TWENTY-ONE cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on Tuesday, including 11 crew members on a charter boat operating off New Providence.
Nineteen of the cases are in New Providence and two are in Grand Bahama.
In a release issued yesterday, the Ministry of Health said that the crew members of the charter boat operating out of New Providence for about four weeks have routinely been tested for COVID-19.
“As part of the routine rapid antigen testing, the crew tested positive,” the ministry said. “A confirmatory RT-PCR test was conducted on each crew member, and all 11 crew members were tested positive for COVID-19. Three of the crew members are currently symptomatic. However, all crew members remain in isolation.”
One hundred and seventy-five people have died from the disease while 15 deaths are under investigation. Thirteen people are currently in hospital with COVID-19.
abiizk 4 years, 1 month ago
Mask is very useful I used to wear when I go to the office at dubaimachines
happyfly 4 years, 1 month ago
I wonder if our local health expert knit-wits got the message.…
Our entire state of emergency, lockdowns and the devastation of our tourist economy has been based on PCR testing and the WHO has just come out and admitted that the high cycle rate PCR testing they originally recommended is far too sensitive and is causing an unacceptably high number of false positives. The above link translated into working man's terms = doctors should use their own common sense and personal observations to determine whether a person is actually showing symptoms of the damn coronavirus before they classify that person as an active 'case' ! When is the madness going to end ????
JokeyJack 4 years, 1 month ago
...but it is nice that the common cold and pneumonia have disappeared from the planet.
Islandboy242242 4 years, 1 month ago
Shouldn't paint "charter boat" with such a broad brush. Live aboard Scuba boat? Sailing charter? Could have negative effect.
John 4 years, 1 month ago
So who is sitting on their hands and watching the Covid-19 numbers steadily climb up? Isn’t it time to implement some further restrictions, especially on Sundays to avoid a future lockdown? The crowds in certain hot spot hangout areas are definitely getting to thick? While it may not be necessary to close these ‘hotspots’ down again there must be better crowd control. Restrictions on those two days to persons seated to dine or picking up food. Then there’s Valentines in a matter of days.
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