Tribune Chief Reporter
TOURISM Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar said yesterday the government has not yet decided how it will handle protocol for visitors should Emergency Powers Orders end next month.
Last month Attorney General Carl Bethel said the Minnis administration wants to remove the COVID-19 emergency restrictions by August but that doing so will depend on infection rates and the behaviour of residents. Health Minister Renward Wells said on Tuesday the plan has not changed to his knowledge.
The latest emergency proclamation expires in August.
The House of Assembly, however, will be on summer break until September.
Asked yesterday if ending the emergency orders meant the travel visas and COVID-19 testing would fall away for people entering the country, the minister said: “A decision has not been made yet. The way forward is still under consideration.”
He could not say when a decision would be made.
On Tuesday, when asked if the government is still hoping to end the current state of emergency next month, Mr Wells said, “The state of emergency ends on August 13. If there’s going to be any change to that, obviously the competent authority, the Cabinet of The Bahamas would have to come back to the Bahamian people to say so, but right now there is no discussion about changing the fact that the emergency orders end on August 13.
“But if it was to change, the government of The Bahamas will come to the Bahamian people in the shortest possible time and inform the country as to what direction we are to go in.
“But, you know in order to be able to do that, I do believe under the law you would have to go to the House of Assembly and the (House of Assembly) doesn’t meet until the 22nd of September. We would have to call an emergency session and the governor general would have to call the (House of Assembly) back into session to be able to do that, but as it stands now, we’re moving forward,” Mr Wells said.
Last month, Mr Bethel was asked if parliamentarians will break their summer recess to extend the emergency proclamation.
He said at the time: “If the Governor General should form the view that the emergency persists, the Governor General is always free at any time to issue a new proclamation even during the course of the expired term of the existing proclamation. Once he does so, then both Houses (of Parliament) will be summoned to meet within five days of the issuance of such a proclamation.
“The mere fact that the House (of Assembly) has adjourned beyond the expiration date (of the emergency proclamation) does not prevent the governor general in his discretion should he feel that the emergency persists, to issue a new proclamation, summon the Houses and allow them to debate whether or not to extend the proclamation. Such a proclamation would last for 14 days absent a decision by the Houses to extend the proclamation.
“As it is right now, the government has indicated a view that we could look toward the August period for the removal of emergency powers and that is certainly the aim. Everything depends on how we behave ourselves as a people.”
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago
"will depend on infection rates and the behaviour of residents."
They will be the cause of death for many more Bahamians with this approach. Its not Bahamian behaviour that has the COVID cases spiking. Can the Tribune reprint the photo of the homeporting tourists crammed into the airport during one of the "glitches"? Those two infected teens were among that group. How many taxi drivers, bellmen, flight attendants, airport workers, travellers, policemen carried infection home unaware?
whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago
Virus is going to virus. Delta isn't as deadly too old folks. People have antibodies... And if you're vaccinate you can still pass the virus on but the government just doesn't know because they don't test the 'vaccinated'... Orders need to end because they 're not grounded in science, make know sense and keeping them up only pours acid on the tatters of what little (if any) credibility might still exist in the minds of the Bahamian populace. What protocols should follow? A focus on building back better - less hand outs for foreign developers, build up Bahamians business and stop pissing a way hard earned tax dollars on consultancy firms...recognise local knowledge and the strength of each island instead of trying to cookie cutter new providence style development for every island of The Bahamas (yeah you can start with cancel the home-porting experiment)
John 3 years, 8 months ago
The USA, BRAZIL and The UK are ALL having more new Covid cases than INDIA,! And whilst the US and UK are highly vaccinated, Brazil has a low vaccinated rate. This virus does not respect persons or vaccines.
Economist 3 years, 8 months ago
You have given us a half truth. Yes the numbers are rising in the US and UK. Most are the very comunicable Delta variant and 85% of those getting it are UNVACCINATED.
Also, well over 99% admitted to hospital are UNVACCINATED.
That is why both countries are pleading with the unvaccinated to get their shots.
Proguing 3 years, 8 months ago
Economist, look at page 17 of the document provided by whogothere. You will see that more vaccinated people above the age of 50 are dying from Covid than unvaccinated over 50. The facts contradict what the media and politicians are telling us.
John 3 years, 8 months ago
Y’all arguments are baseless since there are more UNVACCINATED people than there are vaccinated. Secondly there were over 60,000 ‘breakthrough’ (vaccinated people who get the virus) in the US alone. But the CDC has stopped recording all breakthrough cases and only recording where the patient gets seriously ill and has to be hospitalized.
TalRussell 3 years, 8 months ago
@ComradeEconomist, we need much more with your intelligent and direct approach to counter anti-Vaccination attitudes, and dangers they not only present to themselves and family members but every person they come into contact with.
Your words are not going unnoticed, yes?
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago
1/3 of the deaths are fully vaccinated. The truth is somewhere in the middle of the pro-vax and con-vax positions
TalRussell 3 years, 8 months ago
@ThisIS, seriously, you need to delete whatever source you relied on that 1/3 of death are of the fully vaccinated, yes?
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago
correction. 1/3 of the DELTA variant deaths were fully vaccinated individuals. the stats are being reported in UK and Israel
TalRussell 3 years, 8 months ago
On any given day members PopoulacesGeneral PG, going deaded and since the UK is up around 80% PG vaccinated, of course, you'd see the percentage increase of those deaded, with COVID. But the UK report, doesn't claim that they deaded from COVID, now did it?
The vaccine makers have never claimed** that the vaccines will protect the fully vaccinated from COVID, yes?
whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago
Even if you have one dose (beyond 3 weeks) it's meant to give you some protection - at least from death and hospitalisation but in the UK from feb to now DEATHS in persons over 50 that received vaccines (one and two shots) outnumbers those over unvaccinated persons over 50 by almost 2 to 1. In this category vaccinated actually account for 2/3 thirds of the deaths and the same can be said for hospitalisations.
