Tribune Senior Reporter
PEOPLE who allegedly suffer loss or injury after taking COVID-19 vaccines will have one year to send their claim for compensation to a specially created, five-member tribunal that will assess their case, according to new rules tabled in the House of Assembly yesterday.
Applications must include the date and location of the administration of the medicine, the full details of the loss or injury suffered, and the occupation and place of employment of the person suffering the loss or injury.
It must also be accompanied by available documentary evidence.
The tribunal will determine if people are eligible for aid and, if so, how much.
“In making a determination under this section, the tribunal shall make a determination based on compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence provided by the applicant,” the rules say. “A decision by the tribunal shall be final.”
According to the Health Services (COVID-19) (Aid for Loss of Injury) Rules 2021, people eligible for aid could be awarded general damages, special damages and “such other damages as the tribunal may consider just”.
“Any aid payable to an applicant shall, in respect of general damages, be fixed according to the type of loss in respect of personal injury suffered; and special damages, be determined on a case-by-case basis,” the rules say.
“Where a person receives aid pursuant to these rules, the receipt thereof shall constitute a full waiver and release of any further liability in respect of the medicine administered.”
The tribunal will consist of a medical practitioner, a pharmacist, a retired justice of the Supreme Court nominated by the chief justice, a public officer designated by the financial secretary and “a person with such qualifications, expertise or experience in the finance or insurance industry as would, in the opinion of the minister, enable them to make a contribution to the performance of the tribunal’s functions.”
Loss or injury is defined as “all damages, losses and liabilities, including claims for death, physical, mental, or emotional injury, illness, disability, or condition, fear of the foregoing property loss, or damage, or business interruption.”
Clamshell 4 years, 1 month ago
How perfectly Bahamian: Nobody has gotten the shot yet, but we’ve created the structure for people to collect money from the government once they’ve gotten the shot. “Oh, my tummy hurt. Gimme money!”
tribanon 4 years, 1 month ago
Our health officials must have been tipped off by Red China that the cheap vaccines coming our way are going to cause some serious side-effects and make a lot of people very ill. This all sounds too scary for me.
bahamianson 4 years, 1 month ago
What is the maximum compensation? What is the compensation if death occurs?
DWW 4 years, 1 month ago
business interuption compensation for a vaccine???
tribanon 4 years, 1 month ago
What about compensation for the owners of the domestic businesses he personally shut down or put out of business for good? When will that 'compensation tribunal' be created and funded by our supreme ruler? LOL
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