Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay lockdown extended to Monday, June 7

BULLOCKS Harbour and Great Harbour Cay in the Berry Islands were placed under lockdown for an additional two days, the Office of the Prime Minister said on Thursday.

The lockdown will now end at 5am Monday, June 7.

“In accordance with the Emergency Powers (COVID 19 Pandemic) (Management and Recovery) (Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay Lockdown) (Amendment) (No 4) Order, 202, released today, the lockdown has been extended from 14 days to 16 days,” the statement from the OPM released on Thursday noted.

Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay were placed under a lockdown on May 22 to slow and control the spread of the COVID-19 virus in those communities.

The Emergency Powers (COVID 19 Pandemic) (Management and Recovery) (Bullocks Harbour and Great Harbour Cay Lockdown) (Amendment) (No 4) Order, 2021, is available at opm.gov.bs.


TalRussell 3 years, 9 months ago

Could it be a simple case where the words, I, ____being appointed Prime Minister, is the opening words the oath was taken by we prime minister of the Realm of the Commonwealth, just could be the proper and constitutional** out to finally rid the Realm from the likes of one,______ , yes?

John 3 years, 9 months ago

There are NINETEEN countries that now have NO ACTIVE CASES of CORONA. NINE of these countries recorded NO DEATHS during the pandemic. More than seventy five percent of countries are recording under 1,000 new cases daily and almost half are reporting under 100 new cases daily. India remains the only country still recording over 100,000 cases daily with deaths in excess of three thousand. CHINA has fallen from the number one country recording the highest numbers of daily cases to #90, recording less than 50 cases daily. Brazil’s cases have fallen from several hundred thousand a day to several thousand cases. There are fifteen countries reporting more than 5,000 new, daily cases of Covid-19. And whilst the US remains #1 for recording the most corona cases worldwide, its daily numbers has fallen from over 1/4 million to several thousand daily. In fact the US cases have fallen by over 90 percent. Some US states are now reporting less than 50 cases a day. Will this change in a matter of days, as Americans recently celebrated their Memorial Day weekend, or will the numbers hold and the corona soon disappear?

tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago

And of course you believe Communist China when they report having only 50 cases daily. lol

John 3 years, 9 months ago

I don't have the issues you have so I take all the data at face value. The US is the only country that is pointing fingers at another country for the virus and have been running a smear campaign for over a year. With this Chines woman purporting to be a scientist who has evidence that the Covid-19 virus came from/escaped/was created in a lab in Wuhan China. I

John 3 years, 9 months ago

India is the country recording the most deaths with over 3,000 daily followed by Brazil with over 1,000 deaths daily.. NO OTHER COUNTRY is recording more than 500 deaths daily and whilst many countries, including CHINA, are seeing less than 1 death a day, most have less than fifty. Most Caribbean and African nations are seeing 0 -20 deaths per day. This is also true for New Zealand, The Faroe Islands, Fiji Islands, Falkland Islands, South Korea. UAE.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

China and India were wearing masks for at least a decade to stem lung disease deaths due to excessive pollution. Our deaths are 99.99% mainly due to diabetes, compromised immune systems due to primary body illness, obesity multi illnesses complication. 300,000 Bahamian lives were destroyed, 00.0005 lives lost of 400,000 population. Yet they want to push vaccination upon an almost 100%healthy population. Money to made somewhere.

John 3 years, 9 months ago

Dr Anthony Fauci now being linked to lab in China suspected of releasing corona virus. ‘ Dr. Anthony Fauci says publicly released email about lab leak is being misconstrued’. But there are hundreds of other emails. Not rushing to judgment, but for some reason his character looks shady.

John 3 years, 9 months ago

Was Donald Trump right about Anthony Fauci? Quote from team investigating the origin of Covid-19 ‘the virus did not jump from animals to humans(as it has not been discovered in any other animal) but it was engineered (in a lab) to infect and kill humans.’ So can you trust their vaccines?

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

We have a one man democracy. He is telling us that science determines our rule. Yet each advanced nation has its own interpretation on Covid. He cherrypick the one that keeps his dictatorship.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

USA Senator Rand Paul and his family received death threats and mystery white powder aster linking Fauci to viruses gaining deathly functions experiments at China lab unknown to US or Chinese Gov. He also give a message to a British scientist linked through email trace that went to WHO to declare pandendemic.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

Today is day 444 four hundred and forty four days of restrictions and lockdowns, cancel education, funerals, human activity, Bahamian paper money and religion in a world reset to new normal. Should the DNA and labor independent blocks win they will have to bring in the FBI to investigate and seize billions of dollars from the politically connected stock exchanges for shares profiteering while the nation suffers.

John 3 years, 9 months ago

So was the virus intentionally spread to kill off people or to sell vaccines and make billions? The US is now giving away millions of vaccines because Americans refuse to take them. And the vaccines can’t be sold to other countries because they are only approved for emergency use. The FDA is reluctant to give full approval because it will make the manufacturers and the US liable for any consequences.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

Davos 2017. Something is needed to stop the the world's human machinery then reset it to new normal. Think about it. Coconut sellar needing Caesar's license to operate. A new digital green/blue fuel world zero carbon dioxide footprint. Heavy tax depending on vehicle engine size. The heavy promotion of all vehicles electric. More tech workers less humans. The plan backfired in EU as the lockdown stress created zero population growth. EU said on Thursday they have to import 37 million Africans. China is enforcing three children to be born from each mother.

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