Follow the rules - we’re watching

POLICE Commissioner Paul Rolle.

POLICE Commissioner Paul Rolle.


Tribune Staff Reporter


COMMISSIONER of Police Paul Rolle has appealed to Bahamians to abide by health protocols during the Emancipation Day holiday weekend.

He said officers will be enforcing the law as usual and stressed that bars are prohibited from operating.

His words come days after new health measures were announced for New Providence and Grand Bahama along with North and Central Eleuthera, including Harbour Island.

Speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony for the handover of vehicles to the RBPF from the United States government, Mr Rolle revealed that he signed the operation order for Monday’s holiday yesterday morning. 

“We’ll be continuing our efforts in stepping it up as usual on these holidays and I still ask persons to, you know, abide by these provisions,” the Commissioner told reporters. “Bars are prohibited and if we find them, we’ll be taking action.”

Asked whether officers intended to also ensure churches follow the measures, the police chief explained officers were not going to be focused on any one group.

“I encourage persons to abide by the provisions of the emergency powers order,” Mr Rolle said. “I’m not gonna go into that discussion with the church and the pastors. I said already, what we’re going to do. Let’s leave that at that.”

The church community has expressed criticism of the one-hour restrictions of religious services. Bahamas Christian Council president Bishop Delton Fernander has said the state “cannot dictate to the church”.

On the other hand, Senior Pastor of Mount Tabor Church Bishop Neil C Ellis told The Nassau Guardian: “We are not going to be hard-pressed to end our services abruptly after 59 minutes if we have not come to a place of a good conclusion for the worship experience.”

The Commissioner was also asked yesterday about a video circulating on social media that shows a man being handled by police with some people believing that the officers were too aggressive in taking him away from a vehicle and putting him in a police car.

According to the Commissioner the individual involved was supposed to be in quarantine but breached it.

He said: “I saw a video; I believe that was in Bimini and I don’t know what you mean by aggressive. The officers follow procedures. When we use force, we take action against the officers and what you saw on that video was the officers giving instructions and the young man refusing to comply, but yet sill the officer used, which I thought was reasonable force as provided in law.

“I would like to stress to persons when the police give you orders, just follow the orders. You know, if the police does something wrong there’s a way for that but not to challenge the police when they’re trying to enforce the laws. This man was supposed to have been in quarantine, as I understand it, and he had  breached the quarantine and so we took the action necessary to put him back where he was supposed to be.”

“That was in Bimini during the lockdown and persons were I think taking advantage of the fact that we couldn’t get them to court in time”.


mandela 3 years, 5 months ago

When the police give you orders, just follow the orders, normally I would agree, but with the amount of D-Average and lower educated police on the force it makes it very scary

Sickened 3 years, 5 months ago

I tend to agree with the D average - but in this case these D officers are dealing with fools who completely failed in school and are failing in life. I have no issues with police being rough with people who don't obey orders.

Dawes 3 years, 5 months ago

LOL they say this every time and then we all see the videos after. Fully expect the same to happen this weekend.

TigerB 3 years, 5 months ago

Hence we see the results in the rise in cases. Rand Memorial full, our ICU has 4 beds... let them do fool, the chips will fall where they may.

Sickened 3 years, 5 months ago

Yup. The weak will perish - as it always will be.

tribanon 3 years, 5 months ago

Asked whether officers intended to also ensure churches follow the measures, the police chief explained officers were not going to be focused on any one group.

In other words, all are no longer equal under the eyes of the law; and that especially applies to the emergency orders made by the most Incompetent Authority. A truly remarkable admission on the part Paul Rolle.

Rolle and his gestapo goon squad will undoubtedly be focusing their enforcement efforts on the activities of the political opposition because Rolle knows (deep down) that this is precisely what Minnis wants, expects and demands of him most.

TalRussell 3 years, 5 months ago

Obviously, the Commish Royal Constabulary completely missed out on the Good Smaratian's tone Thee's 37 minutes and 40 seconds national address, where a full 28 minutes and.88 seconds of his 8 o'clock national address was targeted at reaching the Red Party's declining red-leaning base of general election red loyal eligible voters, the likes Comrade Paul, who walks about visibly showing off their red loyalty stamped across foreheads.
Keep all opposition eyes focused on and at the polling stations Ballot Boxes, it's all-up them secret boxes remaining secret in the votes consisting where all general elections will begin and end,** yes?

birdiestrachan 3 years, 5 months ago

The Commissioner said that if one confronts the police. one should be prepared to meet one's Maker> This is serious business.

No lie I would like to see the Commissioner sending Police into Churches and arresting Pastors and worshipers who dare to keep services over one hour. just a minute over as doc said one minute after ten people should be arrested.

They are the bosses the people gave them the right to do whatever they do. that is just the way it is. so complain not.

TalRussell 3 years, 5 months ago

You've thought em's could've walked away with gentler tone even if had taken but 20 seconds out of Thee's long-winded 37 minutes and 40 seconds national address, spinning the degree to which the Reds conformity that as Jesus used in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. A sad reflection which Reds has also ignored throughout the meanness spirit acted out by the 35 House-elected MPs majority party's 2017 privilege extended by Voters, governance mandate, yes?

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 5 months ago

They aint watching squat. What a croc...

tribanon 3 years, 5 months ago

What stone have you been hiding under all of these years?

It's been well known for decades now that the corrupt political leaders within the FNM and PLP parties only watch-over and attend to the wheeling and dealing that lines their pockets and the pockets of their family members, favoured cronies, sweethearts and financial backers. Governing for them has always been about 'their' business as opposed to the people's business. It's why they only bother to throw a morsel of attention, and perhaps a few shingles, to the voters every 5 years or so, around election time.

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