SEVERAL people have been airlifted from Andros to New Providence with COVID-19 in the last week, The Tribune understands.
One of them, a middle-aged man who residents described as obese, died from the illness.
The Tribune understands a police officer is among those who were recently flown out of the island. A woman was also flown out on Sunday.
Health Minister Renward Wells did not respond to a message yesterday seeking comment on how many people have been airlifted from Andros in the last week.
Five cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Andros on Sunday and three on Saturday, bringing the total on that island to 155.
Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis announced a two-week lockdown of North and Central Andros on May 23, along with Cat Island. Residents there are allowed to harvest crabs during the lockdown from 8pm to 5am.
According to the latest dashboard information, 55 people are hospitalised with COVID-19, including five in the intensive care unit. The country has recorded 230 deaths up to press time.
The Ministry of Health reported on Sunday that 55,037 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered to that date, including 8,659 second doses.
Infectious disease expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes said on Sunday that vaccination is the key to overcoming COVID-19 in the country.
“We are seeing that there is vaccine hesitancy and there are also a lot of myths about the COVID vaccines that need to be combated to increase the number of persons that are vaccinated,” Dr Forbes said.
“I really implore everyone to protect themselves from COVID-19. The public health measures work. And I encourage people to know the facts on COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 in general. Go to reputable sources for information.
“The benefits of vaccines outweigh risks and are major solutions for seeing our way out of the COVID pandemic and for the situation to be better in (the) country. We are the third wave of COVID-19 in The Bahamas. Cases are continuing to be high every day and the curve is not being flattened.”
Fifty-three new cases of COVID-19 were recorded on Sunday, bringing the nation’s toll to 11,849.
TalRussell 3 years, 9 months ago
It has created an environment for the upsurge in social media speculations as to the gathering of information accuracy contained in the counts now that the realm's health officials are slowplaying the need be getting COVID tested, seemingly seen be more focused on toeing the government's line of planning for a full and speedy wide reopening - welcoming the return in as the tourism minister Dioniso James said, a pretty picture when he sees a mass of three-thousand tourists bodies walking in and out Bay Street stores, regardless if they be here by air, pleasure sea crafts, or cruise ships.
Yes, even the hotels are cutting back, by refusing to continue with paying for workers to be tested for COVID!
John 3 years, 9 months ago
Despite the increases in Covid-19 cases, the recovery rate remains above 93 percent. Seriously I’ll persons range around .5 percent (ICU) and deaths remain around 2 percent. BUT one would think by now, rather than trying to airlift critically ill patients to New Providence, government would have a medical team in place to travel to islands like Andros and Cat Island and set up emergency ICU units. At least to offer comfort care to some patients who have pre existing conditions. In the main-time cases around the world continues to decline and theUS is recording a 92 percent decline in new Covid-19 cases and deaths. But the big party celebration holiday weekend will determine if the decline in numbers will hold. Fortunately, despite vaccinations, persons are being urged to continue to wear masks and follow safety protocols. Persons who travel by air are required to wear masks.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
Death by Ventilator of Covid patients should be known as most countries treat patients early in illness to avoid the machines. We are still using techniques that assists in injury and death. Early on during the pandemic governments the world over used deaths for political reasons to frighten people. Are our Covid deaths among a certain group of already ill individuals? The Covid politics being pushed by Covid leaders seems to pushing science toward accepting child experiamtal vaccination. Namely Canada, Britain, Australia and USA with the Bahamas towing the line to get big pharma richer while non political MDs are being silenced by MSM for saying no to child vaxing.
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