Bahamas not on UK list


Tribune Senior Reporter


THE United Kingdom is poised to add 16 countries to its “green list” – though not The Bahamas – as it expands its list of countries to where travel is safe.

The countries that will move from the amber list to the green list in the coming days include Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Balearic Islands, Barbados, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Madeira, Malta, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Those countries have had very few if any COVID-19 cases in recent days, in contrast to The Bahamas, which just confirmed 28 cases on Tuesday and 60 on Wednesday.

This news comes about three weeks after the first British Airways flight in over a year landed at Lynden Pindling International Airport. Before this, direct flights between The Bahamas and the UK had been suspended since March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UK currently advises its residents against travelling to countries to which it has given an amber or red designation. The Bahamas is in the amber category.

People who travel to England from amber countries must quarantine at home or in the place they are staying for ten days and take a COVID-19 test on or before day two and on or after day eight.

To date, 245 people have died in the Bahamas from COVID-19. Twenty-nine deaths are still under investigation. Thirty-seven people are currently hospitalised, including four in the intensive care unit. To date, there have been 12,467 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country.


tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago

It seems the UK now looks upon and treats us in much the same way that France does Haiti. For the UK we become nothing but a regretful past association to be best forgotten and left as aproblem on the door step to the US with only the Communist Chinese Party and the cruise ship industry interested in exploiting what little we have been left to offer the world. My oh my.

oceantonguer 3 years, 8 months ago

Maybe instead focus on the fact the Bahamas is the only country in the western hemisphere (and one of only a few countries in the world) that isn't a WTO member because it thinks beautiful beaches will always provide a living and it has no need to educate its people so they can offer anything else to the world

Cobalt 3 years, 9 months ago

Well I can’t blame the UK or the Bahamas Government…… I actually blame the Bahamian people who refuse to be vaccinated. Studies have shown that despite some adverse effects, the covid19 vaccination has proven helpful in reducing incidence rates around the world. Yet, Bahamians continue to cling to conspiracy theories and hyperbole when it comes to getting vaccinated.

whogothere 3 years, 9 months ago

Ha you think vaccines will get you out of this - Seychelles!? And looks like the jury has to come back to Israel as daily case doubled in the month. (Can you spell seasonality and viral evolution) And India proved with 3% vaccines rate you get over curve quickly with 90% drop in cases in less than a month.. Any decision associated with covid risk assessment is inherently political - how dare you blame the citizens in any nation for what has been inflicted on them these last 16 months...

In fact vaccines don’t lower incidence rates (you still carry virus and can infected which is why they don’t want to test the vaccinated) they minimize (for how long we don’t know) the chances of hospitalization (which is slim already for 97% of the population) but are riskier than any other vaccine - EVER - with 7 times (literally) of more side effects then all other vaccines combined..VAERS recieved 48k side effects reports in 2019 for all vaccines .. in 21 (so far) it’s received over 300k for COVID vacs....the most serious of which is heart inflammation. What is most alarming about this that the push to vaccinate young adolescents is illogical. By the cdc own data 200 per 100k have been hospitalized after covid shots and yet but only 50 per 100k have ever been hospitalized of the disease!! Yet blind faith and push to universally vaccinated populations borders on the sinister...for the elderly/sick benefit is greater than the risk ybut for young and healthy it’s a unnecessary risk.. and freedoms of the young (along with old) are bring eroded and bordering on bring coerced into taking that risk...


DWW 3 years, 9 months ago

everything you said is complete 100% false. flagged for removal. BMJ article is about 53 incidents of heart trouble out of billions, get real man.

whogothere 3 years, 9 months ago

Yes but I did not state there had been 200 cases of heart inflammation per hundred thousand - idiot - what I said was that 200 hospitalizations per 100k doses generally for young adolescents - refer to slide 8. Far more than the 50 per 100k hospitalized from covid for that age group


whogothere 3 years, 9 months ago

What the article says - idiot - was in the case of the most serious side effect the impact risk is somewhere between 10-100 times the background rate that you would effect which is highly alarming... -

"CDC data showed that after 3 625 574 second doses administered to men aged 18-24 there were 233 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis, when two to 25 would have been expected."

ted4bz 3 years, 9 months ago

It’s a trial not a treatment. You are outdated and informed with lies and tricks. This have nothing to do with being experimented on. Get your info together .

whogothere 3 years, 9 months ago

Where did I say it’s a trial or a experiment? Facts are facts. This vaccine in less than year has produced 7 times more side effects than all other vaccines in the us...I support vaccines for the elderly were COVID is deadly. It makes no sense for the young, the healthy or those that have antibodies. Legislation policy and restriction are unfortunately have not been based on fact...

DWW 3 years, 9 months ago

100% wrong again. going for 3 strikes and out?

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

It is politics when UK grows the cherry trees and the world picks its cherry. Every new hysteria strain generates fear that Iraq has Weopons of Mass destruction, then our bodies get bombed with vaccines.

JokeyJack 3 years, 9 months ago

Why dont we ban the new British Airways flights here until the Amber rating is removed, saying we dont want to put fragile Brits at unnecessary risk? Oh, in know, cause we are still a slave colony under the Crown.

Economist 3 years, 9 months ago

TheOne of the main reasons is because of our low vaccination rate. Cayman, Bermuda, Turks and Caicos, Barbados and BVI, all miles ahead of us with vaccinating the general public.

High vaccination rates provide a level of comfort.

TalRussell 3 years, 9 months ago

The red regime's on and off again begging of vaccinations performance may just have avoided earning the grim distinction of being slightly ahead of Haiti, the poorest nation in the entire Western hemisphere?
They're, the 35 House-elected Red MPs, is on track for reachin' their 2017 general election's campaign objection of obtaining a mandate be fuc#in' up the realm, yes?

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

UK is showing infections among people previously vaccinated as in Israel and Seychelles Islands.


DWW 3 years, 9 months ago

russian times again? robot much?

hrysippus 3 years, 9 months ago

Under Pindling's disastrous rule the country severed the close ties that It had enjoyed with Britian, why now should we expect some sort of special treatment especially given the large number of refuseniks and Covid conspiracy believers?

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

The vaccines only build up antibodies the same as being infected by Covid then recovering. Some persons bodies do not produce the antibodies using nRNA. Years ago world health bodies were following persons who had natural antibodies against AIDS. the Covid vaccine is not 100%, with AZ dropping even below its highest threshold due to fearmongering Delta and emerging strains that require revaccinations or mixed vaccinations. The cocktail experiament is still just that. The only certainty is some elites making billions globally as long as they can keep Covid without-end alive coupled with avenues of financial restrictions and forced locked gates of personal, information and control through pass freedom. It is happening among all Western nations as the new normal of G7 personal control. Health passport for freedom from medical tyranny after forced lockdown. Two weeks in March 2020 has grown into 462 days of lockdowns and restrictions with freedom at the price of taking experiamtal jab vaccine lockstep with G7 slaver Nations and us enslaved fanancially to their institutions. What a pen of cattle we are. Just plain global criminality.

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 9 months ago

Dumb, stupid conspiracy theory....

Meanwhile in the real world only unvaccinated people are being hospitalized and/or dying from covid. Well 99% of them anyways, last month it was 97.5% not vaccinated, now its 99%.

The vaccines work. Period.

ohdrap4 3 years, 9 months ago

There is no scientific reason to agree with either of you.

DWW 3 years, 9 months ago

um... are you a scientist? gosh golly!

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