SAFETY FIRST: Carnival to stay shut after govt persuaded of COVID spread risk


Tribune Senior Reporter


THE government has again denied a request from operators of the Christmas Carnival, citing the fast-spreading omicron variant of COVID-19 and a need to mitigate risks from the virus as children prepare for face-to-face learning next month.



During a hastily arranged press conference at the Office of the Prime Minister yesterday, press secretary Clint Watson read a statement from Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis on the matter.

He said: “Earlier today, my government made the decision not to allow the carnival to proceed this year. We fully understand this will come as a disappointment to carnival-goers, to the vendors, to those who were looking forward to the jobs they had secured with the carnival, and to the carnival organisers themselves.

“Everyone should know this decision was taken with great care and after comprehensive consideration. There have been multiple developments in recent days involving omicron, the new, more transmissible variant of COVID, which made it clear we could not proceed with carnival safely.”

 “The legislation which we recently introduced, after the end of the State of Emergency, allows for the Minister of Health, in consultation with and acting on the advice of health experts, to impose certain protocols on events to guard against the transmission of the virus. In the view of the medical experts, allowing the Carnival to proceed posed a significant risk to the public. They therefore recommended that it should not be allowed to proceed.”

 The Ministry of Health denied the operators’ application last week, saying officials were not satisfied that protocols could be satisfactorily enforced, among other things.

 Previously, the Ministry of Finance had given the Progressive Liberal Party approval to important equipment related to the carnival. Governing parties have traditionally partnered with operators to host the event using it as a party-fundraiser.

 Yesterday, Mr Watson said: “The Carnival organiser submitted a fresh application, supported by an additional 35 pages of information, which sought to address the concerns raised by the experts. The panel considered their submission closely, but decided that the transmission risks associated with the Carnival remained too high and the protocols presented would not sufficiently mitigate against the spread of COVID, especially given the new variant.

 “We are currently preparing for schools to re-open for face-to-face teaching in the New Year. We did not want the Carnival to add to risks of community transmission and threaten this important reopening. We were elected on the promise that we would consult, we would be transparent, and that, at all times, we would make competent, compassionate decisions to ensure that the interests of the Bahamian people always come first. We were also elected on the promise we would listen to the medical experts in making our decisions. This we have done.”


tribanon 3 years ago

It seems the PLP party should not have insisted on getting a much bigger piece of the pie from the Carnival's owners and organizers. And without its cut of the Carnival take, the PLP party will likely have to get a loan from Bank of The Bahamas to pay its more pressing unsettled election campaign bills.

Poor Fweddy Boy must be in an apoplectic tizzy over the fact that the Carnival owners and organisers are standing their ground and refusing to give into the PLP party's extortionist tactics. My oh my, say it aint so. LOL

ted4bz 3 years ago

They know better, there will be no spreading, not naturally. But the US could and might elevate the level of danger back to the highest. That is the greatest danger, nothing other. This alone will create a domino effect, again. If only they tell the people educate the people and stop the folly and diddling around the mulberry bush, if only…

tribanon 3 years ago

You obviously haven't attended any NFL football games recently. Sports stadiums throughout the US are packed to capacity. The US is no longer worried about COVID, even in the so called "low vaccinated red states."

There is little left for corrupt politicians and their corrupt billionaire friends in the big pharma and bio-tech industries to milk from all of the scaremongering associated with the never ending scariants.

Meanwhile the very evil and sinister Xi Jinping led CCP has his military regime working overtime to develop COVID-666 which will be bio-engineered to be mRNA vaccine proof and rid the world of all but the Chinese race. Coming to a cinema near you soon. LOL

bahamianson 3 years ago

who is the competent authority ? If the competent authority were Minnis , you guys would be busting your heads against the wall right now. you would be saying, how can minnis dictate to us about the carnival. he caused them to come here , set up, and told them not to open. he is egotistical and loves power. Who loves power and control , now?

M0J0 3 years ago

Well now they are considering that folks are not fully vaccinated until they have received their booster, the money good they ain't ready to let it go.

TalRussell 3 years ago

Such a proactive move by de "Brave" Davis Premiership, runs contrary to de silver lining that de probusiness Tribune editor were looking sprung forth out UK Colony's new premiership.
De evening hour newspaper, hasn't yet got it as to why de shopping popoulaces...Stopped shopping and everything else like this and that and why de proactive decision was so a necessary move to halt de shopping red popoulaces minority, from Karnivalising theyselves, ― Yes?

