekend, the company confirmed in a statement it has submitted a new application to the Ministry of Health for approval.
Asked yesterday about the letter Ms Seymour tabled, Fred Mitchell, chairman of the PLP, said: “I’m advised that this is the normal practice with the importations with the carnival. I think the operators have to get various permissions and that is playing out in the press and in official bodies. It would (be) imprudent for me to go any further.”
The letter, which is not dated, was signed by Whitney Kenny “For/Financial Secretary.”
It says: “Reference is made to your correspondence dated October 28, 2021 in connection to the subject matter as captioned (RE: Request for Temporary Import-Carnival Extravaganza 2021-2022).
“I am directed to advise that approval is granted to the Progressive Liberal Party for the temporary importation of equipment, apparatus, trailer and supplies for the Carnival Extravaganza of 2021.
“Approval is granted under the provisions of Section 186 of the Customs Management Act and Regulations 86 (i) and 94 (2) (b).
“The Bond requirement for customs is also waived in this regard. The Comptroller of Customs is advised by a copy of the communication.”
Yesterday, former Free National Movement State Minister for Finance Zhivargo Laing said political parties have partnered with carnival operators to host the event in the past and have likely reaped substantial financial benefits for doing so.
“The party in power tends to be involved and gets some financial benefit from it, that’s basically what I know,” Mr Laing said. “I thought (the financial benefit for a party) could be $200,000 plus thousand dollars, but I think it all depended on the economic circumstances of what they have in the projections of what carnival could do, but I have no definitive number on it.”
Mr Laing said there is nothing untoward about a political party partnering with an operator to host an event like carnival.
“Say carnival was never coming here and say some political operative took some interest in saying ‘you know, I understand there is a carnival that could be brought and I was speaking with a person and they would be prepared to do something for the party and so forth and so forth as a matter of course for facilitating them coming in’; it certainly doesn’t breach any law and I don’t know what the ethical dilemma would be for something that would bring employment, engagement, business licences and other taxes that have to be paid as per the law so what could be wrong with that?”
Mr Laing said to his understanding, permission for an operator to host the carnival is not contingent on their willingness to team up with a political party and give them money.
“I’m not the person with all the details and facts on that; I’m only going based on what I understood over time,” he said. “There are certainly people who have been around politics a lot longer who should be able to be much more helpful than I.”
One former government minister told The Tribune yesterday that normally the process for considering an application to host a carnival would begin when a letter is sent to the government.
“Cabinet would deliberate, inclusive of all the relevant ministries’ opinions,” said the former minister who spoke anonymously because he was not authorised to speak publicly on the matter.
According to the former minister, an application would be sent to the Department of Immigration for temporary work permits for foreign workers; the operator would need to clear sanitation and environmental health requirements; they would have to submit and receive approval for health and safety protocols, including food handlers certificates; the Beaches and Parks Authority would have to approve the use of Clifford Park and collect the required fees; the Ministry of Works would certify technicians, the set up and safety of the rides and issue an operational certificate; and Bahamas Power and Light would also require proof of this certificate to provide power.
The former minister said the purported waiver of a customs bond in the current case is unusual because it deprives the treasury of tax revenue.
KapunkleUp 3 years ago
This split personality syndrome by the FNM and PLP is getting really tiresome. Behave one way when you're not in power and another when you are. Both parties had years to pass election finance laws when they were in power but never did. So JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!
Dawes 3 years ago
So its definitely on then.
sheeprunner12 3 years ago
At least it's been discussed in the public sphere today. Wonder what other "partnerships" have taken place in the past???? ....... Hmmmmmmmm
The only sad thing is that unsuspecting Bahamians would have patronized an event that would split the proceeds to bring NO benefit to them. Either exported our cash or fill coffers of politicians. What a sin on our nation
ThisIsOurs 3 years ago
I just watched an episode on Netflix where two colleagues were discussing the entry of product to a society. One said to the other, when it comes in the leader charges a "tax". The other said where I come from we call that a shakedown.
That's my take on it, the company gets to operate but they have to pay a "tax" to whoever is in charge. Exactly the practice the US Embassy listed in their report, charging US companies to do business.
There have been too many discussions within the past week of corrupt practices that "nobody sees anything wrong with that", "it been going on for decades after all", "This real life not a fairy tale*".
This is why we dont grow, we sell opportunity to the highest bidder not the most talented
Interesting to see the people supporting the practice
carltonr61 3 years ago…
International Banking response to Gambling.
TalRussell 3 years ago
None youse eyeballs ain't never seen nothing like when it be left to de official spokesman for de office of de UK Colony's premiership, Big fella Kirky. is standing bare in notin' but 'em's undies, answering reporters barrage of questions on finer details as to, exactly. how a Kanaval's partnering of cashboxes with current or previous governing middlemans' politicians, were created to work in de best monetary interests in favour of Popoulaces'Purse and everything else like this and that, and more so... during a Covid Pandemic's social distancing times?
And will Big fella Kirky, confirm if any and all Karnaval' communications are to be laid bare for scrutiny by Popoulaces',― Yes?
quavaduff 3 years ago
I thought the plp taking over government was the carnival the article was speaking of ...smh
John 3 years ago
WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR HISTORY, YOU CAN BE TAKEN FOR A CARNIVAL RIDE! Or get swing! It use to be common knowledge that the carnival was a major fundraiser for the PLP since Pindling time. People may scuff and scorn at this but it was the PLP’s idea to bring the carnival here as their major fundraiser so why should they not benefit? THINK BACK to the 1970’s and early 1980’s there wasn’t sufficient Black (PLP’s) businesses to support a major party. At one point campaigners went from house to house collecting funds for the party. And the major contributors ( probably to both parties) were the NUMBERS BOYS. And that’s why they couldn’t just get shut down! . .. And then there was the year of TWO CARNIVALS! Yes two carnivals. It may have been shortly after Hubert Ingraham came to power. And in his usual, nasty political way, he tried to deny the carnival permission to operate. There was public outcry. People said things like ‘If I knew they was going to stop Carnival, I would never vote FNM.’ So Ingraham decided to bring in a Carnival for the FNM and grant the PLP permission to bring theirs.. .. Then ther was the time when the Carnival was ‘BASE OUT’. Practically everyone they brought in to work were on drugs, mostly cocaine. And they could be seen in the over the hill area searching for drugs during the daytime and after hours.
