37 new COVID cases, two more deaths


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Ministry of Health recorded 37 new cases and two more virus-related deaths on Wednesday, pushing the nation’s overall tally to 11,930.

Twenty-four of the new cases are on New Providence, five are in Andros, four are on Abaco, two are in Eleuthera, while there is one new case each in Cat Island and Long Island. Of the nation's total count, 685 of those are currently active.

The latest deceased victims are a 70-year-old man and 77-year-old man, both of whom are from New Providence. Health officials said both men died on May 30. Their deaths have pushed the nation’s COVID death tally to 232, with 28 deaths still under investigation.

Meanwhile, 51 cases are said to be in hospital with the virus.

The increase in virus cases and hospitalisations comes as officials continue to urge the public to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

According to the Ministry of Health, more than 55,000 people have received their first shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine to date, with 8,659 second doses already administered.

However, Health Minister Renward Wells estimates that about 120,000 people need to be vaccinated in order for the nation to achieve herd immunity.

Infectious disease expert Dr Nikkiah Forbes said on Sunday that vaccination is the key to overcoming COVID-19 in the country, again stressing that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

“We are seeing that there is vaccine hesitancy and there are also a lot of myths about the COVID vaccines that need to be combated to increase the number of persons that are vaccinated,” Dr Forbes told The Tribune.

“I really implore everyone to protect themselves from COVID-19. The public health measures work. And I encourage people to know the facts on COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 in general. Go to reputable sources for information.

“The benefits of vaccines outweigh risks and are major solutions for seeing our way out of the COVID pandemic and for the situation to be better in (the) country,” she added. “We are the third wave of COVID-19 in The Bahamas. Cases are continuing to be high every day and the curve is not being flattened.”


proudloudandfnm 3 years, 9 months ago

It might help if we had an actual minister of health. I mean seriously, who in their right mind would take any kind of medical advice/opinion from renward???? For Christ sake get real....

tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago

Forbes unfortunately isn't much better....and she lays claim to being an infectious disease expert. lol

tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago

It really has become much more of a political game now. Whenever 'they' want more cases, 'they' simply increase the testing. If 'they' want less cases, 'they' simply decrease the testing.

How many Wuhan Virus patients are in our hospitals right now in critical condition on life support?

There's little to no mention that our nation's death rate per capita from the Wuhan Virus over the last 16 months, inclusive of the 28 deaths still under investigation, is less than 0.0625%, i.e. less than one-eighth of one percent.

And there's certainly no mention that our nation's deaths from the Wuhan Virus were concentrated in the three-month period immediately following Minnis and D'Aguilar's most foolish and fateful decision last summer to pre-maturely re-open our borders while Florida was then totally ablaze with the Wuhan Virus.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

Like Putin said at the St. Petersburg international Ecomic Forum (SPIEF) June 5/2021. "Empire rulers are confident they can intimidate, persuade or buy loyalty of various groups or nations and think all their problems can be solved this way."

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

You have 99.9%chance of surviving Covid but the test dummy vaccine is confirmed to could cause death, blood clots, Covid, transmit Covid and you and children you may procreate will be on health damage watch for at least ten years for unknown side effects. Sounds like taking the vaccine is high risking it for bad outcomes. Only Sputnik V made from yearly and test for decades human flu shot is not risking it. Why play Russian Roulette with Western vaccines?

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago


Cruise Ships are coming Vax with unvax. The world will go on without Covid Hitler's FNM/PLP. DNA welcomes all cruise passengers.

quietone 3 years, 9 months ago

I hardly ever read what proudloudandfnm says but I completely agree with his post this time... When I saw Mr Wells taking his first vaccine, he looked extremely happy and contented, beautifully smiling, etc... I thought he has to be the most foolish person ever, seeing that the vaccine is not recommended by ANY reliable health site!!!

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