17 new COVID related deaths reported

MINISTRY of Health officials have reported 17 new COVID-19 related deaths including several cases that were previously under investigation and are now reclassified.

The new updates also said 130 new cases were recorded with 61 cases on Wednesday and 69 on Thursday.

There were five virus related deaths included in Thursday's virus update.

These involved one Bimini death, a 35-year-old man on July 3, and a woman, 34, from Eleuthera on July 6.

Three New Providence deaths were also recorded. They were two 53-year-old men on July 6 and July 13 along with a 79-year-old woman on July 14.

While health officials said eight deaths were reclassified, only data for seven of those fatalities was included in the update.

The victims were all from Grand Bahama.

There were four deaths in April - a 103-year-old woman who died on April 7; a man, 44, on April 8; a woman, 72, on April 11; and a 50-year-old man on April 24.

The next month three more people died of COVID-19 - May 3, an 82-year-old woman; May 4, a 65-year-old man and an 88-year-old woman on May 20.

On Wednesday, an additional five deaths were recorded involving New Providence residents.

The victims were a 53-year-old man on July 10, a 31-year-old man on July 1, a woman, 87, on July 12, and two men aged 51 and 61 on July 13.

There are 67 people in hospital.

Sixty are moderately ill and seven are receiving care in the Intensive Care Unit.


rodentos 3 years, 8 months ago

covid related but NOT from covid. There is no excess mortality, covid is a lie

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago

My belief is once you have COVID cause of death as "non COVID" is a crap shoot

Dr Sands mentioned a man who had a seizure, fell in the road was struck by a car. He was later diagnosed as COVID positive. His death was classified as non COVID.

But this virus is insidious, who's to say COVID didnt cause the seizure? And if it could have been found out as such, COVID was the cause of his death, but for it, he wouldnt have had the seizure and wouldn't have fallen in the road

If someone with COVID has kidney failure, they dont say they died from kidney failure. COVID caused the kidney failure

whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago

Really it’s not so simple - there are primary and secondary factors. If someone smokes a pack a day for 40 years, gets lung cancer, then catches covid, then dies...all of these factors must be considered...was it the smokes, the cancer, or the covid...? Ultimately covid put them over the edge but flu or any other infection could have as well..However in your/dr sands example it’s a little more straightforward- I m going to go with blunt force trauma and probably severe internal organ damage after being hit with a car...just saying..

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago

he died because he was hit, but if he hadnt had COVID would he have even fallen. I agree its not "simple". 99% of the people who died were obese. They were obese all their life with their doctor telling them to lose weight. Here comes COVID, did the weight or COVID kill them? More than likely if they werent obese they would have survived. Im going with COVID as the culprit

whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago

Yeah but if he didn't get run over (ie just fell in the road) then who knows if COVID would have killed him...What a coroner would know for sure is he/she got squished and that is where he/she met their end...if not hit by a car they may have simple collapsed got to hospital got O2 or ventilated and fully recovered.

On the subject of Obesity again we can work off the data - the last thorough study of mortality in The Bahamas was 2014 and that illustrated that over 600 persons perished from cardiovascular related diseases - the side effect of lifestyle - poor diet, lack of exercise etc..so you have 600 people (probably more that are going to die every year in Bahamas from just those diseases alone - 1/3 of what COVID as impacted in 1.5 years.. It's highly probably that COVID may killed a considerable amount of people that were likely to die anyway..what a lot of people don't realise is that the average of mortality for C19 is in high 70s early 80s which is the same as average life expectancy. Put simply COVID is just killing people that were likely perish it anyway, but through the flu, cardiac vascular disease, HIV, cancer etc...We see this around the world Italy, US, Uk, France etc some 90+% of the "COVID" had severe underlying co-morbidities..

COVID ain't a player it just plays the game well..

And well... the media, Govs, massive pharmaceutical corporations have exploited this to their respective agendas - clicks, control and profit...

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago

"What a coroner would know for sure"

thats my point. I believe its almost unknowable. but if I had to make a choice Id go with COVID

whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago

If someone is hit by a car and squished the coroner knows for sure. Everything else about the covid condition is not know which is why the classify it as a covid related but should not be included in the overall counts of covid mortality if they are being honest and not trying to manipulate the data.

baclarke 3 years, 8 months ago

This Delta variant is moving fast. Vaccination along with good sanitation practices, mask wearing, and social distancing should help stop the spreading, but they MUST continue to test ALL persons who travel, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Stop being stupid about who is vaccinated vs who isn't. Stop making life harder for those who aren't vaccinated, and let them accept and live out the risk that comes with that choice.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago

excellent point. stop villainizing people and attack the real culprit. some of them same vaccinated tourists we not testing travelling with the delta variant

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