Rolle: No problem over hiring of minister’s wife


Public Services and National Insurance Minister Brensil Rolle.


Tribune Senior Reporter


MINISTER of Public Services Brensil Rolle said yesterday there was nothing untoward about the process which led to the hiring of the wife of Kwasi Thompson, the State Minister of Finance, to a senior role at the National Insurance Board in Grand Bahama.

Mr Rolle, who is responsible for NIB, confirmed that Tamika Thompson has been appointed assistant manager employee health nurse.

He said Mrs Thompson is a nurse with over 20 years’ experience within the Public Hospitals Authority.

He confirmed the position she now fills was not advertised publicly.

He said official qualifications for the role include a bachelor’s degree in business administration and professional nursing or a related field; status as a registered nurse with a minimum of two years in health care; excellent written, oral and communication skills; and proficiency in Microsoft Suite.

“She’s more than qualified,” he said.

“We receive applications all the time from individuals. In reviewing what was before us, we discovered she had an interest in a position. We then asked her to consider an offer. This is not new. This is not rocket science, it is not political. This is purely a professional need and NIB fulfilling a professional need. There is no motive behind it. Minister Thompson didn’t know about it as far as I know until an offer was made.”

Mr Rolle said NIB in Grand Bahama lacks a nurse in its occupational health department.

“NIB was looking for someone who could do that job in Grand Bahama and Abaco,” he said. “If you go Carmichael, to our office, you will find at least five nurses there. After the storm and because of issues we have with healthcare, that opportunity became available in Grand Bahama and Abaco. So, this has absolutely nothing to do with who Kwasi is.”

“It is absolutely not a significant salary increase she is receiving. The salary at NIB is higher than in the public sector. If you go from nursing in the public sector to the private sector, there would be an increase. We were looking for the best quality individual.”

Mr Thompson said “no comment” when contacted yesterday and asked about the matter.


birdiestrachan 3 years, 10 months ago

Dumb, dumb.it can not be right if the job was not advertised. and persons were not able to apply.

It is called corruption in the sunshine. doc did say the Bahamas is corrupt.

birdiestrachan 3 years, 10 months ago

The masterful FNM liars have no shame Kawsi Thompson did not know about it.

Like the post office in Nassau lease was not known to the owner of the building. Just like Thompson they had no idea.

The_Oracle 3 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, those Stipends are handed out to the favored and few, best kept in the families.

TalRussell 3 years, 10 months ago

But Comrade PS Minister Brensil, which came first, the horse (the Mrs) or the buggy (the job description, fit), yes?
Likes, how long was the position, left open, its qualifications description, and the qualifications of the previous holder, salary, etc, etc, yes?
And, once all the above gets answered - I got 10 more questions in an attempt to make this spousal hiring to remotely clear all the above appearance of nepotism sniff test, yes?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago

This was an EXTREMELY ODD hiring process. When you have someone that closely related to a sitting cabinet minister you go out of your way to show that the person hired was indeed the best or one of the best for the job. Protocols are in place not for everyone to say "this" time it looks ok, its to ensure that when the bad guys are in charge everything functions above board.

TalRussell 3 years, 10 months ago

And, it's a must that you always keep in back head to tread softly, if prepared to demand straight, no pussyfootin' around answers related to who gets be contracted/favoured/hired/politically appointed/honoured/given most favoured status via those holding power over the vast majority of House-seats..., and, yes, they do have controlled access to that donated stockpile of crowd management stuffs, like riot gears, water cannons, and them rubber bullets...and yes, we do know that the constabulary, may not much approve of the ways/methods over how you protest, yes?

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