Cat Islanders unhappy with ‘extra’ lockdown



SOME Cat Island residents are up in arms about the extension to the current COVID-19 lockdown for their community, saying it is unnecessarily excessive.

On Sunday, the Office of the Prime Minister issued a statement stating that north and central Andros and Cat Island will remain under lockdown for an additional seven days until 5am Monday, June 14.

The statement read: “North Andros, Central Andros and Cat Island will remain under lockdown for an additional seven days, until 5am Monday, June 14.”

“North Andros, Central Andros and Cat Island were placed under a lockdown on May 24 to slow and control the spread of the COVID-19 virus in those communities.

“Residents of Andros should note that under the most recent amendment to the order, harvesting of crabs is permitted between 8pm and 5am or as otherwise approved by the Royal Bahamas Police officer in charge for North Andros or Central Andros.

“Farmers on North Andros, Central Andros and Cat Island are permitted to attend their farm to water, tend and harvest between the hours of 5am and 9am.”

Freda Rolle, a Cat Island resident, said she cannot wait until election day as she finds the entire lock down “ridiculous”.

“I can’t understand why we are on lockdown,” Ms Rolle said. “It’s not like we have the numbers like Nassau or Grand Bahama. Our COVID numbers were not that high. We need a makeover or what you call it with this government ‘cause the rules they dish out are ridiculous.

“We lock up here in Cat Island like the crabs we put in pens. I can’t wait until Election Day for them to vote in my MP as the Prime Minister. It’s sickening what one man is trying to do to this country. One man alone and the lackeys in his Cabinet following him right up instead of setting him straight. We do not need to be locked up and one of them, at least, could be the one to tell him that.”

Willamae Rolle shared a similar view.

“We are Cat Islanders,” she declared. “We are strong people. He could lock us up all we want. We will still be out and doing what we have to do. What COVID count he looking at to add on more weeks to our two weeks? We did not have a count that was so much he had to ‘reward’ us with some more lockdown time.

“My niece in Nassau always WhatsApp me the COVID count of the day so I know what’s going on. Cat Island does not have a high count so why did he add on to our numbers? Well, I won’t be on no lockdown. I have things to do and we on the island. We busy.”

Another resident of Cat Island, Michael Campbell, is also upset over the additional week of lockdown.

“I feel this is all about showing off power,” said Mr Campbell. “I wanted to dip out and head back to Andros, but it makes no sense ‘cos they on lockdown at home too. This is all about power.

“We can go crabbing and that’s a plus, but besides that, who wants to be cooped up like a chicken? No one. This crew don’t care about us, man. It’s all about power. I just remember the Nassau crew standing on lines last year for food. They looked like orphans. I don’t know what this country is coming to.”

On Sunday, leader of the Progressive Liberal Party, Philip “Brave” Davis came out in opposition of the lockdown extension. He said he found it unnecessary. Mr Davis also represents the constituency of Cat Island.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, Cat Island recorded two new cases of COVID-19 on Sunday, bringing the island’s overall count to 71.

Health officials have said the lockdowns of the islands are needed due to rising coronavirus cases and limited healthcare resources in those communities.


carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

Lockdown on Cat Island has done its fear and stress impact across The Bahamas that Emperor baby Hitler reigns with fear, threats and kisses loyalty for silence.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

Fresh air outdoors is scientifically proven to halt the spread of most diseases throughout history, even tuberculosis. Especially our salty dry air. We really don't know which medical science our Covid team is using, maybe more of psychological intimidation to enforce a Police Bahamas State as practiced and used by all illegal Constitutional dictators. When it comes to the drastic point that that talkshow hosts become challenged for questioning government narrative in search for scientific truth not opinion driven science, then we are truly doomed. We should praise Juan McCartney The Revolution, as a heroic upkeeper of our democracy. Amazing how his simple questions are taken as anti government. When has it become illegal to ask questions. I was amazed to listen to persons who thought it obscene to question authority.

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