COVID cases continue to ramp up


Tribune Staff Reporter


IT is possible that an uptick in COVID-19 cases is associated with the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and travel, according to local infectious disease expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes.

On December 16, the Ministry of Health confirmed 39 new cases of the virus; 37 were confirmed on December 17 and 41 new cases were confirmed on December 18, bringing the nation’s total to 23,112.


Dr Nikkiah Forbes

Just a few days earlier, cases were in the lower double digits. On December 15 only 24 new cases were recorded while 21 were recorded the day prior. The ministry’s December 12 dashboard saw only 19 newly confirmed cases while only 15 were recorded on December 10.

Asked if this increase is indication of another surge, Dr Forbes, director of the National HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Programme, replied: “It’s difficult to say that right now. So what we know is that there has been an increase in the number of cases we’ve been monitoring in the last week or so and there could be things accounting for it.

“Thanksgiving and holiday travel at the end of November two or three weeks ago.”

 She also said: “We have to be very mindful of it because we’re going into the holiday period and in the holiday season people do tend to gather and there are parties and other social events and so we have to be mindful of what’s happening with these cases especially in light of the fact (that) Omicron has been identified in many places.”

 Asked if it is likely the rise in cases has from the Thanksgiving weekend, Dr Forbes responded: “It is possible. So there could be an uptick of cases associated with that holiday weekend and travel.”

 She reminded the public that there are things people can do to mitigate risks, such as getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, and keeping a distance of six feet when around people who are not in your household.

“We’re not in another surge yet but some of the indicators that we may be getting into a surge is when you see a sustained increase in the number of cases overtime. . .So this has just really started to happen and so it could be an uptick related to something, like about I would say two to three weeks ago. About three weeks ago was the Black Friday/Thanksgiving weekend. It could be associated with that, but there’s something we all have to do. There’s something we can do to get these cases back under control and that is to follow public health precautions.”

 Yesterday at a press conference, Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Michael Pintard spoke about the increase in cases. One issue he raised was people travelling into the country.

 “I think we are past the indicators stage,” he said. “Our neighbours to the north, from where we get the vast majority of our tourists, they are overrun right now. The numbers are continuing to climb in the US in general, certainly the eastern seaboard, and those persons are coming to us every single day in incredible numbers. So when you ask about triggers, the fact that is happening in the US and there’s movement, Bahamians as well as tourists back and forth, should already have triggered the government to have adjusted its policy in terms of requirements for people coming back into the country.

 “The second thing is that since our numbers are creeping up, the government should be more strident in terms of running a vaccination programme. They would’ve studied what we did and they were critical of it and I think they would’ve found among our colleagues some of us have ideas of our own how it should’ve been done months ago. We are here willing to work with the government in order for the government to step up its campaign.”

 He recalled a question asked in the House of Assembly recently, regarding whether all government ministers are vaccinated.

 “I believe people have a right to choose if they want to be vaccinated or not be vaccinated, but if you are chief spokesperson for the government, which is the Cabinet, at a minimum you should be able to say to the public whether or not we are vaccinated. Are all of us vaccinated…because if they are not vaccinated chances are the level of intensity and the amount of resources they are prepared to allocate chances are going will be less than what it is for us to fight this battle,” Mr Pintard argued.

 “I’ll give you an example, COVID ambassadors have been removed from the airports. In Grand Bahama certainly, persons are out in the elements for the most part. Every time you land and you speak with them, they tell you we’re in a very rough position. What is the reason why we’ve stopped checking? Now there may be a sensible and rational reason that I don’t quite understand, but I’d like to hear the explanation. So what I’m saying is those measures that we thought could be even a secondary check on whether somebody has evaded authorities at the point where they’re boarding a flight. You have a secondary way of checking. Why eliminate it? Why remove it? So we’re very much concerned.”

 He said the government should step up its approach to the situation.

 “I don’t get the sense and from what I observe the population doesn’t get the sense that we are, you know, in the midst of a crisis. People are dying on a regular basis and the government has to, I think, step up what they’re doing,” he said.

