$290m spent to respond to COVID


Tribune Senior Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said the government has spent about $290m in direct spending to respond to challenges people and businesses have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, a figure that amounts to 2.5 percent of the country’s GDP.

“This does not include the millions of dollars in lost tax revenue and economic activity for The Bahamas,” he said during his budget communication yesterday.

During this fiscal year, the government has spent $194.9m responding to the pandemic.

Dr Minnis said up to March 2021, $25.9m was spent on COVID-19 public health and safety measures to ensure the healthcare system and healthcare workers had what they needed to function.

A total of $118m was spent in government funded unemployment assistance, including direct cash for unemployed and self-employed Bahamians.

“While neighbouring countries may have only provided unemployment assistance for up to three months, my government made the conscious decision and have committed thus far to extend unemployment assistance for some 15 months already to end – July 2021,” Dr Minnis said.

Meanwhile, $32.5m was spent in social assistance, mostly through the food assistance programme while $44.5m was spent as part of a payroll support programme that allowed private businesses to use tax credits to pay their employees.

Dr Minnis said $53.3m was spent in business continuity support to entrepreneurs and small businesses and $5m was given to private schools above their budgeted subventions to provide operational and payroll support.

As part of the government’s COVID-19 programme, more than 1,000 small businesses were approved for loan and grant financing. Dr Minnis said this represented a collective total of $45m that was allocated and disseminated through the Access Accelerator Programme of the Small Business Development Centre.

Dr Minnis said the upcoming budget anticipates some $100m will be spent in direct COVID-19 related support in the form of food assistance, unemployment assistance and health sector support.

In acting during the pandemic, Dr Minnis said his administration sought to protect the wellbeing of citizens and residents, maintain economic stability despite the COVID-19 crisis and “plant the seeds for an accelerated recovery.”

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health recorded 25 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, bringing the overall case count to 11,622. Forty-seven people are in the hospital with the virus, three of whom are in intensive care.

Two hundred and twenty-six people have died from the disease.


tribanon 3 years, 10 months ago

Minnis conveniently neglects to add to his $290 million figure the billions of dollars more (and that's billions with a 'b'!) that his gross mismanagement of the Wuhan Virus crisis has ended up costing Bahamian owned businesses and the Bahamian people.

carltonr61 3 years, 10 months ago

Following big European powers with massive money reserves you would have thought this poodle was promised free money not just illegal power over us. What a dumb foo.

John 3 years, 10 months ago

US Corona cases are down NINETY TWO PERCENT since Trump left office in January! The cases in this country are up over 100 percent! Who dropped the ball, when and where? Joe Biden realizes the importance of wearing masks and following other safety measures, despite the vaccines. BUT the true test will come this weekend when some 40 Million Americans are expected to travel more than 40 miles to celebrate Memorial Day weekend. Will the numbers hold firm?

carltonr61 3 years, 10 months ago

No virus loves the sun and beach. What route the Bahamas depends on HM Royal Commonwealth Directorate that dictates in unison how Canada, Australia, Bahamas, NZ creates manufactured Covid hysteria. Even if we have zero cases we must march to our league beat. When the Qween son involved with dead pedophile Epstein and sicko Gates WHO says jump so high our Covid stooges cook the illness books to make it happen. France and Germany with the rest of EU are heavy on Davos New world order also, but their economies are deep. Listen to their universal language of New Normal, reset, new and emerging technologies, all the things that trample human rights in the name of medicine and fear.

carltonr61 3 years, 10 months ago

Global economic suppression due to forced pandemic, collapse, rich get richer, poor on gov welfare, reset as with Marijuana hijack law that will see fifty thousand recreational users frightened of this insane and cruel Government.

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