North Andros, Central Andros, Cat Island under lockdown for seven more days

NORTH Andros, Central Andros and Cat Island will remain under lockdown for an additional seven days, the Office of the Prime Minister announced on Sunday.

The lockdown for these areas will now end at 5am Monday, June 14.

“In accordance with the Emergency Powers (COVID 19 Pandemic) (Management and Recovery) (North Andros, Central Andros and Cat Island Lockdown) (Amendment) (No 3) Order, 2021, released today, the lockdown has been extended from 14 days to 21 days,” OPM said on Sunday.

North Andros, Central Andros and Cat Island were initially placed under a lockdown on May 24 to slow and control the spread of the COVID-19 virus in those communities.

OPM also said residents of Andros should note that under the most recent amendment to the order, harvesting of crabs is permitted between 8pm and 5am or as otherwise approved by the Royal Bahamas Police officer in charge for North Andros or Central Andros.

Farmers on North Andros, Central Andros and Cat Island are permitted to attend their farm to water, tend and harvest between the hours of 5am and 9am.

To access the full order, visit opm.gov.bs.


TalRussell 3 years, 9 months ago

The OPM's Crabby Order also warned residents of Andros that they shouldn't become alarmed at sightings of the Royal Realm's Navy's Gun Ships arrivals as they're solely dispatched from the Capital's Out Island to ensure that the PM's order against crabbing** is only conducted after the nighttime hours 8PM. You cannot just make up this kind OPM's Crabby stuff, yes?

John 3 years, 9 months ago

Since more revelations are coming out that Covid-19 is not a natural occurring virus that ‘jumped from animals to humans,’ but was ‘engineered to infect and kill humans’ nothing that is said or done concerning this virus is surprising. Definitely the vaccines have become such a ‘hard sell’ among Americans, especially that the US has decided to give millions of them away to countries that are less aware. And most of the receiving countries never had or no longer have corona cases in pandemic numbers. Dr Fauci claims his many emails to the lab where the virus is thought to have originated are being misinterpreted. He further claims his only intention was to find a vaccine for Covid-19. But other revelations show Dr Fauci was funding some of the research at this lab before the corona virus ‘escaped.’

John 3 years, 9 months ago

‘ 11 May 2021 — Fauci exploited a loophole that allowed him to fund research at the Wuhan Lab that likely became COVID-19.’ At least Trump was half right. It is a Chinese virus engineered be an American. Will Fauci be indicted?

John 3 years, 9 months ago

Corona virus research was banned at the suspected lab since 2015 because they were considered too risky.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

Andros lockdown is most likely a Nassau stress generator so that we must bow and obey absolute currupt power toward forced vaccination blackmail. Fear of lockdowns and job loss is a gun to our heads by our baby Hitler Goebbels fear, intimidation pay for loyalty head shrinks.

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