New hires may need vaccine to secure job


Rupert Roberts


Tribune Staff Reporter


SUPER Value’s president Rupert Roberts says while COVID-19 vaccines won’t be mandatory for employees, the food store chain is considering only hiring fully vaccinated people in the future.

Speaking to The Tribune yesterday, Mr Roberts voiced growing alarm about the surge in COVID-19 cases, saying the number of Super Value workers infected in this third wave have been greater than what was seen in the previous waves.

Added to this situation is the nation’s climbing death toll, which rose to 284 on Sunday after two men from New Providence died from the virus on July 14 and July 19.

Yesterday, Mr Roberts said in recent days, it is believed that death brought on by COVID-19 has reached the company’s doorstep.

He told The Tribune the chain is currently mourning the death of an employee, who is believed to have died from the virus.

If confirmed, this would make the second Super Value employee to have died from the deadly disease since the pandemic began.

Mr Roberts said the latest deceased employee worked in the trucking department.

He added the employee got tested for the virus last week after experiencing flu-like symptoms.

However, the test later yielded negative results, but Mr Roberts suspects the test result was inaccurate.

“We are mourning our second COVID death last week,” Mr Roberts said. “Our employees are in shock at the moment. Our employee originally tested negative at a (local clinic) and continued his illness for a week until he passed out and was rushed to Doctors. We suspect the test was wrong. He died Thursday or Friday. He has children and I believed he’s in his 40s.”

“I think he got the wrong test. Last year, we had a girl who died (from the virus) and I’d say it’s almost been a year, but we’ve had some other hospitalisations, but they’ve pulled through.”

The food store owner was unable to say yesterday how many employees at the food chain store tested COVID positive to date in this third wave. However, he admitted that officials have seen a greater uptick in cases over the last month.

The rise in virus infections, he added, prompted Super Value to re-implement new COVID-19 preventative measures, which now only allows for job seekers to be interviewed virtually among other things.

“We’ve had more cases recently than we’ve had in the past 18 months, but we have two consulting doctors and they’re giving Ivermectin, and they’ve had no affect at all. It seems to work,” Mr Roberts told this newspaper. “This wave seems to affect younger people and it kills fast. With our strict protocols, I don’t think they’re getting it at work.”

But, despite the climbing numbers, Mr Roberts said many workers still remain hesitant to take the jab, citing vaccination rates among Super Value workers as “very low.”

Mr Roberts believes misinformation and public misconceptions have contributed to vaccine hesitancy in the country.

Asked if the company is considering making vaccinations mandatory for staff as is  being done in some businesses, the foodstore owner replied: “I wouldn’t enforce vaccinations, but we are thinking about only hiring employees that are vaccinated (and) if that’s the trend then why employ unvaccinated people?

“I think that most employers during COVID should only employ those vaccinated. Because if the Competent Authority says today, only vaccinated employees could serve the public. We’d have to close because we don’t have enough vaccinated people to carry our business,” Mr Roberts added.

“So, that seems to be where we’re headed so we might as well co-operate and go with the flow. It’s not by choice and it’s not where the government wants to be headed, but it’s what the pandemic is driving us to do.”

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is expected to address the country at 8pm tomorrow regarding his administration’s continued fight against COVID-19.

Dr Minnis will announce a series of measures to assist with care of people in hospital with COVID-19, steps to limit the further spread of the virus and an update on the country’s efforts to secure more vaccines.

News of the national address have sparked concern in some Bahamians, who fear another COVID-19 lockdown may be looming, especially ahead of the holiday weekend.

However, in a statement Sunday, the Prime Minister’s office suggested there are no plans to implement a lockdown, insisting it’s focused on implementing policies that protect Bahamians while allowing commerce to continue in a safe and responsible manner.

Still, when asked if store heads had seen any panic buying, Mr Roberts replied that they haven’t and stressed it’s very unlikely the government would resort to another lockdown as the country has already started its rebound from the pandemic.

“I think they are going to take every possible measure to avoid lockdowns,” he said yesterday.


mandela 3 years, 8 months ago

Dear Mr. Roberts why don't you post a big sign on all of your food stores entrances reading ONLY VACCINATED PERSONS MAY ENTER TO PURCHASE GROCERIES, Please sir do this so we can see your only vaccinated theory at work. Thanking you in advance for your utmost consideration.

tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago

Talk about a dowdy arse of the highest order!

ohdrap4 3 years, 8 months ago

We suspect the test was wrong.

Well, now the CDC has withdrawn approval forcthe Rt pcr test. You all been had paying 120 or more for it.

Many employers making employees pay fpr their on test, despite the illegality of it.

But hey, I did not take the vaccine to cure stupidity.

carltonr61 3 years, 8 months ago

CDC casts proof that case numbers may include simple seasonal flu and ordered a more accurate test to distinguish the two. At this point of better testing it will declare pandemic over with millions having already lost their minds, jobs and hope.

carltonr61 3 years, 8 months ago

If only our Covid Dictator were to keep current rather from reading from the Davos 2017 script of destruction and rebuild. They must have threatened old Roberts somehow to get in line with one world order voice or loose shipping rights.

