WITH COVID-19 cases and deaths on the increase, a local health official is imploring all Bahamians to protect themselves from the deadly virus by following health protocols and getting vaccinated.
Dr Nikkiah Forbes, director of the National HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases Programme at the Ministry of Health, said the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh the risks.
She spoke after the country’s coronavirus death toll increased by one to 230 over the weekend. The latest death is a 60-year-old New Providence woman who died on May 27. The Ministry of Health also reported that 15 new cases were recorded on Friday, pushing the case count to 11,760 up to press time.
Dr Forbes admitted that the current COVID-19 wave is very challenging with a rise in cases and deaths ensuing. This, she said, can be reduced if a large number of people get inoculated with available vaccines.
“It is a challenging situation here and worldwide because of the ongoing outbreak, rise in numbers of cases and when there is a surge of COVID-19 there are also increases in the number of deaths and hospitalisations,” Dr Forbes continued.
“In the case of a robust vaccination programme… with a large number of people fully vaccinated, in any case, will help reduce the number of new infections and therefore COVID deaths … once a large proportion of the population gets fully vaccinated.”
Dr Forbes said vaccine reluctance and false information about the shot are still hurdles officials must overcome.
“We are seeing that there is vaccine hesitancy and there are also a lot of myths about the COVID vaccines that need to be combated to increase the number of persons that are vaccinated,” Dr Forbes said.
“I really implore everyone to protect themselves from COVID-19. The public health measures work. And I encourage people to know the facts on COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 in general. Go to reputable sources for information.
“The benefits of vaccines outweigh risks and are major solutions for seeing our way out of the COVID pandemic and for the situation to be better in (the) country. We are the third wave of COVID-19 in The Bahamas. Cases are continuing to be high every day and the curve is not being flattened.”
Dr Forbes, a member of the country’s COVID-19 Task Force, said people are suffering from “COVID fatigue” and she acknowledged that the potentially deadly virus is being used as a political tool here and all over the world.
“COVID-19 is also being politicised in many places at home and abroad and (that) should stop because it’s not helping the COVID situation in the country. Additionally, there is COVID fatigue and so people are tiring of following the public health measures. Additional challenges exist in terms of balancing health, the economy and socialisation.
“If the public does not have an appetite for increased restrictions then the decision is that there will not be restrictions. In the face of people not following the public health measures, cases will continue to rise.”
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
The benefits of not taking the Vax which is not a Vax but still a test trial on test dummies are greater because many many more survive the Covid once infected but there is a chance the test Vax could kill or insure you. Is she a doctor or sales pitch woman.
proudloudandfnm 3 years, 9 months ago
There is zero chance of dying from the vaccine. Period.
ThisIsOurs 3 years, 9 months ago
not true! because some persons have died! small numbers but not "zero".
The govt shot itself in the foot by being coy with the numbers from the start. They didnt fool anybody. Not the CDC with their "no evidence of variants", and not the Bahamian public. What we learned was you cant trust any information they put out on this virus, they simply want tourists to come, and will say anything to support it, to hell with our well being and mental health
tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago
Forget "Covid fatigue", many of us are suffering from "Dr. Forbes fatigue"!
Is she getting a commission amount per jab? lol
It's refreshing though to hear her finally admit that the Minnis-led FNM administration has using the Wuhan Virus as "a political tool."
TalRussell 3 years, 9 months ago
BUT...even if increased numbers of the PopoulacesCommeners' at large (PCAL) were to queue up to be vaccinated, there is not a sufficient supply of available does vaccines on, or in transit to the realm's 1200 out islands, cays, and rocks that would be required to jab the willing be queued up PCAL....a point which seems to have been lost when millions of dollars were spent on new optional policing technologies but not spent on turning over every possible sourcing stone in hopes securing more the** important glass vials vaccines, yes?
ohdrap4 3 years, 9 months ago
Well that is true. Atlantis says now as of September or there abouts, unvaccinated employees will have to pay for their owm RAT test every week.
TalRussell 3 years, 9 months ago
Sadly, the families may never learn if any of the official count* 229 Deaths, 10,642 Recovering, and the 874 Active Cases still recovering from COVID, could have been avoided?
Shouldn't the exact same equally reluctance to trust questions also be asked about the suspect behind the scantiness of official count** that surrounds Hurricane Dorian's, Deaded Souls, yes?
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
The USA millions of unvaxers just simply gave travel industry the finger, then drove from state to state. Looks like that's the way its going to for new normal going forward.
carltonr61 3 years, 9 months ago
Now that The Brits are back traveling here we should expect the worst strains of virus at perfect timing for Minnis blare out 'lockdown for Nassau.' the Bahamas next script along with Canada is child vaccination to reenter schools. Boy, expect a few generations of uneducated bottomlinr workforce.
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