Bigrocks 3 years ago

Well, I guess the carnival folks sue the Givernment for costs,ect for letting them come in,set up and then now told to go home? Seems we have had no Governments for the past 50 years can think anything through that they do.

birdiestrachan 3 years ago

COVID 19 seems to have all confused. All the brilliant science and Doctors are baffled every time the world tries to relax and take a deep breath. something else comes up. New York had to cancel their broadway shows.

birdiestrachan 3 years ago

The carnival is a CATCH-22 situation

Like DAM if you do and DAMMED if you don't

Those are the facts and most people understand these facts.

themessenger 3 years ago

Birdie, crawl back under your rock like a good lil crab. You could fix ya juicy mout round dat anyway ya like but da facts is the PLP gave them people permission to come in and set up, or a price of course, and now telling them to carry dey ass. What alla we would like to know is will Brave dem give the people dey money back and will the PLP reimburse them for all of their on costs for shipping and setting up all that equipment, work permits etc. I highly doubt it. What do do say about when teif teif from teif?? Every government we've had since independence has been a circus the only things that change are the clowns.

BahamasGuy 3 years ago

They claim it’s in part to stop the spread and yet it’s reported that tomorrow over 6,100 people and counting are flying in for vacation. 95%+ capacity at Baha Mar and Atlantis which is over 8,000 people and 10,000+ people coming off of cruise ships every few days, but let’s not let a few hundred people visit a carnival….. sad

TalRussell 3 years ago

Which way would you wager?
Has de carnies, really been
ordered to pack they amusements games and prises  bungee bundles for they's speedy exit off UK Colony, or is this but a stall tactic to buy time until after Christmas, so as to allow de heat against de government to simmer?
We just may get to see if this could turn out to be
de litmus test, will answer, whether de PLP party's loyalty is to de travelin' carnies or de popoulaces' at-large** and everyone else like this and that ― Yes?

birdiestrachan 3 years ago

SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN I will forgive the PLP those FNM's seven if they are lucky. when the PLP is wrong I will rebuke lovingly

Themesssenger I am not a crab I am an eagle I fly high where snakes in human form can not get me

COVID 19 is straight from the devil in hell

Caution is necessary Human lives are at stake.

themessenger 3 years ago

Bird droppings, as usual your political bias prevents you from seeing the bigger picture while we wait to see if the PLP will do the honorable thing and give the carnival their money back before telling them, as Tal so quaintly put it, to carry dey bungee bundles, Lol.

SP 3 years ago

OMICRON is going to kick the PLP square in the arse in about 4 weeks!!

TalRussell 3 years ago

As the dark and deep Karnival's, long hoped would never be exposed that tarnishes de inner financial dealings of both de main political parties.... My longtime advocacy becomes even that more hopeful to live to get to witness de true true birth of a Coalition (COI) of Independents, I still hold that such a COI, can take advantage of the next Five governing years mandate, **to organise and structure their Independent Selves into a viable political force on and in each and every Out Island, Cay, Inlet, Town, Settlement, Jib and Rock - stretching across the sea waters we UK Colony and everyone else like this and that being truly of good intentions and of sound independent minds' ― Yes?

John 3 years ago

SOUTH AFRICA is saying the OMICRON virus is your FRIEND! Despite the rhetoric in the US and elsewhere, daily cases of Omicron in South Africa is now double that of what the Delta strain was at its peak. But hospitalizations remain low and there has been ONLY ONE recorded DEATH from Omicron. Yes JUST ONE DEATH, despite the thousands of cases. No doubt the omicron is here in this country as the number on new cases DOUBLED this week over last week. Symptoms of Omicron are similar to that of a MILD cold or flu. It does NOT include loss of taste or smell. Hospitalized patients do not require supplemental oxygen. The major symptom is fatigue. The major treatment is bed rest and steroids. Patients recover in an average of two days. Recovered persons now have natural immunity and no need to get vaccinated.

John 3 years ago

Viewers are outraged after seeing a video of a robbery at a local business establishment. While the female cashier appears to be complying with the armed robber’s demands, he still proceeds to slap her up and manhandle her. There were

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