Cur-phew: PM eases back


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday relaxed a number of COVID-19 restrictions for New Providence, Grand Bahama and several Family Islands, including new curfew hours and a variety of additional benefits for fully vaccinated people.

The new measures push New Providence’s curfew back one hour, to 11pm. The loosened restrictions come as daily COVID-19 cases in the country continue to trend downward, with the nation’s overall count now at 12,364 after 14 new cases were recorded on Sunday.

Yesterday, Dr Minnis touted the nation’s progress in its fight against the deadly virus, partly attributing the drop-in virus numbers to the nation’s vaccination programme.

Dr Minnis said it’s because of this “level of progress,” the government has decided to ease restrictions for several islands and implement more vaccination perks for fully vaccinated people.

Fully vaccinated people can now engage in private gatherings and other social events in homes and elsewhere provided that all attendees are also fully vaccinated.

He added that wedding receptions can now take place in New Providence and Grand Bahama but only if all attendees have been fully vaccinated against the novel coronavirus.

“Hosts and guests will be subject to fines for non-compliance,” Dr Minnis told the House of Assembly yesterday as he wrapped up the 2021/2022 budget debate.

“COVID-19 ambassadors will continue to carry out patrols to reinforce adherence to Emergency Orders. All performance groups and artists, including bands, Junkanoo groups, dance troupes and acting groups may perform at all activities permitted under the Emergency Powers Order, provided that all performers are fully vaccinated.”

The revised measures, which went into effect yesterday, also include new curfew hours for New Providence, Grand Bahama and Cat Island. Dr Minnis announced New Providence’s curfew will not start from 11pm to 5am daily instead of its usual 10pm to 5am curfew.

However, he told Parliament that depending on the capital’s progress, the curfew may be pushed back to midnight, noting health officials will be monitoring the situation. He also moved Grand Bahama’s curfew from 11pm to 5am to midnight to 5am; while Cat Island and North and Central Andros’ curfew was changed to 10pm-5am.

In Abaco, Dr Minnis reinstated curfew hours for Abaconians after lifting the restrictions on the island back in May. It is not clear what prompted this change, however, Abaco’s curfew now begins at 11pm to 5am.

Speaking specifically about the Berry Islands, South Andros and Mangrove Cay, Dr Minnis said there will no longer be a curfew for those islands.

Yesterday, Dr Minnis also removed the COVID-19 testing travel requirement for Cat Island, Grand Bahama and Andros, noting that travellers will no longer have to take a negative RT-PCR testing when travelling from those islands.

He added: “Mr Speaker, currently, there is a $10 charge for all Bahamians who are vaccinated and travelling back home, there’s a $10 charge for our travel health visa. Those returning home — that is those individuals who are vaccinated — this fee will be removed effective July 1, 2021.”

Dr Minnis also announced that moving forward, funerals and memorial services in New Providence will now be permitted in a church provided they follow Bahamas Christian Council guidelines approved by the Ministry of Health.

“There is no requirement to be fully vaccinated. Masks and physical distancing are still required. Please note, repasts are still not permitted on New Providence and Paradise Island, Grand Bahama, mainland Abaco, Eleuthera, Harbour Island, and Great and Little Exuma,” he said.

Dr Minnis also said the number of people who can assemble in groups on beaches and parks has expanded from five to 15.

This rule applies to those in New Providence and Paradise Island, Grand Bahama, mainland Abaco, Eleuthera, Harbour Island, and Great and Little Exuma.

Meanwhile, as for his proposed ‘Vaccination Day’, Dr Minnis said this will take place once health officials determine that a sufficient number of Bahamians and residents have been fully vaccinated against the virus.

To date, more than 79,000 shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered in the country, including over 25,000 second dose shots.

Yesterday, Dr Minnis said those fully vaccinated will now be able to show their vaccination status via their smartphone devices thanks to a new “cutting edge technology” recently acquired by the government. It is believed the new digital tool will help limit the possibility of people using fake vaccination documents.

“The new Ministry of Health Vaccination Certificate, which is now called the Vaccination Pass, will allow users to show their vaccination status on their smartphone,” the Killarney MP told Parliament. “Businesses or government agencies can verify Bahamians’ vaccination status in seconds using the vaccination checker on the website: vax.gov.bs.”

Explaining how it works, Dr Minnis said: “The system will generate a VAX Pass after completion of two doses and users can download the same after login to the system. Users can save the digital Vax Pass to their mobile devices, and it can be presented to the business owner or agency for verification. It will be saved to their phone wallet for storage.

“While the QR code scanner can be used on mobile devices with cameras, any business or government user can verify the validity of a Vax Pass by simply entering the code manually to view the status details. If the Vax Pass is invalid, the system will show a message ‘invalid Vax Pass’ to the business or government agency user,” he added.

“All anyone has to do is go to vax.gov.bs, click on the vaccination checker, scan the QR code or enter the BCV code and instantaneously verify the validity of the digital vaccination certificate issued after their second dose. No special equipment is needed, and no fee is charged to users.”

Dr Minnis said the more people get vaccinated, the more “we can open up” and further encouraged Bahamians to do their part in helping defeat the infectious disease.

He said the government is hoping to fully re-open the nation’s economy in several months.

He said this can only happen “if various conditions are met and advised by health officials”.


carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

461 days living like a bird in the cage having our lives micro managed is inhumane. Humans are not supposed to live like animals with him as circus king.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

WHO with the UN has condemned vaccine passports. It is illegal under international law.

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 9 months ago

Aw. Too bad. I gettin mine next week. I'll be out enjoying life with my pass. You stay home bitchin about ya constitutional rights... Lol...

ohdrap4 3 years, 9 months ago

My sister did that while living in a foreig country. Lavish pictures of restaurant meals and fully vaccinated birthday parties.

She caught covid, it was not pretty.

She still calls the unvacc stupid.

BMW 3 years, 9 months ago

you obviously cannot read! I dont see any mention of a vaccine passport.

TalRussell 3 years, 9 months ago

Why would he be fake acting like em's has somethin' be proud of when but a wee-tiny handful out of 488 thousand +100 PopoulacesGeneral, hath his health officials, vaccinated to date with even a single jab in the arm?
Sometin' which most Sunday morning Church pastors, would define as such a seriously flawed sin - would generate, forbidden attendance,yes?

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

This is the most nasty, stinkin, government ever in Bahamian history.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

When persons mentioned the mark of the beast, well it is here. Modern days Hitler's around the world are using the human QR Code similar to original Hitler yellow Star of David. the QRCode might as well be imprinted on our forheads or wrists. The mark of the beast is here.

Economist 3 years, 9 months ago

"WHO with the UN has condemned vaccine passports. It is illegal under international law."

Can you please provide us with the authority that says that it is illegal?

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

The US Gov has Fauci on the run.


Willful trip to paradise above? Or will he talk that this Covid was staged.

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