 He added: “…We would love to be a part of the briefings with the medical professionals so we can get the information consistently in real time.”


carltonr61 3 years, 3 months ago

I hope our scientists here along with tourism is watching. Florida though says the data and science does not match the rhetoric of fear.


ThisIsOurs 3 years, 3 months ago

Dont mind the messenger, they're correct, the data doesnt match the hysteria. One South African doctor on cnn.com referencing reports said the numbers are decreasing, case counts are going up because more people are testing, people are chosing to test rather than vaccinate.

Bobsyeruncle 3 years, 3 months ago

From December 16th

Currently there are about 7,600 people with Covid-19 in South African hospitals, about 40% of the peak in the second and third waves. Excess deaths, a measure of the number of deaths against a historical average, are just below 2,000 a week, an eighth of their previous peak.

“We are really seeing very small increases in the number of deaths,” said Michelle Groome, head of health surveillance for the country’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases.

More than 90% of hospital deaths were among the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, News24 reported, citing Waasila Jassat, a researcher with the NICD.

LastManStanding 3 years, 3 months ago

All of them have an agenda. RT is no less biased on any issue than CNN, Fox, or NBC. It is all propaganda, so you might as well read it all and pick the pieces of truth out.

carltonr61 3 years, 3 months ago

Latest WHO guesswork sounds familiar to Rumsfield's finding Iraqi Saddam imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction "unknown unknowns" that killed hundreds of thousands.


ThisIsOurs 3 years, 3 months ago

you cant make this up. last weeks story was cases remain low and tourism is looking great!. While that low cases line was running I made comment about 2 things, in one week we had 6 deaths, a low number but if delta was waning that was a troubling occurrence, the other was the sheer number of reports about a massive spike in tourism. up to 90% bookings.

When will we get it?

When we have an exponential spike in tourism there will be a spike in cases. There is no way around it. Its like children in a kindergarten class. There's going to be cases of the cold. So if youre not going to close the border and infections are inevitable the only other action you can take is spread minimization. And the battle is in tourism facing industries. Focusing on partying Bahamians is futile. If the battle seeps out of the hotels and the airport, the war is lost.

All that said, I havent heard any country reporting a spike in deaths or hospitalizations, there's just a hyper focus on case counts. So far I dont see an impending deadly threat but that takes nothing away from the need to keep eagle eyes on the data

TalRussell 3 years, 3 months ago

Comrade Sister Dr Nikkiah Forbes, 117 in new cases were recorded over 72-hours alone, is not be dismissed as a uptick in just what de UK Colony's government, says it recorded in COVID-19 cases and everything else like this and that Covid, considering true negatives, if only they were tested for Covid, might be three+ times de greater for de worst, ― Yes?

stillwaters 3 years, 3 months ago

She seems to be confused about an obvious rise in cases.....why is she trying to dumb down to match this government 's nonchalant way of dealing with covid?

carltonr61 3 years, 3 months ago


South Africa ordered to not quarantine as Omicron as weak as a flu.

TalRussell 3 years, 3 months ago

De UK Colony's premiership of "Brave" Davis, would be proactive wise as of Wednesday, December 22, to order all staff out of retailers, dine-in restaurants, clubs, gambling joints, picture and entertainment venues, gyms and spas, barbers to be closed until further notice and everything else like this and that, all who are non-essential workers, ― Yes?

ohdrap4 3 years, 3 months ago

I think he has a lot more sense than you.

Make chicken souse and go commiserate by Minnis House.

carltonr61 3 years, 3 months ago

Tribinon canceled phase II Devos world Covid reset conclusion as democrats holdout would not vote for Biden Build Back Better elites total control of every human. Way to go. https://www.rt.com/business/543766-davo…

LastManStanding 3 years, 3 months ago

3rd shots are now becoming mandatory for many universities and workplaces abroad. It is quite clear that this power trip these officials are on needs to come to an end. Florida was supposed to be extinct a year ago according to the talking heads. Funny that they seem to still be going strong.

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