Topdude 3 years, 8 months ago

Once again the ignorance of some people who spew stupidity in these Comments Sections are manifest. If these misbegotten children of lop headed idiots would take the time to review the literature on this continuing pandemic they would shut up and understand the reasons for such requirements.

However because this form of self flagellation is their only source of joy, evidently, the automatically write without thinking and jump to erroneous conclusions.

The CURRENT best practice in handling and controlling this virus is to exactly what the management of Super Value is now implementing.

I guess France, New York City, all health care facilities are wrong according to logic and reasoning of these twits?

Seriously, seek your pleasure in the words of the Almighty and quit showing your ignorance.

And do not forget, our Prime Minister, who is a trained physician, and Dr. Sands support this policy.

tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago

And to think the very power-juiced, megalomaniacal and tyrannical Minnis actually thinks much like you. LMAO

ohdrap4 3 years, 8 months ago

someone recently pointed out that the truth lies in the middle, TIO i think.

that must be between Birdie and Topdude.

JokeyJack 3 years, 8 months ago

Mr Roberts if you implement forced vaccination for new hires, as you are considering, i and many others will never shop at your stores again, and that includes even years after this panthingy is over or even if u later reverse the policy. Not just years, but never.

DonAnthony 3 years, 8 months ago

Bahamians need to wake up. I spoke with a manager at a major Bahamian company who had several positions to fill. Three highly qualified applicants came in for an interview and when asked said they were not vaccinated and would not take the vaccine. They were immediately removed from consideration for the job. Many companies are quietly only hiring vaccinated persons.

tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago

That major Bahamian company probably failed to hire the three best candidates for the positions offered. And that will more than likely be the company's big loss down the road.

ohdrap4 3 years, 8 months ago

We used to this.

Had they been vaccinated, they might have been removed anyway because of age, political party, dress , sex, surname.

Check in a years time, policy reversed

bahamianson 3 years, 8 months ago

Florida news, a mother and daughter both have covid , and are in the hospital. The mother is speaking to Florida News from the hospital room. They told her , if she leaves , she cannot come back. She is vaccinated with mild symptoms. her daughter is on a ventilator and not vaccinated. The daughter is 15 years of age. This, for me, is convincing . the vaccine may not stop you from getting Covid, but it can prevent complications. All can read about it. 15 year old in a coma in florida, florida news.

tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago

Have you ever stopped to wonder why the main stream media is always highlighting these types of cases while remaining very tight lipped about the many cases in which persons have been harmed by the vaccines, some fatally?

whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago

Just stupidity/publicity...your vaccinated employees are still going to walking around spreading the virus...to your vaccinated or unvaccinated customers.

Look what this vaccinated idiot did...


newcitizen 3 years, 8 months ago

Daily Mail links, well, not much else to be said here.

whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago

lol...says the man with the meek comebacks and no links at all...lol

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago

So wait a minute if such a large number of employees have been infected to the point where he's considering only hiring vaccinnated persons, the foodstores must be a hotspot of infection. Which ones? Can Wells give us the data? And why arent those locations closed?

No I dont want the foodstores closed, I am asking why spas and not foodstores?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 8 months ago

You know the insidious thing about this virus... well there are so many, but one obviious thing is the progression. In 2020 only older people with comorbidities were impacted so if you werent old and didnt have comorbidities who cared right? Lock them up so we could go out. Now we've moved to oh-oh young people could get it too, but they een vaccinated. So lock them up so we could go out. And furthermore, dont allow them to work. What happens when the vaccinated time come and the authorities say, well locking up people work before so we locking you up too, what then Vacinnated?

baclarke 3 years, 8 months ago

To be honest, this is a valid choice for an employer to make for new employees so I have no quarrel with him on this. Of course he will limit his hiring options, but that is his loss/risk to accept. The thing is, the vaccinated requirement will make no difference in the spread of the virus..... so if this is why he is enforcing the requirement then it's foolish...... Asymptomatic vaccinated and unvaccinated persons will continue to spread the virus as is happening right now.... The best he will get is that the vaccinated persons can continue to work while they are sick, lol.

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 8 months ago

If you are vaccinated you are 92 to 97% protected from being hospitalized or dying. Simple fact. So if everyone is vaccinated there would be no pandemic.

Good move to deny anyone refusing the vaccine a job. 100% in support Mr. Roberts...

baclarke 3 years, 8 months ago

Look up the definition of "pandemic" and you will see that your statement is just as false as when Biden said it. Secondly, being hospitalized or dying has nothing to do with being vaccinated or unvaccinated on the job.

whogothere 3 years, 8 months ago

99.9% don't die of the disease. Simple fact. And in Iceland adult population is 90% vaccinated and they just had their highest daily case load (mostly vaxed people)...oops..so no if everyone is vaccinated the pandemic will still rage...


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