Tribune Staff Reporter
PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis officially opened the London Creek Bridge in Andros during a special ceremony on Friday, saying the development is just one of many infrastructural projects lined up to better improve the island.
At Friday’s opening ceremony, Dr Minnis explained that it was important for his administration to construct the bridge to help preserve the Andros’ ecosystem after road infrastructure had severely affected the London Creek.
Other creeks also affected include Staniard Creek, with construction for a new bridge in that area already underway.
“There are a number of natural creek ecosystems in Andros which have become blocked due to the construction of roads across them,” Dr Minnis said. “Such blockages cause severe damage to the natural aquatic ecosystem, including increased sedimentation in the creeks, modification of the mangroves and a decrease to the fish larvae export of the lagoon.
“The creeks in Andros that have had the most severe impact include London Creek and Staniard Creek. Because the existing infrastructure is negatively affecting the health of the creeks, works have become necessary. This includes Staniard Creek, where work is currently being undertaken.”
With the completion of the London Creek Bridge, Dr Minnis said it is expected that the move will serve as a catalyst for ecotourism in Andros.
He added: “The London Creek project is important for the surrounding area as it will help to regenerate the natural flora and fauna of the creek system. This will provide a catalyst for ecotourism in Andros by providing residents and visitors with the opportunity to have an up-close experience of the beauty of the natural creeks ecosystems in Andros.”
Noting that the government is committed to the full economic development of all Family Islands, Dr Minis also told Androsians that they can expect to see more infrastructural projects being completed in the months ahead.
This includes major repairs to the Red Bays Road, he added.
He said: “I wish to note that there are other infrastructure improvements slated for Andros and I want to say that the government has embarked on an aggressive and progressive five to seven years infrastructural crusade repair and development.
“This is to ensure that every island in The Bahamas will have proper roads, proper light, proper water. Can you imagine Cat Island for the first time is receiving potable water? For each island, proper water, bridges, docks, healthcare facilities and Andros you know that in 2008 we started here, the telemedicine programme which was successful.”
He continued: “I can assure you that we will aggressively move towards expanding and redeveloping our telemedicine programme throughout the Family Islands so you will no longer have to be transported by air ambulance, but you can be seen by the doctor in New Providence without having to leave and if you need radiological investigation or ultrasound, that can likewise be done here and interpreted by the (physician) in Nassau or Grand Bahama.
“… The design is that at the end of seven years, every island in The Bahamas would have all the infrastructure up to par that is necessary so that there will be no difference in quality of care or life between any Family Islands. The entire Bahamas will be equal.”
His comments were echoed by Works Minister Desmond Bannister who told reporters that officials had plans to complete three more bridges in Andros.
Mr Bannister said: “We’re going to open one in Staniard Creek on the 18th of March and then we’re currently designing two bridges. You’ll see them as we go along. The infrastructure for our country has been abandoned for a long time and we are seeking to rejuvenate that infrastructure.”
During Friday's ceremony, Dr Minnis also thanked Androsians for their adherence to the COVID-19 protocols and also urged them to continue practising the health guidelines.
“Androsians, I want to thank you very much for the discipline you are displaying throughout the entire pandemic and have assisted us in keeping this pandemic at a very minimal level here in The Bahamas,” he said.
Cobalt 3 years, 11 months ago
Excellent job Dr. Minnis! Very proud of you! Once again the FNM has proven that they are a government committed to initiating much need infrastructure throughout the Bahamas. Far too often Bahamians spend countless hours complaining about the government. But when the government happens to do something good; we hear nothing from the whiners and complainers. Bahamian people want the government to do things for them that they aren’t even willing to do for themselves. Congratulations mister PM! The Regressive Liberal Party cant hang their hat on one infrastructural project that they’ve initiated and completed! The FNM recently laid pipes and running water in Brave Davis’s constituency and Brave Davis was too ashamed to show his face at the ceremony because he was too embarrassed. As he should be!
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago
Minnis is running around campaigning on the taxpayers' dime while our country's foreign currency reserves are dwindling with increasingly limited opportunity for replenishment by foreign currency denominated borrowings that do not carry astronomical interest rates.
Cobalt 3 years, 11 months ago
Well..... you should go and run for PM then. Let’s see how well your solutions work. It’s easy for you backseat drivers to sit back, talk and complain. But it’s a completely different story when you’re in the drivers seat. Heavy is the head that wears the crown!
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago
Between our deliberately dumbed-down voting population and the multitude of once illegal aliens who somehow managed to get citizenship, those who are best capable of running the country know full well they do not stand a chance of ever being able to do so. Our country's best educated and qualified people have long ago either made their home abroad or accepted they are destined to remain in the backseat and are just along for the drive to ruination. Besides, most Bahamian voters may never wake up to the fact that the Communist Chinese Party will soon be telling them who they must vote for
sheeprunner12 3 years, 11 months ago
Yes, Cobalt. Too many backseat drivers in 242. The main backseat driver is Greasy Fingers Davis ........ He used to be in the front passenger seat, but he caused more problems than solutions with MOPW, BPL, Bahamasair, BAMSI, & WSC .............. but he has no seat belt on now, and when he crashes ............ BAM
sheeprunner12 3 years, 11 months ago
Toll fees need to be put on these bridges to fund these bridges ......... It worked with PI bridge and it can work today. Automatic toll booths can do the job, doesn't require more cheap labour.
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago
Unfortunately the old PI bridge has not been properly maintained and is unsafe.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 11 months ago
omg look at the people cram like sardines. lol. Didn't they hear what happen in San Sal?
tribanon 3 years, 11 months ago
Minnis couldn't care less about COVID-19 and his many rules, orders and protocols when he's in full election campaign mode visiting our many islands on the taxpayers' dime. The self-absorbed Minnis is truly sickening to say the least!
TalRussell 3 years, 11 months ago
A single picture tells all need to know to profile Mr. Minnis, sandwiched like sardines on em's right and to em's left.
Other less fortunate members PopoulacesOrdinary at large POAL is being fined and jailed for not practicing Mr. Minnis, Marvin Dames, and Chief Justice Brian's, will enforce social distancing policies when possible, and when is not possible must practice an even greater social distancing - by staying their backsides secluded at home.
A Foot Postnote I sure hope it was the redshirts party's own Androsian members' coughing up the thousands of dollars it took to pays for yet another out island-hopping excursion for Mr. Minnis, and delegation? Shakehead a quick once for Upyeahvote, twice for Not?
avidreader 3 years, 11 months ago
O ye of little faith! Do you imagine that the politicians ever intended to follow their own rules? How sad if you did. Just last week in London the police caught the Prime Minister Boris Johnson riding his bicycle for exercise about 6 miles away from his residence. Against all the rules.
birdiestrachan 3 years, 11 months ago
Never mind the Bahamas economy is in deep trouble. and so is the Pm very soon he will have to face up to the true facts. and he nor his spin doctors will be able to hide. behind his Lies and illusions.
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