.. Then there were times when the counterfeit bandits hit the carnival and so did armed robbers. And it was one reason the carnival was moved to Fort Charlotte. To help prevent robberies and assaults on the person.
John 3 years ago
The days of Cocaine, Brian Ross, Nation For Sale. Commission of Inquiry, Attempt to Kidnap LOP of a fishing boat,
truetruebahamian 3 years ago
Kidnap Ping 'of' a fishing boat, come on boy do better!
John 3 years ago
Boy go research! Go and find out who stopped it and why she stopped the kidnapping by the Feds, then com talk to me boy!
John 3 years ago
‘ NASSAU, Bahamas — When the new U.S. ambassador came to Nassau to oversee American interests here, mainly the war against narcotics traffic, she did it in appropriate style. In an unspoken but blunt announcement that she was serious about her role in the drug war, Ambassador Carol Boyd Hallett chose a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration airplane to bring her over from the mainland.
Hallett’s pointed choice of carriers scandalized a few Bahamians. “It insulted a whole nation of people,” complained Dr. Elwood Donaldson of the Bahamas Concerned Citizens Assn. Neither the prime minister, Lynden O. Pindling, nor the foreign minister, Clement Maynard, was on hand for her arrival. But the press and most community leaders applauded her.’ From The New York Times boy’. The beginning of the Saga
TalRussell 3 years ago
Seems Guardian's takie host Revolutist' is in advanced exit's peeing off mode, brought on by the Kanaval's mess, showcasing his bombastic potential in a hunt to lineup of potential corporate and political clients with abundance crypto coins? Hopefully, if we tune into Z Live: Off the Record with Zhivargo Laing, we will learn how soon de Z, is preparing 'em's Bungee bundle to move into de 12 PM to 2 PM timeslot and everything else Guardian talkie like this and that?
Comrades in spirit, you just can't make this talkie stuff up, ― Yes?
ThisIsOurs 3 years ago
Its amazing how many people seek to justify corrupt practices as "that's just the way it works". George Smith told us after all why does it matter how you make your money?. How can someone say, "when you in power is your turn and when I in power is my turn" and call that a legitimate business practice. No business operates like that. Its a shakedown. I wonder if the US Justice Department interviewed or investigated this operator what they'd find. They might just put that Israeli financial investigator on the case.
Alex_Charles 3 years ago
Normalization of corruption. look at the truckery...
John 3 years ago
So what is corrupt about engaging or partnering with a private company to raise funds, political or otherwise? What is the difference from a private company bringing a concert here or the company that use to bring the circus. No not the one in Parliament Square, Or even a private person having a cookout for medical or education funds? Come to think of it, the first time some of the numbers boys ever got to operate legally in the country was at the carnival wen they were allowed to operate games of chance. So hush and go play bingo at the church fair.
Alex_Charles 3 years ago
So which political party has you on the payroll?
ThisIsOurs 3 years ago
This is nothing like a private company bringing in a concert.
For one the private company would be asked to pay for work permits at minimum. What this is like is someone who has the reigns of power of the country having an "arrangement" with an entity in which they allow that entity to come in free of charge... no work permits.. and in return for greasing the way, you give me back something. That is NOT ethical business practice. That is abusing power. What we tend to do in the Bahsmas is engage in all of these shady practices and then justify them by saying well it wasnt illegal and even if it was theres no penalty prescribed in the law. There's one extremely surprising proponent of these practices who must have gotten hit with a big rock for as vocsl as theyve been in support of the goings on. Incidentally, they also saw nothing wrong with giving out contracts to supporters absent of a proper procurement framework... cuz thats how it works"
bahamianson 3 years ago
So plp and.fnm use the peoples property and the peoples.government to help get them back in power while the stupid lower class bahamians bicker about differences.this is wromg from both parties. You are using the peoples.resourses to enrich yourselves. Can i use 1 million dollars from the peoples purse tomstart a business? Judt asking for a.friend. this country is crap.
ThisIsOurs 3 years ago
Its very telling that Brave hasnt said a word. I frankly don't think he had much to do with this..Yes the power of his office was used but it doesnt seem like this is something he'd concern himself with directly. However the fact that he hasnt spoken out says clearly something isnt all together right with this arrangement. It would be a fairly simple communication if this was in fact a normal business transaction
John 3 years ago
‘ NASSAU, Bahamas — When the new U.S. ambassador came to Nassau to oversee American interests here, mainly the war against narcotics traffic, she did it in appropriate style. In an unspoken but blunt announcement that she was serious about her role in the drug war, Ambassador Carol Boyd Hallett chose a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration airplane to bring her over from the mainland. Hallett’s pointed choice of carriers scandalized a few Bahamians. “It insulted a whole nation of people,” complained Dr. Elwood Donaldson of the Bahamas Concerned Citizens Assn. Neither the prime minister, Lynden O. Pindling, nor the foreign minister, Clement Maynard, was on hand for her arrival. But the press and most community leaders applauded her.’ From The New York Times America’s STAGED ‘War in Drugs.’
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