Just saying..
TalRussell 3 years, 8 months ago
Regardless of how the math works for varying age groups, the vaccines goin' save many of those who would've previously have deaded, yes?
whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago
Honestly - how do we know? On the one hand COVID kills people in overwhelming majority that are already dying - with 2-3 co-morbidities. The average age of death is essentially in line with life expectancy. On the other hand it appears that vaccination has all but a short benefit if the Data in Israel and the UK is accurate - it would be one thing if the Vaccine gave 2 -3 years of protection but right now it's failing against variants after 4-6 months. In addition at this point we don't know if "dry tinder" plus the regulations imposed, hysteria drummed up and psychological damage to society is primary cause of excess mortality and that COVID is being framed via mass testing as being lead contributor of death when in reality it is simply in line with severe flu seasons in other years and vaccines are no more effective than flu vaccines that also often are poorly matched to variants in each given year.
whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago
@economist your numbers are off check out data in table 5…
Vaccination is not helping those exposed to the delta variant in the uk. More vaccinated are dying in greater numbers. And those that over 50 are being hospitalized in greater numbers as well..
Israel data is similar
rodentos 3 years, 8 months ago
of course the whole covid stuff is BS. Also the covid variants are. You can't have the virus mutate to be more infectious and more deadly. All other viruses mutate to be more adapted (=more infectious) and at the same point less deadly (BECAUSE more adapted!). Now they are telling you only this one mutates to be more infectious AND deadly. It is FUD!
John 3 years, 8 months ago
ARE the competent authorities in this country too politically driven to put in some restrictions in light of rapidly increasing cases in light of the fact that they currently have no vaccines?
rodentos 3 years, 8 months ago
you mean incompetent authorities
carltonr61 3 years, 8 months ago
He is compitant that piling on the death rate without being allowed questioning as to person's health status Bahamians will beg to be ruled by him. Covid just don't kill people your body according to their science must have underlying issues. Imagine the slaves afraid of freedom fearful go try life feeling safe on the master property. Stockholm sysdrom has set in aboung Bahamians as the jailor is painting himself as a savior. Pharih let my people go.
ohdrap4 3 years, 8 months ago
The govt already said: until "sufficient people have been vaccinated".
All they have to do is let the current vaccinated period expire and limit receipt of new vaccines.
The camel can only carry so many straws.
baclarke 3 years, 8 months ago
" ...doing so will depend on infection rates and the behaviour of residents". "Everything depends on how we behave ourselves as a people." This guy continues to show his contempt for the Bahamian people and his lack of understanding of current world trends and the transmission of the virus. While the virus is indeed spreading here, he fails to acknowledge that many vaccinated persons are bringing the virus here but he seems to think that they are immune and don't require testing. What an imbecile. You want to help your people Mr. Prime Minister? Firstly, bring in enough vaccines. Secondly bring in more options faster other than that clot-risk laden astrazenca vaccine, and most importantly test ALL persons travelling internationally, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Either heavily subsidize the PCR test or use the more affordable rapid antigen test (because either way you will have to test everyone again) and drop that money making, teefing heal visa scheme.
Alan1 3 years, 8 months ago
The Health Visa has to end immediately. Visitors can show fully vaccinated documents at the airport check in and be given a boarding pass and on their way to The Bahamas. We are losing a lot of visitors every month because prospective visitors are going elsewhere as there are too many hassles and the expensive Visa to be bothered coming to us. There are so many other destinations for people these days . People will go where it is easiest to enter. The Tourism Minister over the past year has seriously damaged our economy with the cumbersome and unworkable rules. All so very sad. When will he come to his senses??
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago
there are no senses to come to sadly
Proguing 3 years, 8 months ago
Have you been to Bahamar lately?
whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago
Lol out island too..honestly we could afford to lose a few tourist..
TalRussell 3 years, 8 months ago
Whatever came of the Samaritan's Purse's left behind Tents that were used to set up portable Hospitals at Princess Margaret Hospital and Freeport's hurricane-damaged Rand Hospital...and, weren't they donated by Samaritan's Purse to the government?
You're not thinkin', might turn out be a policeman's matter if somebody gone helped themselves to generous Samaritan Purse's, canvases, yes?
SP 3 years, 8 months ago
The biggest idiotic decision these guys made was to immediately make N95 masks illegal for the general public to import while Minnis, Wells and their group ran around wearing them!
If they were so concerned that the virus would be airborne, it was s-t-u-p-i-d to prevent people from doing all they can to protect themselves with N95 masks.
Now the "Delta" variant is supposedly spreading like wild fire, and citizens still are not allowed bring in quality protective masks. However, individuals can purchase them at a medical supply company on Rosetta street that an MP happen to have an interest in!!!
We are not conchs and will remember this nonsense when the election bell rings!
rodentos 3 years, 8 months ago
at the contrary! they did everything as ordered by their NWO masters to further spread covid19, to introduce the NWO agenda into the Bahamas! Remember Minnis reopened Bahamas without any protocol when Florida was collapsing from Covid.
John 3 years, 8 months ago
This country recorded its third highest (100, yes ONE HUNDRED) new cases on Saturday. Should there even be a discussion of ending the emergency orders at this juncture? The US is going back to full masks and some states are now requiring quarantine, negative tests or full vaccination to enter. Are these sudden deaths related to the Covid-19? At least three since Friday.
SP 3 years, 8 months ago
How many Bahamians would have avoided COVID or still be alive today if these clowns hadn't banned the importation of N95 masks?!
The FNM are unquestionably culpable in many, many, unnecessary deaths and sicknesses!
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