There is a bright light within us

EDITOR, The Tribune.

What makes humanity so special? Yes, special. We are agents of destruction and creation too. We look at our universe often in a survivalist manner, applying the rules of Darwinism to much that we do.

The survival of the fittest, only the strong survive and yet we show many moments of charity, pity and love to others less strong, more in peril than ourselves.

A lowly animal that would have died due to its lacking front legs, is cared for and nurtured by another.

That little animal not only survives but also becomes an inspiration to others.

Think of all the people who have some form of physical or mental handicaps, neighbour’s who do not see, hear, are deformed in some way. They too could and would perish if not for the helping hand and charity of others, their families, friends and strangers with an open heart and mind.

How can we create and turn the tide of destruction away from us and our fellow humans?

Look at our world, a place where the media points out the difficulties of life, war, hatred and suffering.

Yes, there is a great deal of destruction, and yet there is a bright light among and within us that leads us to do good, stretch out our hands to others in need, to build instead of destroy. Our spirit, our soul may have a strong spiritual essence to it, a ever growing conscience perhaps. Whatever this light maybe, it calls us to better ourselves and achieve good things.

The New Year is upon us. A new beginning in time, and within our minds to change and better ourselves. Please make that change benefit others also. The needy, ill, hospitalised, poor and war torn individuals of our world look for a helping hand. Please give it with a smile on your face and a bright light that shines from your heart.




December 29, 2021.


1pnewman 2 years, 8 months ago

'A lowly animal that would have died due to its lacking front legs, is cared for and nurtured by another. That little animal not only survives but also becomes an inspiration to others.'

No such thing ever happens!! If you wish to give some kind of example of the nurturing and care afforded by animals , this isn't a good example. If an animal is crippled, handicapped in any way, its mother may initially stay with it for a time but eventually the pack moves on and the parent leaves it to DIE. There is no such thing as' inspiration ' in the animal kingdom. That is a human quality.

themessenger 2 years, 8 months ago

On the contrary, especially in this country where a sizable proportion of the population have been reduced to and, more to the point, behave just like animals, no regrets, no remorse!

1pnewman 2 years, 8 months ago

Totally off-point and not in any way a valid response. Read the letter again and then read my reply.

themessenger 2 years, 8 months ago

“ If an animal is crippled, handicapped in any way, its mother may initially stay with it for a time but eventually the pack moves on and the parent leaves it to DIE” You hit the nail right on the head, this is precisely what happens in ghettos all over this planet including this country. Obviously you’re not very familiar with what happens daily in our more disenfranchised communities, and the packs get larger and more savage every day.

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