Tribune Business Reporter
RESIDENTS of Love Beach say they are in the dark over the reported approval of the controversial “The View at Love Beach” project and don’t know what exactly the government has approved.
Erica Pople-Ferreira, managing partner at Ferreira and Company, who represents one of the Love Beach residents, told Tribune Business yesterday she was “not aware” that “The View at Love Beach Residences development,” was approved and ready to commence construction within the next two weeks.
Ms Pople-Ferreira said: “My earlier comments on the project still stand. Based on my previous comments, there was grave concern about the disruption to the peaceful neighbourhood, the possibility of rodents, etc… increasing and nothing would have changed. My previous comments stand.
My client vehemently opposed the project and I made note of that. I wrote to the government, to the Ministry of Works.”
The project’s controversial developer, Dr Mirko Kovats, said in yesterday’s Tribune Business that he was given approval in September to commence all works regarding the Love Beach project, which he also said will begin towards the end of January.
The project had several concerns raised by residents at several town hall meetings over the last three years. The first concern was with regard to the height of the building, blocking the view of the beach for other residents of the Love Beach area and also the height not being within the Ministry of Works guidelines.
The second major concern was that the project would bring increased traffic to the peaceful and somewhat secluded area of Love Beach, which would increase the likelihood of more crime and other pestilences that come with increased human activity.
The third concern was residents didn’t want a hotel developed in their community. However, there has been no indication the hotel development has been scrapped from the project’s plans. Calls to the Ministry of Works and the Department of Physical Planning have been fruitless as most people are out of office due to the Christmas holidays.
Ms Pople-Ferreira also said: “I attended the town meeting, along with my client. Most persons in the room were opposed to the project at that time. I don’t know what they could have done differently that would take the government on the route to approving the project.
“The project would have also been against the building restrictions in the neighbourhood. I’m extremely concerned.”
Maria Ageeb, a resident of Love Beach, also told Tribune Business that while she was made aware that the project had been approved in October she too is not aware of exactly what has been given the go-ahead.
She said: “This is very disheartening. I’m not entirely sure what their final approval was for, so I don’t know if there’s anything that we were really against that did get approved or not. Most of what we truly were against the Town Planning Committee supported that, so hopefully what they finally got approved was a little more reasonable.”
Ms Ageeb hopes they “didn’t get the hotel approved,” as it was one of the major issues about the project.
“As far as I’m concerned it is only supposed to be unit condos. A whole lot of condos and it will be right behind my house. They call this development, but now there will be a ton of people in my neighbourhood, but they call that progress,” she added.
Ms Ageeb added: “They should also shorten the building because it was something we were very much against, which was them going outside of the restrictive boundaries and the height was a big thing.
“Everything I heard about the developer has been negative, he seems like he’s a piece of work, but he has his foothold in this country and there is nothing much we can do about it.”
familyoffice 3 years, 2 months ago
All explained in yesterday’s article - just read what has been said. The building height is legal, there are no restrictive covenants, no hotel, just residential.
covebay 3 years, 2 months ago
Love Beach is changing and not for the better. There are residents building illegal cabanas on beach land that does not belong to them. Other residents have claimed huge amount of public beach as their own by installing boulders and sea grasses which block other residents from using that area of the beach. An abundance of dog owners walk their dogs on the beach and refuse to pick up after their dogs - demonstrating complete disregard for children who play in the sand and all those who enjoy leisure time on the beach. BEST Commission has not visited as promised and the residents who attended the town hall meetings and respectfully voiced their valid concerns are being ignored. What is the point of town hall meetings - is it just for show? To make the Ministry of Works feel good about appeasing Residents and giving false hope that Residents’ concerns are being listened to? This development, if approved, and all the other abuses at Love Beach are a shameful disgrace and demonstrates no sincere will on the part of the respective authorities to ensure adherence to law and policies and to safeguarding the beautiful beaches of the Bahamas. This coupled with the selfishness and arrogance of some residents who get away with their negligent actions - do not bode well for the preservation of the beauty and tranquility of Love Beach.
Maximilianotto 3 years, 2 months ago
It’s so simple - if approved - and this has been confirmed by the landowner - just build it.$150 m investment vs. „I believe“ „I am against“. Seems to be quite incompetent lawyer otherwise she would know there are zero restrictive covenants, but cheap talk is faster than serious due diligence and competent statements. Too many lawyers on the island not enough business for the incompetent ones so noise is their only option.
familyoffice 3 years, 2 months ago
@Maximilianotto - the project is approved. There are no restrictive covenants. Fully residential, no hotel. Building drawings will commence early 2022, construction second half of 2022 as already outlined. The lady lawyer should read first and talk thenafter. We don’t want to comment further.
Proguing 3 years, 2 months ago
"the height not being within the Ministry of Works guidelines." So what is the purpose of having guidelines if they are not followed? What other guideline was not followed?
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