Tribune Senior Reporter
THE Candidates Committee of the Progressive Liberal Party has finalised 16 candidates to represent the party in the next general election, a group that includes old hands and new faces that will help form the PLP’s team - in addition to the five incumbent PLP MPs.
The party could hold a National General Council meeting as soon as this week to consider the recommendations and ratify the candidates, two sources told The Tribune yesterday.
The five incumbent PLP MPs - leader Philip Davis, deputy leader Chester Cooper, Glenys Hanna-Martin, Picewell Forbes and Vaughn Miller - have been guaranteed a nomination.
Otherwise, the Candidates Committee’s recommendations include former ministers Fred Mitchell in Fox Hill, Alfred Sears in Fort Charlotte, Keith Bell in Carmichael and Michael Halkitis in St Barnabas, The Tribune understands.
Other recommendations include Clay Sweeting in South Eleuthera, Jobeth Coleby-Davis in Elizabeth, Leslia Brice in Seabreeze, Jomo Campbell in Centreville, Wayde Watson in Bain and Grants Town, Jamal Strachan in Nassau Village, Mario Bowleg in Garden Hills, Zane Lightbourne in Yamacraw and Bacchus Rolle in South Beach.
Three more candidates have been identified but their names were not available.
PLP officials were tight lipped when asked about the party’s candidates yesterday. When contacted, one expected nominee said they were told not to speak to the media.
Nonetheless, the party has moved to quickly build up its campaign apparatus in anticipation of what it expects to be an early election.
Kevin Simmons, a close ally of party leader Philip “Brave” Davis, is said to be the campaign coordinator.
The likely move to confirm some candidates follows an unusually tense and bitter nomination process that was at times subject to claims of unfairness.
Younger PLPs, some of whom feel pushed aside in favour of older candidates, have been especially critical of the process. Convinced they can bring a fresh perspective that would serve the party well in governance, some are now disillusioned with the PLP.
The Tribune understands officials at the highest level of the party asked several young aspirants to end their campaign for a nomination for the next election.
“The electorate told the PLP to become a more youthful party,” one young member said recently, “but the message being sent is it doesn’t make sense joining the party and working your way up because young people who did that aren’t being considered for candidacies.”
Asked about this yesterday, Mr Davis said his party will have a “significant amount of young people” as part of its team.
“You will see when they are unveiled, there will be disappointments but the road to governance has many parts and roles to play and the fact that they may not be a candidate does not necessarily mean they are excluded from my (prospective) government. And so sometimes it worries me that people only see their role as an MP and they don’t see the bigger picture. At the moment there are only 39 seats.
“We’ve had nearly 300 persons apply for seats and there will be disappointments and everyone who applied they all indicated that they understood the likelihood is there that they will not be nominated even though they will wish to be and they all said that they will be willing to accept the decision and I hope that will carry through.”
Mr Davis touched on themes that will likely form part of the PLP’s pitch to voters during a press conference yesterday.
“I have just returned from a few days traveling in the Family Islands,” he said. “I want to be as clear as possible, across this country, there is terrible suffering.
“I have never seen so many Bahamians hurting so badly at the same time. It is absolutely clear that we need to step up immediate relief to families and we need a roadmap for the way forward. People need help now, and we need to rebuild our economy so that it is more fair and inclusive.”
shonkai 4 years, 1 month ago
16 Is more than enough, four times the number of seats they will get.
tribanon 4 years, 1 month ago
Anyone who votes for a PLP, FNM or DNA candidate in the next general election really needs to have their head examined. Now is the time for just about any reputable, hardworking, financially self-sufficient and common-sense grounded individual, one who loves their country and fellow Bahamians at large, to run as an independent candidate. The vast majority of eligible voters now living a miserable existence in a bankrupt country are simply fed up with 'the revolving door' of corrupt and most greedy PLP and FNM politicians.
sheeprunner12 4 years, 1 month ago
You back on here talking nonsense again?????? ........ We need two strong parties with a viable Opposition with at least 12-15 seats ...... Hold Govt accountable .......... We in this mess because we've had super-majority governments since 1997 ......... Too much Cabinet slackness and no honest Opposition.
tribanon 4 years, 1 month ago
Here's the simple equation your little mind can't seem to grasp:
Two more equally sized elected groups of incompetent, corrupt and most greedy FNM and PLP buffoons simply still equals one parliament chockablock full of incompetent, corrupt and most greedy buffoons.
sheeprunner12 4 years, 1 month ago
Tribanon .......... the 242 party system is inherently rigged to create power for a few in each party & many sycophants to support the political elite (royal families) ...... It is like that in most Western countries ......... But the people must be more proactive & astute at ELECTING the best candidates in their respective constituencies - and not the colour reps.
The biggest mistake the 242 voters made was to reject the 2002 Referendum ....... that initiated the downward spiral of "people power"
TalRussell 4 years, 1 month ago
The Communist Bulletin: This Sunday morning's Manifesto Singspiration will be led by the visiting comrade Sheeprunner12. A special gift collection plate will be passed around to assist with travel from, and back to the Long Out Island.
We encourage comrades to reach deep into their pockets, and pocketbooks. Shakehead a quick once for Upyeahvote cannot just be making up such nonsense up. twice for Not.
sheeprunner12 4 years, 1 month ago
Philip Davis is NOT deserving of the nickname "Brave" ......... There is NOTHING that is "brave" about him ........... It is such a disservice to a noble concept and to a movie like Braveheart ....... Whoever continues this facade of calling him "Brave" must stop ....... Can you suggest more appropriate nicknames?????? ......... Greasy, Kickbacks, 242Voodoo, MafiaKing, YardieBoss etc.
TalRussell 4 years, 1 month ago
Let's just say I hold say 5,000 shares in a BISX traded stock - how long would it take me after instructin' a sell my shares order, before I actually can pocket the cash, cause your comrade Tal, does need to convert my shares into real liquid cash dollars to aid my backyard rooster Big "Lady" Red to proceed with his/her sex alteration procedure?
Topdude 4 years, 1 month ago
Where is Leslie Miller’s name? He meets the criteria specified by the King. That is Tribanon
TigerB 4 years, 1 month ago
I hope, if they (PLP) will they know ain no money for them to mess around with. I can hear them excuses nar...
Topdude 4 years, 1 month ago
Will Peter Nygard be financing the PLP campaign again this time? Please ask Perry Christie. And please carefully review the video on YouTube of how the PLP were in bed with this person: https// or just Search Youtube : The Fifth Estate How Peter Nygard Pamper Parties in the Bahamas. This is a video released three days ago. See how our PLP politicians sucked up to this man.
SP 4 years, 1 month ago
Where do we sign up? My pet scorpion wants to run to!!
Topdude 4 years, 1 month ago
I was shocked to hear Nygard boasting On the Youtube video that we (PLP) won the election. And incensed when he tells a foreigner that he runs things politically in the Bahamas. And simply embarrassed when Perry Christie is seen in his company in Las Vegas with two Scantily dressed women . And almost shocked into unconsciousness when Perry Christie is seen fawning like slave to Nygard in the presence of Ministers in the last PLP Government.
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