GOVT ON ALERT AS CASES RISE: D’Aguilar warns public must help to prevent devastating third wave

TOURISM and Aviation Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar.

TOURISM and Aviation Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar.


Tribune Chief Reporter


TOURISM Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar has said the country cannot afford to enter a third COVID-19 wave, noting a worrisome uptick in COVID-19 cases over the past few weeks.

On Saturday, 42 new cases were recorded, bringing the nation’s total to 9,076. Friday saw 34 new COVID-19 cases, while 14 cases were recorded on Thursday, 33 on Wednesday, 12 on Monday and 14 last Sunday for a total of 167 last week. Thirty people are currently in the hospital.

Health officials confirmed 160 cases the previous week.

The Tribune understands the climbing COVID-19 numbers have concerned the government, sparking discussions at the Cabinet level over whether certain islands may now need tighter restrictions.

The Minnis administration wants to get a handle on this situation as it awaits a shipment of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines from the World Health Organisation’s COVAX facility and simultaneously deals with the vaccination programme being oversubscribed in some instances.

It was unclear up to press time what kind of restriction tightening could come.

While he offered no comment on recent Cabinet discussions, Mr D’Aguilar said a third wave could usher in dramatic setbacks for this nation, which has proven some level of resiliency in the tourism market that is now rebounding.

“We can’t afford for there to be a third wave; that will set us back dramatically,” he told The Tribune yesterday.

Mr D’Aguilar expressed mixed feelings of surprise and disappointment over the Royal Bahamas Police Force’s revelation that several people have tried to travel to the Family Islands using false COVID-19 RT-PCR test results.

“I was surprised and I am disappointed,” the Freetown MP said yesterday. “I would have thought that we’re all in this together. We all have to social distance. We all have to wear masks. We all have to abide by the health protocols, but some people I know are getting very tired of this.

“What we see around the world and what we are seeing in our country is a slight uptick in cases. This COVID-19 virus is certainly not behind us and until we get 80 percent of the population vaccinated we are going to have to abide by the health protocols in order to keep the number of cases at a minimum.

“We’ve all seen the uptick in people in the hospital and every time someone goes into the hospital there is a possibility that they will have an unfortunate outcome and so I think there are also a number of people who are in ICU so we all have to do our bit.

“You think you are being clever by circumventing the rules. It affects us all so there has to be an attempt made to get us refocused.”

About the false tests, he said: “I found out about it like everyone else – in the press.

“It seems there is probably a ring involved in all of this but when you find out the penalty involved: a $4,000 fine and (two) years in jail, I’m not sure if it’s worth it. Would you rather pay a $4,000 fine or $125 to take the test?

“But I guess the bigger issue is there is probably a certain level of fatigue and frustration about cost in getting the test. The government is cognizant via the Ministry of Health of the uptick in the number of COVID cases and so they are of the view that people should still travel especially domestically if they have to and they are not going to relax the health protocols.

“Now that the police are aware of this they are probably going to establish more contact persons to check the labs to validate and verify these tests.”

According to police, on Friday while at LPIA’s Domestic Section, six adults and one minor who were scheduled to travel to various Family Islands, presented digital and physical PCR tests to the COVID-19 ambassadors for inspection.

Upon examination of the documents and cross checks with alleged test administrators it was discovered that the documents presented were false.

The suspects were taken into custody.

In a separate incident on Thursday, a man was also taken into custody accused of having fraudulent documents relating to COVID-19 tests.

Last night, police said 11 people are now in custody. They are expected to face court charges today.


birdiestrachan 3 years, 11 months ago

But roc wit doc said he or they had saved lives. what happened to that?

JokeyJack 3 years, 11 months ago

You want the public to help you when yall always bustin in our restaurants with machine gun?

hj 3 years, 11 months ago

Yet the politicians and their campaign workers have no problem roaming around the neighborhoods . I suppose if you are a politician or you work for one you are immune to the virus and the law. For the rest of us a lockdown is what is necessary.

ohdrap4 3 years, 11 months ago

When minnis loses seat, he will be prime minister.

John 3 years, 11 months ago

Most of the countries that have taken early action against this final attacks of the receding Covid-19 virus were able to re-open after a short time and there is semblance of things returning to normal. Then there are countries, like Cuba and Jamaica, and a fw others that are seeing surges in numbers of new corona cases that are exceeding the total numbers for last year. Of course, when the rest of the world went into their second wave, these countries had very liitle cases. And after several weeks of spring break partying, the US are seeing surges in corona numbers. And while more young people (spring breakers) and getting ill and having to be hospitalized, health experts says this new wave is nothing close to what the previous waves were. Minnis can least afford to shut the country down again. And obviously the surges in new cases are driven by persons who travel. ANd for the three islands most affected, is he willing to impose travel restrictions on them? But, apparently, it is not the persons who follow the proper protocols that are bring the virus back.. It is those who fly under the radar, so to speak. so maybe more Covid-19 Ambassadors need to be dispatched to ports to monitor who is leaving and returning to these islands. Then Immigration to may need to get involved.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 11 months ago

"I was surprised and I am disappointed,” the Freetown MP said yesterday. “I would have thought that we’re all in this together. We all have to social distance. We all have to wear masks. We all have to abide by the health protocols, but some people I know are getting very tired of this."

Where do they live? They been obfuscating data so long they've forgotten how the virus actually spreads. Tourist cross the border. They bring the virus to the hotel. Hotel workers go home spread to their families. Their families go to the food store and to work and spread it to others. That's how it works. This I was so surprised statement cannot be coming from the same man who was glowing on Friday about watching the visitor numbers DOUBLE every month. As long as you have travel you have the virus. Only fools or panderers will speak about having junkanoo or eliminating the virus by summer when they can't even say when they getting vaccines or what percentage of the population will take it.

DDK 3 years, 11 months ago

Big pharma and world governments have turned THE VIRUS into a money-making, freedom-taking, population-breaking bogey man! It may be the best bogey man yet!

Emilio26 3 years, 11 months ago

DDK actually COVID-19 PCR test are free in the US.

themessenger 3 years, 11 months ago

Anyone with an iota of intelligence need only look at the situation in Brazil where the health system has finally collapsed and the people are dropping like flies to see the results of no masks, no social distancing, vaccines are nothing but a placebo mentality. When you dumb you dangerous has become when you dumb you dead!

Proguing 3 years, 11 months ago

So what will the PM call first? A new lockdown or elections?

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