46 more people with COVID diagnosed over weekend


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Bahamas recorded 46 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases over the weekend, pushing the nation’s overall tally to 12,543.

Of the new cases, 38 were recorded on New Providence and one on Grand Bahama on Saturday. Friday saw seven new cases.

Meanwhile, 30 new infections were confirmed on Thursday, 60 on Wednesday, 28 on Tuesday, 15 on Monday and 14 on Sunday for a total of 193 last week.

The previous week saw 151 new infections confirmed.

According to health officials, 36 people are in hospital sick with the virus, including four in the intensive care unit.

The nation’s current death toll stands at 245 after a 40-year-old New Providence woman died from the virus on June 23.

Twenty-nine other deaths are said to be under investigation.

Meanwhile, health officials believe it is still too early to tell whether the nation is emerging from the third wave of the virus.

Dr Nikkiah Forbes, the country’s top infectious disease expert, told The Tribune last week that it’s important for Bahamians to not let their guards down, maintaining that we are not out of the woods yet.

“We have seen a slight decline in cases over the last three weeks, but there’s only been a slight decline in the weekly average of cases between this week that we are in and the week before,” she said at the time. “So we still have to watch, and we can’t say (we are emerging from the third wave) definitively at this point.”

The latest virus figures come as the country continues to vaccinate Bahamians and residents against the COVID-19 threat.

According to the latest government’s vaccine tracker, more than 90,000 shots of AstraZeneca have been administered as of June 29.

These include 58,122 people who have received one dose of the vaccine and 32,945 people who have received both doses.

Health Minister Renward Wells said last Monday the government hopes the country achieves herd immunity against COVID-19 by August. He has previously estimated that some 120,000 people need to be vaccinated in order to achieve this.

In the meantime, Bahamians are urged to follow the necessary health protocols and guidelines to mitigate the spread of the virus.

“If you have symptoms of COVID-19, do not wait, first contact your health provider,” health officials said in its latest health bulletin.

“While home remedies may work for a period, it is important to get tested and receive proper care before symptoms become too difficult to manage. If you have been asked by the Surveillance Unit to get tested for COVID-19, please follow the advice and take the gold standard RT-PCR test. Employees are encouraged to work from home.”


TalRussell 3 years, 9 months ago

Thought reds said, That COVID thing, we rid of her killer virus?
Meanwhile, now the office of the prime minister OPM crisis control officials, talkin', it's too early to tell whether the 1200 Out Islands, Cays, and Rocks is emerging from, or bouncing back ride the new COVID wave of the virus?
It's possible, - OPM, dropped the virus containment ball, yet, again?

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

In The Bahamas the period of solid dry heat in August seasonally always stopped respiratory infections. This is a funny weather period. Wet, drafty, cool, damp and hot all the ingredients to expect seasonal illnesses. The medical authorities know that. The lockdowns, restrictions and the resulting poverty physical and mental stress to forced changes around the world has broken the spirits and health of otherwise healthy individuals. 464 days of unending lack of freedom and threats of further excessive and more restrictive measures tones movement will cause further mind and body breakdowns. While our leaders smile to the banks toting away billions in health pass fees that should go to NIB or public treasury. Curruption, thievery and greed that holds back the progress of most third world African and Bahambanana Republics.

carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

Medical bodies across the globe banning AZ use for young healthy persons as the risk of secdary illnesses or death is too high. Only Bahamians in the world won't suffer. We are unique.


carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago

Trillionaire big pharma play politics with our lives by paying global leadership to enforce vaccinations of the very young with healthy adults. They know heart doctors will make a killing in the coming years. As results in Israel USA and globally already reveal heart complications. In the Bahamas this world view of evidee from CDC is called propaganda and mischief as gov carry out political non medical goals to the detriment of many healthy lives.

tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago

Noth but a most feeble attempt by the Minnis led FNM administration to deflect attention away from the soaring rate of murders and other violent crimes throughout our financially crippled nation.

Economist 3 years, 9 months ago

"These include 58,122 people who have received one dose of the vaccine and 32,945 people who have received both doses."

Soo if 90,000 doses have been adminstered it means 32,945 times 2 (need 2 shots to be fully vaccinated) = 65,890 shots from 90,000 leaves 24,110 who have only one shot for a total of 57,055 with one or two shots. Emmm so how do you get 58,122????

What else is not accurate?????

ohdrap4 3 years, 9 months ago

They received 81000, but administered 90000. The balance was coconut water shots.

But the European Union refuses green passes to those vaccinated through Covax.

Lol. The European Union ate you vaccinated lunch.

tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago

Never under-estimate the medicinal powers of coconut water with a little added rum to keep the Wuhan virus happy. lol

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 9 months ago

"we can’t say (we are emerging from the third wave) definitively at this point."

of course we can, DAguilars already said it. wave over! Cant hurt tourists!

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